Minho adjusted his leather jacket after he and Dohee got out of the Uber. The two were at a local bar that they frequented since college, it was owned by a pair of friends just a year older than them.
It was thankfully never that busy and was mainly frequented by college students that could only be described as bookworms, which wasn't surprising considering the book selection the bar had, lots of first editions of books.
"Everything will be fine, stop fidgeting," Dohee said, pulling Minho into the bar.
Hajoon was already there sitting at the bar making small talk with Lisa, one of the owners.
The two went over, "Hey, guys," Lisa greeted.
"Oh, hey," Hajoon said.
"Hey, uh, Hajoon, this is Dohee," Minho introduced her.
Dohee shook Hajoon's hand.
"Girlfriend?" Hajoon asked.
Minho, Lisa, and Dohee laughed.
"Ah, sorry, ehm, no, I am not his girlfriend, childhood friend. I moved here from Georgia with Minho and Jisung," Dohee said.
Hajoon nodded.
"Do you guys want your usual?" Lisa asked.
Minho nodded
"Nah, I think I want to try something different today, maybe an old fashioned with rye whisky,"
Lisa nodded, "Coming right up," she said going off to make the drinks.
Minho helped Dohee with her jacket and set it on the back of her chair.
"Old fashioned, I figured you are more a daiquiri kind of girl," Hajoon said.
Dohee raised a brow and crossed one leg over the other, "I'm not into fruity drinks. I usually just go with whisky neat or scotch,"
It wasn't Lisa who placed the drinks in front of Dohee and Hajoon it was Chan the other owner.
"So, what are guys doing here tonight?" Chan asked.
"Well, I am here to help Hajoon with something and Dohee decided to tag along, probably looking for someone to go home with," Minho joked.
Chan chuckled, "Good luck with what you guys are doing, and Dohee there is a woman over who was actually asking about you,"
"Oh, that's my queue, I'll be over there," She said. As she walking away she made a motion to Chan to keep an eye on Minho and Hajoon. The man nodded.
"Okay, I am going to go take other orders, wave if you need me," Chan said.
Minho pursed his lips as Chan left.
"So about the proposal?" Hajoon asked.
"Uh, well, it is pretty simple to make Jisung happy especially with this. In particular, nothing flashy or big, uh, close family and friend. Flashy makes Jisung anxious.
As for the ring, he has always wanted an opal ring, lab grown, more Eco-friendly, he likes the tear drop shape, it uh, reminds him of sailor moon. He likes silver bands not gold ones especially with opal," Minho told him.
Hajoon nodded, "Seems easy,"
Minho nodded.
"It is a two day trip. Hajoon is paying for everyone. It is going to be Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, Seungmin, James, Lisa, Soyeon, Yuqi, Mike, my parents, his parents, Dohee, and you," Jisung.
"Sung, I might be busy, I can't make promises about going on this trip," Minho said editing the photos from Chan and Lisa's bar.
Jisung pouted and sat on Minho's bed, "Min, it is a great opportunity for me to hang out with both my boys, which might I add, I don't get to do often,"
Minho sighed and looked at Jisung, "I will see what I can do about my schedule,"
The younger smiled and cuddled next to Soonie who was curled up by the pillows, "Thank you,"
The older shook his head. Jisung would definitely be whining about his allergies later. Minho picked up his camera and focused it on Jisung and soonie.
"Ah, Min what are you doing?" Jisung whined covering his face.
Minho chuckled and went over to his bed, and pulled Jisung's hands away from his face.
"I want some pictures, okay?"
Jisung sighed in defeat and let his hand fall beside his head. The younger looked perfect. his hair was splayed out on Minho's silk white sheets, and his a little too big white tee had fallen enough to show off his collarbones.
Minho adjusted trying to get the right shot, eventually he put a leg on either side of Jisung's hips and found the right shot.
"You're crushing me," Jisung huffed.
"Fine, you get on top," Minho said.
"Haha, so funny,"
Minho got off of Jisung and looked at the pictures. Jisung sat up and looked at them too.
"Ah... I am going to need you to do the updated photos in my portfolio," Jisung muttered.
Minho glanced at him, "Just tell me when and I'll do it,"
Jisung smiled, "Thanks, your the best,"
The older nodded, "I should call my assistant and make sure I don't have to do anything this weekend," Minho said.
"I should go, then. I need to pack," Jisung mentioned.
Minho nodded, "I'll see you this weekend,"
Jisung hummed, "You'll probably see me before then too,"
"Yeah, I know. I love you,"
The brunet smiled, "Love you!"
Minho sighed as Jisung left. He really hoped he had stuff to do this weekend.
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