Chapter 15
Foxxyz P.O.V
After naming the little Fox Free I did a full 360° around a small place where I stood at, after realizing
I was stuck outside somewhere in the forest.
And I had no idea where the fuck I was.
I then suddenly felt that I started to whimper after feeling a shiver run up my spine, warning me someone was watching in the shadows somewhere nearby.
And me, well being me I started mumbling curses under my breath, while doing so I felt that person or whatever it is get a tad bit closer, I slowly started to freak out, not knowing what to do I suddenly picked a side (the left) and started to run with Free close by.
While I was running I felt my panic kick in quickly as I heard another pair of footsteps a few feet behind me while running, I quickly take notice the footsteps are somewhat getting closer, 'I really have to get this person off my tail, like right now! HURRY BRAIN THINK! THINK!' I tried to think off something but nothing came to mind.
Then suddenly a idea came to mind.
Go right.
I sudden went low close to the ground and turned my body to the right and then stood up straight back up and started to run a bit faster, I heard the footsteps stop for a second but then resumed, I heard the footsteps somehow get more speed from behind me.
I then felt a scream come from my mouth as I was suddenly forced onto the ground my body was forced to turn towards the person? I felt a hand go straight to my mouth, I looked at the person straight in the eyes to see a blue orb staring back, I then quickly kicked the person in the guts off me.
Quickly standing up I growled staring at the female on the ground in front of me "WHAT THE HELL CANDY?! What are you doing here, in the FUCKING woods?!" I said clearly pissed off, she looked at me nervously and sat up, I hope she can explain why in the world she would be here.
3rd P.O.V
After Foxxyz sudden outburst, the woman named 'Candy' sat up holding her head and looking straight at Foxxyz with a nervous expression, seeing that Foxxyz was clearly mad about her just suddenly appearing.
"U-uh you see Foxxyz, do you remember those dE-FOX!" Candy suddenly pointed at Free (da Fox), Foxxyz looked towards Candys way confused and said "that's my fox, her name is Free, and what were you gonna say?" Candy then look her in the face and said " remember those people that we killed? Hahaha funny story-the police found them, I almost got put in jail, but with my very fast odd running speed I came in the woods, and now I'm here!"
Angerly signing Foxxyz looked at Candy with a angrily look and said "I thought you got rid of them? Well more of hid them better then you did." Candy then bowed down saying "forgive me Foxxyz, it's not my falt, they looked around were I hid them and found them so-I'm not making this sound any better am I?" Foxxyz slowly shook her head 'no' and saying "no your not, you are making it sound a lot more worse then it already sounds like."
Akwardly sitting on the ground Candy asked while trying to move her pink hair out of her right eye "well what do you want me to do now master?" Foxxyz head quickly moved looking towards Candy's way and saying quickly "don't call me that! I know I'm your queen and stuff but don't say it like that! You make me feel like I'm really royality and I don't like being treated like that!"
Candy nodded and said "sorry I forgot that you didn't like me saying like that, and I'm sorry, it was for old times sake?" Foxxyz rolls her eyes and says sitting next to Candy saying "it's alright, I'm just overreacting like I normally do, but that's alright and kinda funny" Foxxyz giggled a bit putting her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs placing her head on her knees.
Foxxyz seen Free rub her head against her leg which makes her smile in delight, Cnady notices something wrong with Foxxyz and she asked "hey are you really alright? I didn't mean to tackle you down that hard I-" Foxxyz cut Candy off saying "Candy I really meant it when I said I was alright, okay? now please let's just sit in silence..." Candy nod looking at the side.
After a while Candy had suddenly heard very faint yelling and there footsteps, looking at Foxxyz she said "someone-or some people are headed this way, what do you want to do?" Foxxyz ears pirk at the noise from a while away and says "we face them, or me then if you really want to leave." Candy stood up and says "I'll get going, you go to...where ever you came from and have fun-" Candy bends down and gives Foxxyz a big hug.
Continuing she stood back up saying "-I'll see you later, whenever is later, now see ya later Foxxyz and Free!" Candy then runs the way Foxxyz is looking and sees Candy speed (run) off very fast for not being a human, and soon after she was gone once again into the forest.
Standing up Foxxyz turned around to hear the yelling and footsteps get closer, getting ready to attack whatever, she stood in a fighting stance.
Then a few people appear from the trees, she seemed relieved what she saw it was her queen Y/n, Masky, Hoodie, Toby and surprisedly Jeff, standing up normal she had dropped the fighting stance to feel Free rub her head against her leg, smiling Foxxyz started to wave them over and said "Hey guys! It's been like a hour or so, what's up?"
Y/n looked at Foxxyz, suddenly running into her arms she said "Foxxyz don't do that again! You scared us! Mostly me! You could have gotten hurt being out here alone!" Foxxyz blushes and says "I had Free with me, and see I'm physically fine-" Y/n cuts Foxxyz off saying "That's a lie! There's dirt on your back! Did someone t-tackle you?! Who?!" Shaking Foxxyz Y/n face was a deep red.
Foxxyz nervously laughed while still being shaken and said "heh yeah about that-" Y/n once again cut her off "DID THEY KISS YOU?!? It's not that I care or anything B-BUT IT M-M-MATTERS BAKA!" Y/n shook Foxxyz a lot more.
Foxxyz grabbed Y/n's hands and pulls them off her sweater, looking at Y/n Foxxyz leans in and whispers in her nice f/c ears "your starting to sound like a trundere my dearest friend" taking a step back Foxxyz watched Y/n's expression turn to realization to the point she held her head in wonder why she did that.
Smiling Foxxyz said "sha'll we all go back to the mansion?" Y/n's faces was a cherry red and nodded because she didn't want the risk of having a hard core stutter sooner or later becoming the Stutter Queen ((if you know where that is from I'll give you a cookie :3 )).
And like that the group started to head back to the mansion, unaware of the eyes that hid in the dark.
Fuck sorry for waiting for this for a long while for this chapter lol sorry here's your junny chapter!
Flame always loves you
~Flame (Foxxyz)
Words: 1292
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