8. The loser(s) and the danger
welcome to your average high school drama story- only it takes place in middle school and it's only the first few parts.
I woke up, got ready for school, said goodbye to my younger sisters and got into my brother's car and drove to school.
Ever since my... friend... went on vacation for a few days,things have been good- except for one group.
I felt my hoodie get yanked. Oh no.
"Well well well what do we have here?" It was Match.
"Looks like someone needs a beating." Pencil shoved her fist into my chest as she covered my mouth. Match then hit me in the head with her binder. Hard.
Then left me on the floor, injured. Bubble could only give a sympathetic look and face of Sorriness as she went to catch up with her friends. Ruby then spit on my face and left.
"Hey nerd, you okay?" Coiny helped me up to his feet.
"Ug, those bitches." Pin said. "Anyways, you wanna go bake a cake or something?" "Nah I'm good." I said.
Just then, Needle came running to us.
"GUYS! GUYS!" she yelled.
"What is it?" Pin asked.
"Some famous celebrity is going to be JOINING OUR CLASS!!!!" Needle said.
I could see many people were now looking at us, and most of us were on their way to meet this new celebrity. We fallowed too.
It was good to be back at the Middle School.
During my one week suspension for accidentally pushing Balloony down the stairs, I became closer to Pencil. We've talked. The rest of Freesmart hadn't talked to me except Ruby.
I also got into music and started making music videos. They've gotten so popular that I became a celebrity. Literally. Now everyone wants to be my friend. "Oh my gosh Leafy!" Pencil said. "Like Leafy, OMG!!!!" Match said. "HI GUYS!" I said. Before I could say anything, I got buried in pleads for autographs.
After a few minutes, the bell rang and I got to class.
I opened the door and saw a bunch of people there.
There was Pin and Needle all talking together.
One had a brown sweater and skirt on. They had an anime white hair and black shoes. They were talking to a blonde person with a white shirt and
yellow polka dots and blue jeans. "And I don't get it. I've been queer longer than Gaty, why does all of a sudden she get the attention?" Cake asked. "A lot of trans people have came before here. Inky was actually one of the first trans to get a sex change, but whatever." Eggy said. "Yeah, whatever." Cake said.
"Oh hey Leafy." Coiny raised his hand. "Heh, hey Coiny." I said. He was with someone else. Him. I then saw Coiny turn to him. "Say hi." He didn't say anything and just continued to do his work. "It's fine." I said. Coiny looked at me. "Okay." he said. Then we went to our seats.
During class, I felt Pin throwing spit balls at me.
"Give her time." Eggy whispered to me. "I remember you being in that one kid's class, Yo Yo Ball is it? Grey beanie, red hair, silver tail. That Yo Yo Ball." "Don't worry. I know who you're talking about." I said. "Pin's probably just trying to get used to you being here since you all of a sudden joined our class unannounced." Eggy then gave me a quiet and supportive smile. I smile back.
After class, I met up with Pencil and Match.
Bubble refused to talk to me and Ruby was pushed away. Meanwhile Book was ranting to Ice Cube about something. "Hey Leafy, wanna sit with us?" Pencil asked. "Okay." I said. Me and Freesmart talked together and sat together. I had became so famous during my days off for being a famous musician.
Pencil and Match were so interested and listened to every word I said.
Then came reading class.
I noticed the individual introvert with his grey beanie sitting by himself. His red hood covering his head. There was something about his blank cast that looked liked it needed to be signed, but what could it be?
Inky was the only other person that sat next to him but he was out.
"Okay class, let's read HOLES!!!" Mx. Two said.
Everyone but Yo Yo Ball all booed because Holes wasn't a modern day drama. "Oh you want drama? Well how about we do some group work!!!! You will all write an anecdote about whatever you want!"
We were all quiet.
"Let's have Pencil Match Pin and Coiny."
Immediately those four began arguing.
"Anyways, let's have Bubble, Ice Cube, Needle and Flower. Next is Leafy, Firey, Tennis Ball and Golfball." Mx. Two said.
Oh sh!t. I'm with him. I don't really know Tennis Ball and Golfball that much but he and Golfball both looked at me as if I'm a threat. Tennis Ball looked like he wanted to be Yo Yo Ball, who was the only kid that Mx. Two had forgotten to assign a group to.
"So what should are story be about?" Tennis Ball asked. That sentence was the only amount of progress we had made that day.
After reading, Gelatin and Lollipop walked up to me. "Hey Leafster!" Gelatin said. "You off this period?" Gelatin asked. "Yeah." I said. "Then why don't you help us with something."
I began to spy on Leafy and those two gremlins in the cafeteria. "Pencil, just stop. I don't even know what you're gaining." Bubble said. "Shut up Bubble, why is Leafy spending more time with those two pests than us!?" I wondered. "Ugh. Those uglies. Who knows what they're doing to her!" Match said. "Exactly!" I said. Just then the floor began to move. Match looked down and shrieked. I looked down and saw why.
Rodents. Everywhere. I screamed and jumped onto the lunch table.
3rd pov
Lollipop and Gelatin were laughing. Gelatin was covering Leafy's eyes but reassured her that it was coming from a different room. "What the hell is wrong with you two!?" Pencil yelled. "Oh what? Scared these rodents will ruin your precious shoes?" Lollipop asked in a mocking tone. Everyone then ran out of the room. On her way out, Match gave Firey a death glare, making him gulp.
All the rodents then ran out of the room.
Gelatin then removed his hand from Leafy's eyes.
"What happened?" Leafy asked. "Oh, everyone left."
Leafy scanned the cafeteria. Besides them, nobody was there except for one person.
Yo yo Ball knew that Lollipop and Gelatin infested the cafeteria with rodents, but he wasn't really affected by it. Instead,he just continued to eat his pizza.
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