**Thank you so much to everyone who has submitted an application! I have already received 25 applications in less than 24 hours, which is AWESOME (but unfortunately means I can't pick everyone) but now the application window is CLOSED so I don't have to reject anyone else! I will be posting a full list of the contestants and judges later this week, but for now make sure to check out the first update of "Recalling Lincoln Carter" that I have on my profile! Again, thank you to everyone who entered!!**
**If you didn't want to read that long paragraph, here you go: the competition is now CLOSED!**
Introducing the Writing Palace, a new writing competition hosted by myself! A couple months ago I attempted to host a "writing games", and it didn't quite work, so if this goes through I will be super excited! I will hopefully be opening this to all of Wattpad very soon, and feel free to let people know, but for right now I am letting my Dear Sydney readers a chance to be in on it early!
The Writing Palace is a ten-round writing competition hosted by yours truly (no, not Connor Hall). A new round will begin each week, and contestants will be required to write a short piece in a different genre/with different requirements for each round! The Writing Palace will start off with 20 contestants. At the end of each round, two contestants will be eliminated based on the scores awarded them by the judges, except for the final round, in which one contestant will be eliminated and the one left will be declared the winner. There will be two judges and one head judge (myself) to oversee everything. Below I have the forms that I ask for you to fill out and comment on this chapter to be a contestant or a judge! If I get enough comments and interested people on this chapter, then I will not have to ask around Wattpad, which I'm hoping will become the case! In order to be eligible, you have to fill out the form below and be honest on it! The first attempt at this contest was halted because too many people dropped out and were unable to keep to their promises they made in the forms.
The Prize! I know this is what you're all really interested in. Prizes, as voted on by you guys, will be Dear Sydney-based! First and second place ONLY will receive a prize! (Prizes have not been completely solidified yet, but the prizes listed below have a 90% chance of being the actual prizes)
Second Place: The second place winner will receive a follow from all three judges, an addition of the writer's book(s) to the judges' public libraries, and a dedication on a chapter of Dear Sydney!
First Place: The first place winner will receive a follow from all three judges, and addition of the writer's book(s) to the judges' public libraries, a dedication on a chapter of Dear Sydney, a public shoutout on all the judges' message boards, and the opportunity to run one of the Dear Sydney characters' Twitter accounts if they so choose! (This will come with some restrictions to protect the creativity of the book, such as myself having the password to said account...sorry if that put a damper on it.)
SO, if you are still reading, here are the forms to enter! Hopefully we will have at least 22 people sign up (20 contestants, 2 co-judges) and we can get started ASAP! If more than 22 people sign up, I will have to pick the best applicants, but don't be offended! I will also have to pick only two judges, so if you are not picked as a judge, you would be an AMAZING contestant as well! Thank you guys again for your continuing support, and I hope you will all participate--we could all use a little extra writing in our lives!
Form for Judges:
First Name:
Most Popular Book:
Reads/Votes/Comments on That Book:
Number of Followers:
Do you have a Kik?:
Do you have an email:
How often do you check your email?:
How often do you check your Kik?:
How often are you on Wattpad?:
Are you able to meet deadlines?:
Why do you want to be a judge?:
If you are no selected as a judge, are you okay with being a contestant?:
Form for Contestants:
First Name:
Most Popular Book:
Reads/Votes/Comments on That Book:
Number of Followers:
Do you have an email:
How often do you check your email?:
How often are you on Wattpad?:
Are you able to meet deadlines?:
Do the prizes interest you?:
Why do you want to be a contestant?:
**prays that people actually sign up**
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