"Tee, you've been staying locked up in your room almost all week. What's wrong?" I hear Adam ask through the door.
I feel my heart break once again. After this, if it doesn't kill me, I'll be permanently damaged.
"I don't want to talk about it." I say softly and squeeze my eyes shut.
"You're going to have to at some point. You're breaking, Tee. Come out and talk to me." Adam says softly.
I lift up my shirt and look into the mirror. I've been losing weight again. But I have been eating.
I hear the doorknob turn and I quickly shove my shirt back down then wipe the tears from my face and turn to face the door, where Adam is entering my room from.
"I know you do." He says softly and approaches me. "What happened? You two were pretty great together."
"Yeah, but.. Couples have arguments." I say and turn away.
"Then why are you two letting a stupid argument split you up?" He asks, turning me so I'm facing him.
"Because - I don't know. I'm dying anyways." I say and look away.
"You are not dying." Adam says sternly.
"I am! Can't you see? I have cancer. Cancer, Adam! It's an incurable disease. With leukemia, it's like I can't do anything. I cant lift things, I have to be extra careful so my bones don't snap, and - Adam, cancer is a side effect of dying. One way or another, my expiration date is going to come up, and I'm going to stop breathing. Because that's how life works. There's no such thing as happy endings, because in the end, everyone ends up dying."
Adam sighs. "I can't argue with that. But what I can do, is tell you to go have fun while you have time. Because you won't be young forever. I may not be your biological father, but I am here. And if you need someone when nobody else is there for you, I will be. Like now." Adam says, looking me in the eyes.
I hesitate a bit before nodding slowly and then looking down.
"Yeah.. I know. But Red practically hates me."
"He does not hate you." Adam says sternly. "He's still your fiancé. He loves you. Believe me, he does."
I sigh softly and look down. "I highly doubt that -"
"Tee, let me show you something." Adam says and leads me out the door.
I'm about halfway down the stairs when I feel light headed suddenly.
"Adam - I.. I don't feel too well," I say, gripping onto the handrail.
"Wha - oh shit!" Adam shouts, and right as I feel myself falling, Adam rushes forwards and catches me.
"Hang on Tee. Just hang on! Please!"
I feel my heartbeat slowly fading, and my oxygen supply running out, so I'm like a fish out of water, my head laying in Adam's lap as I cling to life's final strings.
I wake up in a hospital room. No dark room. No stranger.
I look around slowly, fading in and out of consciousness as I do so.
I take a deep breath, and look down. Noticing all the needles in my arms makes my heart skip a beat.
I slip out of consciousness for a couple of seconds before I force myself back in.
I listen closely to the beeping coming from beside me. Listening to the steady beeps. And thinking. Any one of them could be my last.
I realize that I've been having to be tube fed. Because of the clipboard on the table beside me.
"I'm sorry. We have to take her off of life support." I hear a doctor say.
What?! No! No no no!!
I try to sit up but I can't.
"Please - let me see her. Just one more time. Please." I hear someone say. But I can't identify the voice.
"You have one minute." The same doctor says.
The door slowly gets pushed open, and I realize my eyes are once again sealed shut.
"Hey Tee," I quickly identify his voice. "It's heartbreaking. To see you like this? So thin.. fragile.." His voice cracks. "I'm sorry that the last time we spoke was us arguing."
"Do you want to stay?"
I whirl around, my eyes widening. The same man is back, and on one side of him, I see a happy smiling Red, in a suit, standing under an arch. And on the other side, is Red, sitting in his recording studio, staring at nothing.
"Is this it? Where I'm supposed to die?" I ask, looking at the mystery man.
He shakes his head. "It is not your time. But if you wish to stay or leave, it's your choice."
"I.. stay. I want to stay." I say and he smiles. "See you again." He says then sends me back.
I feel Red squeezing my hand, and something drops onto my arm.
"I love you. I didn't mean anything I said, and I'm sorry." He sobs.
I feel tears form in my eyes as another tear falls onto my arm.
The door opens, and I will myself to show them any sign that I'm awake.
It takes all my strength, but I squeeze Red's hand slightly. Just enough for him to notice.
"Tee?" He asks.
"Hey, Red," I say softly, unable to move, open my eyes, or even smile. That's all I could do.
"Oh my god," he pulls me into a hug, and I muster enough strength to hug him back tightly.
"I missed you. So much." Red says, squeezing me slightly.
I smile a bit and bury my face in his shoulder. "I missed you too. Even though I was unconscious," I say softly.
"God I'm so sorry, I didn't want this at all. Tee, will you be my fiancé again?"
I nod quickly. "Yes. Of course - why is that even a question?" I ask, laughing a bit.
Red sighs softly and shrugs. "I dunno. I guess I'm too happy to think about it," he says and rests his chin on top of my head.
Believe me, Red. I'm happy too.
Very, very happy.
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