"Oh, darling, it really is good to talk to you again," the English voice came smoothly through her earbuds.
Amanda chuckled, fiddling with the cord connected to her phone. "Yes, we should definitely get together soon. Maybe you could even bring some of your friends along for me to meet."
"Hmm, that would be nice. Oh, I know! I don't know how this slipped my mind before, but I am hosting a party at the Falcon Hotel tonight for my nephew's birthday. I know it is short notice, but perhaps you would be able to attend."
Her eyes went wide at the invitation. She quickly dropped her feet off of her desk and leaned over to hit a button on her desk phone. Outside of the room, she heard a buzzing of the machine receiving her call.
"Uh, yes, well, just excuse me for a moment while I consult with my secretary on my calendar," she said as Deariq entered her office.
"Oh, yes, go right ahead," her friend replied.
Amanda covered the mic with her thumb and leaned forward in her seat. "Hey, do you have anything you need to do tonight?" she asked softly.
He straightened himself, saying, "Uh, not if you need me. Actually, no, not really. Just laundry." His gaze shifted sideways as he spoke.
A smile grew on her lips. "Well, now you do." Holding up a hand for him to wait, she uncovered the mic. "Looks like I'm free! But I was just wondering if I could bring a friend with me."
"Of course. Any friend of yours is welcome to attend! Perhaps, is this friend a new person of interest for you?"
"No, no, just a good friend. What time should we be there?"
"We were planning on starting around six, and we will have dinner served and cake and some games for the kiddos," she sighed.
"Alright, we shall be there. Should I let you go so you can get back to your business?" Please say yes, Amanda thought.
"I was hoping to talk with you more, but if you're coming to the party then we can just talk more tonight. I'll see you then, darling."
"Bye-bye, now!"
She waited for a second longer before clicking the end call. Pulling out her earbuds, she turned back to Deariq.
"Frankie Hesser is having a party for her nephew tonight, and I don't know any of her friends yet. Please, would you come with me! I'll even pay you, if you'd like," she begged.
He chuckled. "You offer to pay me every time, and every time, I decline. But I will go with you, I just do not know what to wear," he admitted.
A relieved sigh escaped her nostrils as she waved her hand. "That's not a problem. She said there were gonna be games, so it will probably be on the casual side." She froze, a thought suddenly coming to the surface. "What should I get him as a present? What do boys like? Argh, I don't even know how old he is!"
Distressed, she pulled her feet onto her chair and hugged her knees. Buring her head, she groaned.
"Maybe we shouldn't go after all. I'll call Frankie back and tell her that I forgot about something, or I just threw up, or som-"
Deariq grabbed her shoulder before she finished the sentence. She looked up at him, noticing that he had halfway climber over the desk just to reach her and looked quite uncomfortable in that awkward position.
"Chill, Amanda. No matter what you get him, I bet that kid will love it, and if not, you could just 'forget' to sign your name on the card," he suggested.
A devious smile replaced her worried frown. "You're my secretary, so if anyone finds out, I'm blaming it all on you!" she threatened.
He chuckled nervously, his demeanor revealing his sudden discomfort. "You are evil," he said, covering his mouth shyly after saying it.
She opened her mouth to respond when her phone rung again. Turning to answer it, she glanced at Deariq now banging his head into an invisible wall in frustration. He climbed off the desk and bowed to her.
"I'll just be going then," he whispered.
Spinning around, she covered the receiver and called out, "Let's meet at Tyler Square at six!"
He turned back to her and nodded. "Tyler Square. Six o'clock. Got it."
She watched him leave the room, feeling as though she might burst from excitement. Her chair spun rapidly as she squealed.
Clearing her throat, she removed her hand from the receiver. "Excuse me for that. Now, what did you need..."
Amanda rushed through the street, dodging people walking along the sidewalk. Crap, crap, crap, I am so gonna be late! she panicked. Looking at her watch, she stopped.
"It's six-o-five and I'm still a mile away!" she squealed. She completely ignored the looks she was receiving, this girl looking ready for a party with a wrapped gift dangling from her hand as she shoved people out of her way.
An idea popped into her head. She looked around her for a place to do it. Spying and entrance to a parking garage, she dashed down into the roadway.
Stopping, she looked to make sure there were no people or cameras in view. Seeing the coast clear, she pulled out a card from her wrist with a flash of light.
"Portal to Tyler Square," she commanded, tossing the card in front of her.
Surely enough, it swirled into a black sheet before her, then took on color as an image started to show. She glanced at the image for a moment. Gingerly, she grabbed the sides of the portal and pulled the entire thing a bit to the side. The image changed with it, now showing a large advertisement mounted on the sidewalk.
Not waiting another moment, she hopped through, and the portal closed behind her with a zip. She sighed, glancing down at her watch again. "Two minutes lost," she noted.
Brushing down a few flyaway hairs, Amanda stepped out from her cover. Her eyes rapidly scanned the square until they found the person she wanted. She smiled and made a beeline for him.
"Sorry I'm late. I would've called, but my phone is in my shoe, at the moment," she explained as she approached him.
Deariq smiled at her, standing straight from his leaning against a pole. He was dressed nicely, sporting a purple dress shirt with skinny jeans, converse, and a black vest. He had even gelled his hair into a spikey mess.
"It's alright, I wasn't waiting long," he replied.
The crease on your arm says otherwise, she noticed, yet kept silent.
"Oh, good. Shall we go then? We aren't far."
He nodded and offered his arm to her. She took it graciously, secretly glad to be so close to him. He seemed to like it, too, judging by the blush on his face.
They walked to the hotel, arm linked, and that was how the entered the ballroom. It was a dazzling display, the place buzzing with celebration. There was a grand buffet being set, and a gang of middle schoolers was waiting nearby the tables, eager for it to be open for grabs.
"Oh, Amanda, darling, how good it is to see you," a voice called out.
Amanda left her partner to greet the hostess, kissing her cheek. "Why, Frankie, this place looks wonderful! Can I get you to plan my next bash?" she asked.
"Oh, this is nothing," she boasted. "Just some things that I thought the kids would enjoy. Sorry that there won't be much company, just parents and relatives of Nick's friends. But who is this handsome gentleman?"
Amanda waved back at Deariq, who was doing his best to seem comfortable. The roll was easy for him, considering the number of times he had played it, yet she could see the strain in his smile.
"Oh, this is my personal assistant, Deariq Mansfield. I have found that I greatly enjoy his company," she replied, her eyebrows arching.
Frankie's smile showed that she understood her demeanor. "Well, you'd best hold onto him or I might try to steal him from you," she teased.
"You can sure try! I've got him wrapped about my finger," Amanda laughed. "Now, where is that nephew of yours that we are here for today?"
"Oh, yes, I think he's over by the present table. Let me introduce you."
The posh woman sauntered over to a table with an ever-growing mound of gifts on top. A few kids stood nearby, running away when they saw her approach.
"Nick? Where did you go?" Frankie called.
The tablecloth moved, and a head poked out from underneath. "Down here, Auntie!"
His aunt gapped at him, waving him out. "Come up here. There are some folks who want to meet you."
The boy crawled out, brushing off his shorts when he stood up. He stood up straight with his hands behind his back, perfectly in form at his aunt's side.
"Nick, this is Miss Dalton and Mr. Mansfield. Miss Dalton owns a video game company."
His green eyes went wide at the news. "Really? So you make video games? That sounds like fun!"
Amanda chuckled. "It certainly is when they're done, but making them can be long and boring. We just sit at computers and put a bunch of numbers and letters in."
His eyes narrowed in on her, then flickered to the gift she was holding. "What's that? It looks like a building block," he observed.
She titled her head, raising an eyebrow at him. "Don't you want it to be a surprise?"
Shaking his head, he said, "Naw, I don't care about that stuff. It's mine, so I can just open it right now!"
He reaches for the present, but Amanda held it out of his reach.
Frankie scowled at the boy, utterly appalled by his behavior. "Or maybe we'll take all of your presents until you learn some manners!" she remarked.
Frustrated, he crossed his arms and stopped his foot. "Fine, just keep them then!" He turned around, started to stomp off. Before he went far away, he came back, his face remorseful. His shoulders drooped as he held his hands in front of him. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me to my guests."
Amanda cooed at the vision, delighted by the child's apology. "You are most certainly forgiven, Nick. If you really want to know, I'll tell you what your gift is. I was only teasing you.
He shook his head, "No, I'll let it be a surprise!"
Just like that, he ran away again. Frankie shook her head as she watched him go, nearly bumping into a waiter.
She chuckled, "What am I to do with him? Every time I turn around, he makes more mess and gets bolder, too! I don't know how my brother does it."
"Very well, as far as I can tell, " Deariq mentioned. "He is sharp and respectful, which I think may come from his aunt."
"Handsome and charming! Darling, you found someone just as esteemed as yourself, here," she noted, holding her hand to her chest.
Smiling, Amanda glance sideways to see the tint of blush on his face. He shifted his stance and folded his hands behind his back.
A bell rang over the sound of chatter, drawing the room's attention to the source of the sound. "The buffet is now open," a server said, putting down the instrument.
The noise resumed, this time in a rustle of chairs sliding and small feet dashing to get in line.
"Oh, I've kept you from your other guests. Please, go greet others and take of things like I know you want to," Amanda mentioned, squeezing the hostess' hand.
"Alright, darling, I'll talk to you again. Make sure to relax with some refreshments!" Nodding to each of them, she turned to go speak with someone else.
After a few moments of silence, they exchanged glances.
"Snack bar?"
"Snack bar!"
Amanda dribbled the ball cautiously, holding a hand out to her opponent. The boy was determined, entirely focused on her movements. In a few swift moves, he snatched the ball away, dribbling it down the half-court and straight into the hoop.
"You're pretty good at this, but I'm the master!" Nick stated as he ran after the ball.
"Oh really? I'm still winning this round," she teased with a smile.
He shrugged, "I felt like giving myself a challenge so I let you get ahead."
Footsteps came from behind them, leading her attention to the door. Deariq stepped onto the roof, squinting to see the brightly lit patio against the dark city.
"Nick, your aunt wants you to go see her!" he said when he saw their gazes fixed on him.
Frowning, the birthday boy rolled the ball around in his hands. "But we're in the middle of a game! Can't I go down after?"
Deariq shook his head. "She wants you to check out your presents before she gives them to charity. I guess she can tell that you don't want them."
Raising an eyebrow, Amanda stepped closer to her secretary. The party had ended a few hours ago, leaving a few guests who had lingered to socialize with the hostess. Now that Deariq was back, she assumed that they were the only ones left.
"No way would she give them away!" the boy affirmed.
"Well, I'll just go take them then," Amanda said, turning towards the door.
That got the boy moving. Dropping the ball, he dashed to the door in an effort to push ahead of the woman. His yell resounded in the staircase until the door finally shut behind him.
Chuckling, Amanda retrieved the rolling basketball. "Wouldn't the hotel workers put the presents away when they cleaned up the party?"
He shushed her and grabbed the ball from her hands. Smiling, he bounced it a few times while walking about the court.
"You seem to having a bit too much fun, " he commented. "You've soaked right through that pretty dress of yours."
She glanced down at the sweat stains on the polyester fabric and silently thanked herself for wearing the appropriate material. Her shoes lay forgotten by a table, keeping watch of her purse and beverage.
"It was a good way to keep the kid and I happy while his aunt drilled you for info," she remarked.
His dribbling quickened as she walked closer, as if sensing her intention. "You mean when you abandoned me to talk with her."
Cringing, she shook her head. "You seemed fine when I left you. I thought you would be strong enough to withstand her torment!" she ducked around to snatch the ball from behind him. Giggling, she raced down to the hoop.
"That woman is tougher than me." He followed, quick on his steps to catch her before she reached her goal. Using his size to his advantage, he boxed her in. "It was mostly abo-"
His sentence stopped when she got around him, jumping as she aimed for the backboard. The ball bounced and fell clear through the net, into his waiting arms below.
"-about getting me to somehow woo you," he finished, dribbling with one hand out defensively.
The small CEO kept herself low to the ground like a spring waiting to pop. Moving in quick hops, she rotated about Deariq while he thought of his next move.
"Once she decides on a ship, she will not stop until they get together. Just like how I'm not gonna let you play your way," she panted.
He stopped, gripping onto the ball. His smile dropped into a worried frown as his thoughts ran wild behind his face. Finally, he said, "I mean, I'm not really against the idea."
Ooh, you might not be, but I definitely am! Amanda screamed to her mind.
Whisking the ball from his idle hands, she chuckled and ran away. "Gotta stay focused or you'll lose!"
His solemn gaze did not waver even as she threw the ball into the net.
A knot formed in her throat. Forcing a smile, she asked, "What? Am I too good for ya?"
"Oh, definitely," he chuckled, "but, that doesn't change my feelings for you. It just makes me like you even more."
A prideful grin took over his face, deepening the pain in Amanda's chest. Oh stars, why do you always look so happy when you tell me this? Why is it so easy for you? Turning away, she retrieved the ball to dribble it again.
When he got no response, he stepped closer to her. His breath huffed as he clenched and relaxed his fist, showing his internal conflict.
Finally, he continued, "I-I know, it must be weird for you to hear this, but I've actually liked you for a long time. It wasn't love-at-first-sight, but from that moment on, I just came tumbling down deeper into this longing to be with you. When Frankie suggested us as a couple, I was so overwhelmed by joy at the idea of being that special someone to you!"
Dude, do you realize how creepy that sounds? "It's not weird; I've seen the way you look at me. It makes me so happy to know that my love is requited."
She looked up to see the gleam in his eyes. The hope renewed that set them a blazing as joy filled his mind, a dream that was finally taking flight before him.
Yet it only deepened her pain, for it was a false start.
"Everything in me wants to be with you, together. But...it's not the right time."
His expression faded, yet did not disappear. He fiddled with his watch, responding, "Don't worry; I know you must have a good reason. I trust you."
But I'm lying to you constantly. I hide these things from you because I'm terrified by what might happen. I just keep resetting everything instead!
He smiled gently, reaching out his hand. The ball rolled around her hand as she averted her gaze.
"Hey, Deariq?" she grinned. His head perked up questioning, showing that he was listening. "Catch!"
In a flash, the basketball was hurling towards the secretary. Cringing, he fumbled with the ball until it bounced out of his reach. Before he could grab it, a flash of light formed a playing card at Amanda's fingertips and slammed into his arm.
Let's see, how far back should I go? I don't want to lose the entire conversation, so maybe back to when he stopped playing.
A moment later, his eyes rolled back into his head as the card took away the memories of the last few seconds.
"Now for new memories," she mumbled. Like clockwork, she made another card and placed it against his forehead.
Jumping back, she grabbed the ball and ran away, bouncing it as she went. Deariq's focus returned as she shot for the hoop.
"Definitely too good for me," he mused. His voice rang of a subtle sadness, as his moment of courage had passed.
Amanda came around to face him. "I could teach you couple tricks, if you want. It's sort of unfair playing against you as you are now, " she teased.
Chuckling, he dashed forward to snatch the ball from her hand. She fumbled, yet quickly recovered to defend against him. Her short figure hardly reached his height as he threw the ball, yet it bounced off the rim carelessly.
He fell to the ground in devastation. Amanda laughed, trotting over to roast him more.
"Ooh, smooth, Intern Masefield! You planning on going pro like that?"
Dark eyes flicked up at her in a cold stare. Still, she offered her hand to help him stand. He took it, but instead of pulling himself up, he yanked her to the ground and dashed after the basketball.
"Defeat won't make me give up!" he cried with glee.
Yeah, I know.
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