"Adam - it- it's not what it looks like," I stutter as I jump up off the couch.
"Really? Because what it looks like is Red kissing my adopted daughter." Adam says and narrows his eyes at Red.
"Hey - bro, calm down." Red says as he stands up.
Adam narrows his eyes at him then looks at me.
"Adam. Look- we both like each other." I say and step forward slightly.
"Stop." He says and massages the dip of his nose then sighs.
"I'll be back. I need to go for a drive and calm down." Adam says and turns then leaves.
"Tee - I'm sorry," Red says then walks over to me.
I shake my head and sigh. "It's not your fault." I say softly and look up at him then smile a bit.
He smiles a bit and nods. "I don't want to hurt you or let Adam force us apart so.. I think it'd be best if we weren't together or if we did that again." He says softly then looks away.
I feel my heart break but I hide it and decide to just nod. "Yeah. I understand." I say softly, somehow holding back a voice crack.
"Sorry." He says and turns then leaves. Only then do I sit on the couch and feel tears begin to flood out of my eyes and down my cheeks.
I bury my face in one of the pillows and cry into it, muffling g the hiccups and sobs.
Why am I crying so hard over this? What the hell. Grow the fuck up.
I take a couple of breaths and wipe my tears away then take a bit of a breather before I get up and walk out of the office to get fresh air.
I inhale some air and sigh then close my eyes and smile a bit.
It's going to be okay. You don't need him in your life. You don't need to date him. You don't need to see him again.
I jump a bit and look over, seeing Adam. "Hey," I say softly.
"I have to tell you something. Come down the stairs with me," he says and slowly starts down the steps.
I follow him and sit beside him as he sits down.
"Alesa and I broke up so.. I'm sorry if I seem a bit more irritable." Adam says softly.
My eyes widen slightly. "R-really? What about Mason?"
"She's keeping him, going to stay with some family." Adam says. "Look. You can be with Red if you want. I just don't want to see you hurt, alright?" He says softly.
I sigh and look down at my feet. "We actually aren't dating. We decided against it." I say softly. "He said it's because he didn't want you forcing us apart or something like that," I say and shrug. "But he has a point. At least he didn't wait until we were dating to say it." I laugh softly.
Adam nods a bit. "I'm sorry, Tee." He says and pulls an arm around my shoulders, squeezing my opposite shoulder as he does so.
I nod a bit. "Hey. He saved me the heartbreak. Gotta thank him for that, huh?" I ask and run a hand through my hair.
"I guess so. Why don't we go back inside and introduce you to everyone on YouTube, hm?" He asks and looks over at me.
I smile a bit and nod. "Why not?" I ask and slowly stand up.
Adam and I recorded a nine minute video, explaining who I am, where I came from, what I have etc.
But I'm now laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, almost waiting for it to peel paint.
I have tears slowly coming out of my eyes.
I take a shaky breath and wipe my tears away, soaking the side of my hand in the process.
I wipe it off on my sweats and turn onto my side, facing the wall as I curl up.
Alesa's gone. Red says he likes me but doesn't want to be with me. And I'm laying here. In bed. Crying. With a heart broken by the person who isn't even mine.
God Tee, just grow up and forget about him. You don't need him in your life.
I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath before wiping the rest of my tears away with my shirt and get up then head downstairs for something to eat.
Adam said he's going out, but I have no idea where, so I'm on my own. And I have been for about an hour now.
I decide to make myself a sandwich, and I stand at the window overlooking the lake, looking at the water as I bite into my sandwich.
I hear the front door open and I look over and see Adam walk in.
"Hey, Tee." He greets me, smiling.
I smile and open my mouth to say something but I see Red, Nick and Tim walk in behind him.
"We're gonna play a couple of games, wanna join?" He offers.
"Uh.. I was actually about to go get in the tub." I mutter, suddenly not feeling very hungry anymore.
He nods. "Alright. Well, why don't you come down when you're ready so we can all hang out together." He says.
I nod a bit and turn to leave, holding eye contact with Red for a couple of seconds before I quickly walk off.
I walk into the bathroom across the hall from my bedroom and pull out a towel from under the sink before starting the tub water, watching as the warm water slowly rises up.
I shut it off when I feel like it's high enough before undressing and slowly lowering my body into the tub, sighing as the warm water hugs my body.
I close my eyes and lower myself further so my legs are poking out of the water and the water goes about halfway up my neck.
When I get out, I wrap the towel around my body then pick up my sandwich and walk downstairs.
I hear Red's talking cease as I walk through the living room and into the kitchen to throw the remainder of my sandwich away.
I walk back out and see Adam, Nick and Tim staring at the screen, playing Mario Kart, but Red on the other hand is staring. Right at me.
I look at him but walk right through the living room before trotting upstairs, and once I get into my room I turn on Liar Liar by Christina Grimmie and hum along to it as I drop my towel and pull on a tank top and shorts.
Once I'm dressed, I sit on my bed and look at my social media for a little bit before I turn off the music and get up then walk to my door.
I pull it open and come out of my room then look up and see Red.
I just continue walking until I'm standing in front of him.
"Quiet. Don't you know it's rude to make a girl fall for you then kiss her and drop her just like that?" I ask and scoff. "That's not how it works." I whisper in his ear then kiss him.
After a few seconds I pull away and cross my arms.
"I'm sorry - I know what I did was wr-"
"Sorry but I don't think it'd be a good idea for us to date. You know, because of Adam?" I repeat what he had said before shouldering past him and going to the stairs then trotting down them.
Damn that felt good.
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