Dear you,
As someone who is actually pretty young, I can really say I've been through a lot. I believed for a long time that just because other people had it worse than me it invalidated my problems. I felt they weren't important.
Let me start off with saying that is the wrong way to think. You are just as much entitled to you feelings as you are to breathe or eat. I don't know your situation but I do know this; it will be ok. (I know, as someone who has heard that an endless amount of times, it doesn't help. But let me explain it in a better light) Through times like this faith is all you need. Now I'ma be frank. When I say faith I don't mean God or anything like that, I mean faith in yourself. Faith that no matter what you will get through this. It will be a long and bumpy road. Hell, it might have some freaking cliffs. But what you do when times like that come is your build a bridge. You find someone to take on this long road with you. It'll most likely get worse before it gets better but remember, it WIll get better.
I will say this again: I don't know your situation. I'll tell you a story of my own situation. When I was eleven my parents got divorced. It was a downward spiral from there. My dad physically, verbally, and mentally abused my mom. He didn't necessarily do anything to me but growing up with a mom who couldn't always be there for me really took a toll on me. I turned to self harm. Starving myself. Punishing myself for something that I had no control. Month later I had a new step mom. I was pushed into this life so fast.
I know that I can relate to tons of people all over the world and I'm sure you can too. People say that the internet is horrible and that it created a whole new set of problems, but really, it just introduced us to a whole new world. A world of people like us. People who have the same strengths, weaknesses, problems, joys, etc.
It'll really help. Someone you can talk to through your highs and lows. You got this! Your life is worth living!
- Love, Addie
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