Super Love
- part two
Slight fluff??
Darkness, thag was the first thing that welcomed me. I can't move. These chain restrain me very tightly, I can feel my arm suffocates a little from it. Every singel move I made leaves a rattling sound of the chain.
'fuck me. If only I did jump.' before I can think about more way to degrade myself the door opened with a loud creak. A person, wore a slevelss turtleneck sweather with green cargo pants and was holding a plastic containing something in it.
"ah, you're awake." the room was too dark and the only source of light is the creak of the door. I can barely see their face. I didn't answer them.
"I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable, but dear, you haven't eaten since you were out for.. 2 days. So I brought you these." they opened the plastic and showing a container with fried rice since it was a transparent one and a water bottle.
"I cooked the fried rice myself, don't worry its not poisoned or anything."
"how am I suppose to trust you? you LITERALLY KIDNAPPED me!"
".....Fair enough."
They sigh and opened the container, taking the spoon and then took one bite of the rice "if it was poisoned I would be foolish to took a bite" they said before staring at me.
What the hell and who the hell is this? Weren't they were all psycho and crazy that night??
"even if it is not poisoned, I still can't eat or drink when I'm restrained like this." I shook my wrist a little "and that's why I'm here sweetheart, I'm gonna feed you." they said with a smile before sitting near me
|Narrator's pov
Both latter sits with a small distance and the blacknette feed the girl a little forceful because she still didn't trust the person and then gave up then enjoyed the food. She's not gonna show it of course.
It's funny how their kidnapper who is possibly a maniac and a psychopath is now feeding her and caring for her.
"are you thirsty..?" they asked softly and the girl nodded a little. They put the food down and grab the bottle to open it. She lift her head a little and they do the same with the bottle but gentle so they won't accidentally choked the girl with the water.
The rice was now halfday done and Star can't help but feel really happy and satisfied that their 'love' is eating their food. It was silent for the whole feeding process ".....Why?" the silent was now cut by Heiji who looked at the latter.
"Why what?" they now closing the container and putting the whole stuff inside the plastic bag and tinted their head to look at the girl confusingly
"Why did you.. Suddenly have an attraction towards me?" they couldn've be attracted to someone else with more vibrant personaloties but they choose to have feelings for her.
The glint of light in their eye seems to dissapear's before coming back again and then sigh before putting the plastic down and scoot closet to the girl. They hold her chin and make her look at them.
Her eyes we're a little glossy, no one would notice unless they look closer but not Star. They knew Heiji have some low self-esteem and been going rough on herself for the past years.
"..Stop that" they narrowed their eyes at her "Stop what..?" She asked and their eye soften
"Those eyes, those thoughts. Stop all of it. You don't know how crazy you've drove me for the past years when I looked at you. This is some cliche shit but you are the most beautiful person I lay my eyes apon. No one could even how beautiful you are in my eyes, not even the so called most beautiful women could. Because you are the only beautiful woman I know."
They spoke softly and kissed the corner of her lips. The girl was stunned, her? Beautiful?... She never had been genuinely be complimented and if her light blush was not visible, the last gesture sure made it ten fold redder.
They sigh for the hundredth time and gave her a pat "better stop doubting yourself. Like I said, you're beautiful." She can't even look at them in the eye but they know by the flush on the tip of her ear was a good sign.
"I need to go now love, that door behind you is your room, have fun!" They closed the door leaving the girl there for a second "Oh and love you~" before closing the door again and locked it
"Wait door?-" she look behind her, there indeed is a door. Now that she think of it.. Her hand is lighter then before.. As if..if the chain was not there.
"when the hell did they unlocked this shit."
I rushed this one because I didn't know how the hell do I write it 😀 I hope y'all like it tho-
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