Minho unfortunately had nothing to do this weekend, which is how he found himself sitting between Dohee and Jisung on a plane.
"How long is this flight again?" Dohee asked.
"Eleven to twelve hours," Jisung muttered.
This is what made it awkward. Dohee and Jisung weren't exactly friends. Obviously, Dohee liked Jisung (barring the fact that he was unintentionally hurting Minho; however, for whatever reason there was Jisung was not a big fan of Dohee and Minho didn't exactly know why.
Dohee groaned and shifted, practically laying on Minho.
"Entertain me, cat boy," She said.
"Fine, marry me," Minho said.
Jisung huffed.
"When and where?" Dohee asked.
"Tokyo, in the year 2000 never,"
The blonde laughed and sat up. Minho looked at Jisung and his brows drew together, the younger was pouting.
"What's up, Hannie?" Minho asked.
The brunet shrugged, "You two are just being gross is all,"
"You know what is really gross, what Minho did last night," Dohee said offhandedly.
Jisung's brows drew together, "Last night?"
Dohee nodded, "We went clubbing, because you know, I leave Minho for a second and when I come back he is snogging some dude.
Granted the dude was cute, kind of looked like a squirrel, but we were barely on our third drink and my poor tipsy eyes had to see him pining a guy to a wall and making out with him," she said.
"Does sound gross," Jisung said.
"I will have you both know that I am a great kisser," Minho stated.
"Oh, I know, but still it was gross," Dohee said.
Jisung rolled his eyes and looked back at his book. Not something he cared to hear.
"How are the rooms being set up?" Dohee asked Minho.
"Chan and Changbin are sharing a room. Felix and Hyunjin. Jeongin and Seungmin. Yuqi and Soyeon. James and Mike. Lisa has her own room. Then, you and me are sharing a room," Minho answered.
Jisung's head snapped up and he looked at the two, "I figured that Lisa and Dohee would share a room,"
"When Hajoon asked me, I just told him I would be fine rooming with Dohee," Minho said with a shrug.
Jisung poked his tongue into his cheek and nodded.
"I told him all that stuff like two months ago, I wonder when he plans on going through with it," Minho mentioned.
Dohee shrugged.
"It is all up to him. I just hope that he doesn't do it on this trip. I am pretty sure Jisung is already anxious as is taking this trip," Dohee said.
Jisung had been anxious. Obviously, him and Minho had flown on a plane to go to Seoul and Tokyo, but this trip was much larger than those a lot more people even if it was mainly friends.
"Dinner is at what 8? We have time to go down to the pool for a bit," Minho said.
"What is this? You actually want to go out?"
Minho chuckled, "I think that maybe it is time for me to get over my crush and you know get out there a little,"
Dohee nodded and opened her suitcase, "Totally down for going to the pool, because pool side mimosas and the possibility of running into someone cute sounds fun,"
The brunet smiled, "Well let's get ready to go,"
They were quick to get ready, by the time they went to leave their was a knock at their door. Dohee opened it as she put on her cover.
"Oh, hey, what's up guys?" She greeted Hajoon and Jisung.
"We are heading down to the pool and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to come, but it looks like you guys are already going down," Hajoon said.
"Yeah, figured we'd get some downtime in before dinner," Dohee said tying her cover.
"Where is Minho?" Jisung questioned.
"Uh, when I left the bathroom he was putting on his swim shorts"
Jisung pursed his lips.
"How about I go check on him, really quick," Dohee suggested.
Hajoon nodded.
Dohee left and walked over to the bathroom, without a thought she opened the door.
"You almost ready to go?" Dohee asked.
"Yeah. Do you think there will be any sngle dudes there? Or like single for the weekend dudes?" Minho asked pulling his shirt on.
Dohee's voice got quiet as she spoke, "I have no clue, but like Jisung and Hajoon are at the door,"
Minho's eyes widened a little, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You didn't ask. Anyway, let's go,"
Dohee pulled Minho out of the bathroom and towards the front door where Jisung and Hajoon were waiting.
"Okay, we are ready to go. I need a mimosa," Dohee stated.
"I thought you didn't like fruity drinks?" Hajoon questioned.
"Ah, but mimosa's are different. Mimosa's are a nice acceptable alcoholic drink I can have at noon,"
Hajoon nodded, "So, Min, it sounded like you were planning on getting with someone while here," he mentioned.
"Uh, only if the opportunity presented itself, but I probably won't actively look for someone, because this is a big bachlor party place," Minho said.
"I thought you didn't like the casual sex thing?" Jisung questioned.
"I'm not, but you know it is good to explore different things,"
Jisung hummed and nodded.
When they reached the pool Felix waved them over. He handed Dohee a mimosa.
"You and Hyunjin got here quick," Dohee mentioned.
Felix nodded, "Hyunjin was pretty insistant about coming down to swim, but to be honest I'd rather lounge for a bit before dinner,"
Minho nodded agreeing.
Dohee downed her drink and set her stuff down, then took off her cover.
"I see a very gorgeous woman over there so I am going to hope she is single and shoot my shot," The woman said hopping off.
Hajoon wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist, "How about we go to the hot tub?" He suggested.
Jisung smiled, "That sounds nice. We will be there if you need us,"
Minho and Felix nodded.
Hajoon and Jisung went off leaving Felix and Minho.
"So how are you?" Felix questioned as Minho sat down.
"I am fine, why?"
"Min, you know why I ask,"
Minho hummed, "I am as fine as I can be,"
Felix nodded.
Minho was going to speak, but a man came up, "Hey, can I buy you a drink?" The man asked Minho.
Felix raised a brow.
"I promise that I am actually single, I saw you walk down here with your friends and I thought that the girl was your girlfriend until she started hitting on my sister. So like I figured I should come over a give it a shot, so can I buy you a drink?" The man asked.
Minho glanced at Felix.
"I am a big boy, I can handle myself and I am sure my husband will be back soon. Go get some," Felix said with a wave of his hand.
Minho shook his head but stood up to join the man.
"My name is Minho Lee,"
"Jamie Gomez,"
Minho smiled.
"And where have you been?" Dohee asked as Minho entered the room.
"Crap! You scared me," Minho said putting hand over his heart.
"Min, it is seven-thirty we have to be at the restaurant soon. You have been gone for seven hours,"
"Okay, so I kind of met a guy and we were talking and then we were going to his room, then we weren't talking," Minho said.
Dohee raised a brow, "Okay, we will talk about this later. Go get cleaned up and ready, we need to leave,"
In record time the two were at the restaurant and the last ones to arrive.
"What took you guys so long? Usually Minho is a stickler for being on time," Hajoon said.
"Well, it was Minho that made us take so long," Dohee answered taking a drink of her tea.
"I never thought I'd see the day where Minho Lee was almost late," Changbin joked.
Minho glared at the younger.
"What kept you so long?" Lisa asked.
Dohee held back a smile.
"Oh was it that Jamie guy? You guys seemed to have been hitting it off," Felix mentioned.
"Who is Jamie?" Jisung questioned.
"Jamie is the guy that was hitting on Minho at the pool," Felix said.
"The definitely hit it off considering that is who he was with for seven hours," Dohee stated.
"Seven hours?" Jisung questioned surprised with a mix of something else.
"Yup, that is around the time we spent together," Minho said somewhat quiet.
Jisung pursed his lips and nodded.
Before anyone could say anything else, Hajoon stood up and lightly tapped his Champagne glass.
"First, I would like to thank everyonne who joined Jisung and I on this trip, I hope you are all enjoying it so far and I hope you all continue to enjoy it. Now, to my beautiful boyfriend," Hajoon paused and everyone could see where this was going.
Honestly, if looks could kill Hajoon would be dead three times over with glares he was getting from Felix, Minho, and Dohee.
"To my beautiful boyfriend, I want to thank you for seven beautiful and lovely years and it is my hope that you would do me the honour of marrying me," Hajoon got on one knee a pulled out a box.
Minho bit his tongue seeing the ring. A square cut sapphire with a gold band.
Everyone was looking at Jisung. It probably felt like the whole restaurant was looking at Jisung.
The younger was anxious, it was written all over his face.
"Uhm..." Jisung hesitated, "Yes... yes. I will marry you,"
Hajoon smiled and slipped the ring on Jisung's finger.
Minho's heart shattered but he smiled and congratulated his best friend for his new happiness and new adventure.
Hours later, Dohee would be holding him in bed, trying to comfort him in any way she could. Then, as Minho silently cried in bed, she would be asking Jisung to leave, because Minho was so exhausted he had crashed when they got back and she didn't want to disturb him.
After she got Jisung to leave, she would ho back to her bed and hold Minho more in vain efforts to comfort him and help mend his shattered heart.
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