I lay with Red in his bed, laying with him, my eyes closed as he holds me and strokes my hair or rubs circles on my back.
I've started to be able to see the baby bump, and Red has as well - and I've started having strange cravings, also eating double what I usually eat.
But there's one thing that scares me. The baby might have a birth defect because of my cancer. Or I may die in the process of giving birth.
I've been staying with Red for a couple of weeks, and not one call or text from Adam. Ouch.
Red lifts my shirt up, so my swollen belly is showing.
He leans down and gives it a quick kiss, making me giggle a bit.
Red pulls my shirt back down before laying his head beside me and moving my hair out of my face.
I hear a few knocks at Red's door, who then gets up and walks over to the door.
He stands there for a second before I hear someone say something along the lines of talk, her, please.
"Tee," Red says with hesitation.
I slowly stand up and walk to the door, having a feeling that I know who is here.
I peek out the door, and I stare at the curly haired man for a few seconds.
"Adam, now isn't the -"
"Please, Tee." He says, giving me a pleading look.
I stand still before I slip out the door and put my arms in front of me, looking down at the sleeves as I pick at the loose strings.
"What do you want, Adam?" I ask softly.
"I'm sorry. We both know I'm not like how I've been showing - I'm just that one protective dad who doesn't want to see his daughter get hurt,"
"Adam," I mutter. "I'm 18. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine if I get hurt. And - I trust Red. Otherwise I wouldn't have had sex with him - with or without protection." I say, looking up at my adoptive father.
He nods a bit. "I understand that. I overreacted and - I'm sorry. I do love you. I really do, and I don't want to lose your trust." He says softly.
I stare at him for a few seconds before looking back at Red and sighing.
"I'll come back - but," I say, giving him a stern look. "I have to keep the baby, and I can visit Red, or he can visit us any time."
Adam nods a bit. "Of course. But I will have his head if he hurts you," Adam says, looking at Red again.
"Hey, I think we both know I won't hurt her." Red says reassuringly.
I smile a bit then look at Adam again, who nods a bit.
"I'll go get my stuff," I say then walk back into the bedroom and begin packing my shirts and stuff.
I hear them talking in the hallway, and listen as I fold each of my shirts and pants and everything I brought before walking out of the room, lugging the suitcase behind me.
Adam looks at me then takes my bag and smiles a bit. "A pregnant woman shouldn't carry heavy things," Adam says then straps it onto his back.
"Wha - it is not that heavy!" I say, crossing my arms like a pouting child would.
Adam raises an eyebrow at me, but I just glare at him.
"Give it," I say, stepping towards him.
"I'm not going to give it to you," Adam says.
"Adam!" I growl.
Adam laughs then turns to leave.
"See you, Red!" Adam says as he walks off.
I quickly kiss Red before running after Adam and tackling him, but all he does is hold me up and laugh.
I lay in bed, tracing patterns over my visibly swollen belly, where I've begun to feel the baby kick.
I sigh and drop my hand to my side before closing my eyes.
"Tee, you hungry?" Adam asks.
He's been checking in on me every half hour, and won't go to work because he doesn't want me to go into labor when he's working.
"A little," I say then look at my phone when it buzzes.
Red has also been texting every half hour.
I reach over and grab my phone before replying and then setting it back down.
"You want anything in particular?" He asks.
I shake my head a bit. "Just a salad will be fine,"
"Tee," Adam sighs. "You haven't been eating much lately. What's going on?" He asks, walking in and sitting down.
I shrug a bit and place my hand over my belly when the baby kicks again. "I dunno," I mutter.
"Tee," he says, grabbing my attention. "I'm not dumb. What's wrong?"
I huff and look at him.
"With my asthma and leukemia - what if the baby has a birth defect? What if it ends up being a stillborn?" I ask, fidgeting.
He gives me a sympathetic look, and I look away. "Tee. You're a strong independent woman, and I'm sure the baby will be strong and healthy when he or she is born." He says reassuringly.
I stare at him before looking away and sighing then nodding. "I guess you're right.. But I do want a salad," I say and smile a bit.
Adam smiles a bit and gets up. "On it," he says then leans down and kisses my forehead before turning and leaving.
Only about a half a minute later, the doorbell rings.
"I got it!" I call and get up then jog down the stairs then to the door and pull it open to find a blonde, curly haired woman with blue eyes.
I stare at her, my heart stopping for a split second.
"So, it's true?" She asks, looking at my belly before looking at my face.
"What -?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Red and you are having a baby," she says.
"Why does it matter to you? You're the one who made up a fake identity just to date Red." I hiss.
Her facial expression goes form hurt to slightly angry.
"Be quiet," she says then huffs. "I need to talk to Adam."
I roll my eyes and turn then go find Adam in the kitchen.
"Adam, the crazy bitch who shot Cass is here," I say and see his eyes widen.
"Look out!" He shouts then tries to push me out of the way, but before he can, a gunshot is heard, and a blazing pain is felt on the muscle between the neck and the shoulder.
Whelp, she definitely has terrible aim. And she's still that stupid jealous bitch.
"Tee!" A familiar voice shouts, and as I drop to my knees, Red slides to a stop on his knees in front of me.
"Nonono, stay with me! Don't you dare pass out!" He shouts.
But it's too late.
I see the blood coating the sleeve of my shirt and now on the floor, some of it splattered onto my face. And that's what makes me black out.
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