Chapter 2
I felt myself feel absolutely horrified at what he's become,"James what happened to you." The smiley bright eyed boy with smooth green hair gone, know a black and green haired boy with scars on his face and a nice looking uniform red and black his skin was a nice looking brown and it made it easer to see his scars,"James." I said walking closer to him,"James, but why? Why this?" I said walking closer holding his arm,"What happened to the boy who wanted to be a teacher and the teen wanting to run away and be a human?"
"When news spread that you killed yourself to be with your mother to search for her on earth I feel obit grief and joined the army, and I'm know the new general and was told to come see our new visitor." He looked strait into my eyes,"But your here!let us celebrate!" He said throwing his hands in the air, I held my hands close to me,"No."
"I said no!" I said stomping my foot and my hands to my side my eyes filled with furry,"what did you say?"
"What are you death!" I yelled,"HOW DARE YOU!" He said putting his hand on his sword handle, I flipped my knife out and held it,"why can't you all leave me alone!" I said sturdily,"I Was happy on earth." I said flipping my knife away and holding my arm,"I was happy my family left. I felt like I could be myself." I threw my hands infront of me throwing my point out,"I finally met a boy who loved me! But know I'll never see him again!" I said looking behind me at the man,"Listen Ali, I'm sorry." He said looking at me,"Oh really?" I said feeling myself get mad and Nader and and just feeling insane every time I got mad like really mad extremely mad mist would appear around my head and butt forming a tail and ears cat ears and they wear red and black,"LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE!" I said turning around,"But."
"I'm old anough to fend for myself!" I yelled,"And I know how to get home." I pulled my phone out and feted,"Daniels a demon." I pulled a red and black phone out opened it and texted,'Can you make a summoning circle and use your blood and mine.' I sent it waited a few minutes glaring everyone that was huddled together,'Sure.' I looked back up an d walked closer,"Go to heaven!" I yelled watching my fathers eyes widen i jumped back into the summoning circle and onto Daniel couch,"YOUR SATINS DAUGHTER?" He yelled
"Ya and here's more of my blood just in case I cut it and watched it go into a large container,"My bloods longer lasting meaning I never run out cool right?" He nodded until five of them were filled,"Ok done." I wrapped my arm up and chatted with him,"Soooooooo."
"So what?"
"Whada say,"
"That he meet a new lady and that I should meet her." He both paused as his demonic phone rang it was my dad,"Hello? Yes. Ok. Ummmmm, sure? Well, I guess, I'll ask her, ok bye." He looked up,"Let's get ready for a fancy dinner and party colors are red and black,"No."
"As no."
"Please this would mean everything to me, I really want to be the Royal scientist." He got on his knees and began begging, I rolled my eyes and smiled,"Ok." He jumped up in joy,"So let's wear something marching like I'll wear black and you'll wear red?" I nodded,"Red ripped jeans a cool red and black tee red vans and my hair braided And I'll change it to red strips and mabye red makeup."
"Ok, black vans black ripped jeans and a cool black as red shirt and mabye a black scarf and black jacket and black fedora."
"I'll wear a red scarf and red jacket and red beanie." He smiled moving his hair out of his face I smiled this glasses on his face boy made me feel happy,"Ok let's go get ready!" He jumped up and snapped his fingers and his closes appeared and mine on my lap,"You know we're your room is right?" I nodded and walked up the stairs and into a room he walked into the room across it. I put it all on and looked into the mirror my eyes glistened as I looked into the mirror I began braiding it as there was a knock on my door,"Come in."
"So how'd I look?"
"Gay."'i smiled and looked at him from the corner of my eye,"Do I sound gay?"
"Well gays are sinners." We began laughing,"Rememer how one of the kids asked the angle of gay people go to heaven he turned so head"
"Yea and when the kid was all like so no the go to hell? The man said no almost a million times." I finished and put a bow at the end and put my hat on,"Ready?" He smiled and walked over to my and hugged me,"Thank you." He was a foot taller so he was 7'6 and I just was silent as I let it sock in,"Ok let's go." He began making the circle and said,"All guest have a strait away back home." He threw the sand down and I looked at him as I jumped into the center he looked at me as I disappeared,"Cya there." I waved a cute wave and found him next to me,"Lol." He said nudging me pointing to my dad and his new wife,"DEAR GOD!" I yelled falling backwards he began laughing so much that he had his stomach and mouth bent over laughing so much,"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." My dad stomped his way over to us Daniel helped me up and I brushed myself and looked at him,"Hiiiio." I nudged Daniel to make hims stop laughing he straightened his back,"Ello sir my names."
"Daniel yes I know." His eyes quickly moved to me I looked At him,"There's food here right?" His face turned supposed and just plane out disappointed,"Yes."
"Great so this parties noto means shity?" I said clapping my hands together and looking at James I drowned at him and cracked my neck,"I have some business to attended to." I walked past everyone and grabbed James,"Where is faith?" I said looking him in the eyes,"Ummm
Who's faith." I slammed him into the wall,"Wrong answer WHERES FAITH!" I raised my voice everyone looked at me,"She's I'm." He looked nervous,"ASK YUR DAD AND NOT ME!" He freaked out I let go and turned around with every step I takes,"Where's faith? What did you do with her? tell me know before I hurt you?" I was up close to him know,"Well ummm Faith's well let's see. She's in the army. And she's um."
"RAVEY!" I turned around,"Faith?" I felt myself get week she looked complete different,"Faithy?" I said looking at her,"FAITH!" She looked at me as I began walking up to her to hug her when I was teleported to heaven I collapsed onto my face on the clouds,"Faith." I mumbled and looked up to see a boy and a man the boy looked so satirist but cute,"Hello miss Ali." He sat up and and the boy helped me up,"Where the fuck am I?"
"Such language isn't tolerated here."
"Do I look like I give a FUCK!" I walked closer,"please this is heaven please shut yo mouth." He grabbed my neck and rose me high up,"Lizten go home and tell your father I'll telaport you back here and lol you if he downs do something
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