3. At School
Warning: homophobic stuff
Fan: so how was it?
Lightbulb: well they all hated me for some reason.
OJ: probably something you said.
OJ: ow!
Goo: what about your new friends?
Lightbulb: they both tried to defend me but everyone wouldn't listen and whisked them away.
Nickel: I'm real sorry that happened Lightbulb. I'll go talk to them about it.
Lightbulb: Nah it's fine. Don't worry :)
Rocky's POV
He thought we all hate him.
That's why he hurts himself.
Two weeks ago, the battle to win the Dream Island scholarship came to an end and Yo Yo Ball wrote an apology letter to everyone.
Literally everyone.
I'm sorry for every bad thing that has happened to you all. I'm sorry for making your lives miserable. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I don't deserve forgiveness. I'm really sorry for the torture I gave you all.
Only 7 people replied.
I made him feel better since we were roommates.
Toothpick who he barely knew commented that he should smile.
Mrs. Crayon Box talked to him after school.
So did Mr. Announcer.
Then came Leafy. I thought she was the last person to forgive Yo Yo Ball, despite loving everyone.
Leafy: Yo Yo Ball, you being here makes my day.
Spongy didn't know until I told him and from then, he's been one of the few people Yo Yo Ball could feel to. Others being Snowball and Staci.
Anyways, school didn't start yet so I was just texting Tennis Ball.
Rocky: hey.
TB: hey Rocky
Rocky: so you got Mr. Announcer 1st period?
TB: yea.
Rocky: Sweet. Can I ask you something?
TB: what's up?
Rocky: do you hate YYB? And I mean after he sent the note.
TB: no. I tried talking to him.
Rocky: he's been depressed and literally so sad to do anything.
TB: #sendinglovetoyoyoball
Rocky: yea. Luckily I have him 1st period.
TB: :)
I see Yo Yo Ball in the hallway.
I lifted my hand.
Yo yo Ball have a soft high five and walked away.
Poor kid.
Lightbulb's POV
Lightbulb: HEY PAINTY!
Paintbrush: oh hey Lightbulb. What class do you have first?
Lightbulb: gym.
Paintbrush: sh!t I got Models class.
Lightbulb: hey it's ok Painty, we have art together so that's good :)
Paintbrush: ig. Anyways ttyl.
Oh boy, first day of school and it's already going to be epic. I then bump into someone and they fell down.
This reminded me of that one kid who took me to his party to honor the Dream Island kids.
"Oh sorry about that..."
"Gaty." the periwinkle student said, cleaning their skirt. I notice a transgender sticker on their jacket.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Oh. That's a transgender sticker. It means I'm transgender." Gaty said with a smile. "Cool." I said. "Me and these other MTF dudes, Inky and Mirror are transgender :)" "Wow. That's amazing :)" Gaty said. "Thanks." I said to Gaty as I help her pick up her stuff.
"You should meet them."
"Heh, guess I'm the newest one in the collection." Gaty said.
When we looked up, I saw Paintbrush, Test Tube, Fan and Group Sign, my friend group. "Hey guys." I said. "Wow. Hey Lightbulb and Gaty." Fan said. "What's up." I said. "Not much, just getting ready to ace those tests." Test Tube said. "OHMYGOSH! YOU'RE GATY! YOU'RE SO POPULAR!!!" Fan said. "Th- thanks." Gaty said.
We were all about to make our way to our classes when all of a sudden. "Hey nerds, this is our one way." Trophy said. "Looks like ya wusses need a large @$$ beating." Alef said. "Yeah weaklings." Snowball banged on the wall so hard, making some of us back up a little bit. We all decided to leave. That was close.
Gaty's POV
Well when Fan said popular- I guess I took it in a positive way because everyone's been talking about me. But not the way I'd expect...
I found that out in my second period class.
"Hey look it's the transgender kid."
"Hey Gaty, those are girl clothes. You can't where those!"
"Gaty! WHAT IS WRO-"
Saw had came out of nowhere and smacked the bully right in his face and told him to F off. Wow. I've never seen Saw that violent.
That day when I went home, I slammed the door to my room.
My moms looked at each other.
"Gaty sweetie, is everything okay?"
I hugged my mom so hard and cried.
My second period class had students that I didn't even know and already they made fun of me.
"Gaty, if you want, you don't have to go to school tomorrow."
"No mom. They'll take about me!" I said.
"Oh. We'll make sure that doesn't happen!" My mom said. "Thanks." I said.
The next day, I put on a cute dress, cut my hair short a little bit, and wear high heels, then head onto school to meet Saw. We talk a bit.
Then I decided I was going to do something bold.
I barge into the cafeteria on my own.
Some people look at me.
I see JC and Cappy laughing at me.
I flip them off, but they still laugh at me.
Just then... Saw comes out of nowhere and hits Cappy with a tray. Hard. She balls a fist and aims it at JC, who is stunned...
but not at Saw.
The whole room focuses on one student.
He had a red hoodie, black jeans and a silver tail.
I've seen the note Yo Yo Ball had wrote and I don't think he was bad. I even checked with his friends about it. His mental health... well...
Yo yo Ball avoids eye contact with us and is on his phone.
Just then, a girl with orange/red hair enters the cafeteria. Her hair looks messy and there is chalk on her sweater. I saw Alef smirking and threw a tomato at this girl's face. "ALEF!" The girl said. I'm guessing these two know each other. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR EMBARRASSING ME...
The whole room gasped and looked at the girl. Rumors were already being spread.
I could see embarrassment and shame in her eyes. I felt bad. I saw the girl run out of the room.
But that wasn't all.
"YO STEP COUSIN!" Alef threw a baseball into the air. It hit Yo Yo Ball in the eye. "Heh." Alef and his goons were laughing. "Thanks Alef." I heard Yo Yo Ball murmur. He wasn't being sarcastic. I think he actually meant it.
I found Alef's cousin talking to her friend, then she left. Seeing her alone, I approached the girl. "Hey, um I'm-" "Gaty. The famous transgender fighter." she said. "Don't worry, I'm lesbian and have a GF and it's good you're you. Unlike a certain someone. Call me Nabla by the way." "Oh uh thanks Nabla." I said. "And yeah, Alef does seem like a pain in the @$$. Yesterday, he was making fun of me, Lightbulb, and her friends." "Ugh. He's such a sh!thead." Nabla said. "But I was actually talking about Yo Yo Ball." "Oh. Your two are- step cousins right? I heard Alef call Yo Yo Ball step cousin and threw a ball at him." I said. "Yeah. But anyways, you actually met Lightbulb, huh that seems cool! I'm actually friends with Test Tube, one of Lightbulb's friends,so if you want, you could hang out with me." Nabla said. "Thanks." I said. "Oh, one more thing." "What's up?" Nabla asked. "So you and Alef live together, but Yo Yo Ball lives separately?" "He's roommates with that speechless gray kid, Rocky." Nabla said. "Oh, well do you know this?"
I took out my phone and showed Nabla the note Yo Yo Ball had written.
"Oh..." Nabla said. "I might check on him because at least HE'S NICE TO ME!!!!! Sorry. I've grown up with a bunch of cousins that hate me. Luckily not all of them. Yo yo Ball and a few others. But thanks for showing me this Gaty. You're cool."
Nabla then left, and I continued my day.
When I got home, I was in my room playing with my dolls with Saw when I overheard my moms talking.
"Are we going to let Gaty dress up as a girl?"
"What kind of a question is that? FRICK YEAH WE'RE GOING LET GATY DRESS UP AS A GIRL!"
"Awww, you have supportive parents Gaty." Saw said as she hugged me. "Only my dad accepted me and my mom died of a heart attack when I was young." I hugged Saw. "I'm sorry to hear Saw." "It's okay." Saw said. "At least I have my dad and all my friends."
Dang that was a long wait. Sorry for being lazy, anyways, feel free to RP in the comments
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