I wake up in my bed and bolt into an upright position, my heart racing.
I look around, and recognizing the atmosphere along with my surroundings, I sigh and close my eyes then take a few deep breaths.
I eventually get up, my feet gently touching the carpet at first before I put my full weight on them and walk out of my room.
As I walk by my desk, and out into the upstairs hallway, I slow to a stop, coming to realization.
I fell asleep on my desk while watching YouTube videos, my cheek resting on my arms in front of my laptop.
So someone moved me.
I put that thought out of my mind and just figure that it was Adam, moving me to a more comfortable place to sleep in.
But.. Wouldn't he have felt how thin or how light I was?
I shake my head a bit and stretch my arms out in front of me, and I'm about to get up when Adam looks into my room.
"Oh- TJ, morning." He says and walks in.
I smile a bit and wave at him slightly.
"I'm gonna leave pretty soon," he informs as he walks over to me.
I nod a bit and look at my laptop that's sitting on my desk.
Adam seems to understand, so he walks over then grabs my laptop and hands it to me.
I smile a bit and take it.
He glances down at his phone then opens his arms.
"Can I have a hug before I go?" He asks.
I nod and get up then hug him, a bit awkwardly at first because I haven't hugged anyone in a while, or literally since I was born.
But I quickly adjust to it and it becomes a bit less awkward for me.
Adam gently kisses my forehead, taking me by surprise and making my heart skip a beat.
Never have I gotten this type of affection in my whole life. Literally.
I smile a bit and look up at Adam as we both separate from the hug.
"See you later tonight, Tee." He says softly and turns then leaves.
I sit back down on my bed and put my legs under the blankets before I open my laptop and look through a few websites before becoming bored and making a Twitter then following a bunch of YouTubers. Again, the YouTubers who do work at the offices, people who used to work at the offices and people who don't work at the offices.
I eventually go to YouTube and click on a video that Max had posted only about a half hour ago.
I watch two other videos before I go to Twitter and feel a quick pang of hurt in my chest when I see Red's newest tweet.
Girlvacktor is a go ;)
But I don't know why. It's just a crush. Not like you'd ever have a chance with him anyways.
I sigh and run a hand through my hair before going back to YouTube, trying to get my mind off of him, but every video I click on, a suggested video is by Red.
I look out my window at the lake and watch boats go by, a couple pulling water boarders or water skiers, or jet skis go flying by, leaving little wakes, the water spitting up about six feet before it drops back down into the water.
I flip over and bury my face in my pillow.
Red's girlfriend is probably gorgeous. Much prettier than I am.
Her personality is probably amazing as well.
But me on the other hand..
I can't speak. I'm not gorgeous. I wake up in the morning with really bad bedhead, occasionally with drool running down my chin.
Yeah. Basically me in a nutshell.
I groan and turn then sit up, then go downstairs to grab a banana.
"TJ?" Alesa calls from the living room.
I close my mouth and sigh, seeing that I was about to bite into my banana.
"You wanna go out to breakfast?" She offers.
I bite into my banana and smile then nod.
I jog upstairs and put my banana on my desk before quickly throwing together an outfit and lightly putting on some mascara and a bit of eyeliner.
(Outfit above)
I then brush through my hair and pull it up into a ponytail then look at reflection and smile a bit, satisfied with how I look today.
I trot back down the stairs and see Alesa putting Mason's little baby shoes on.
I guess she'd gotten ready before I woke up? I dunno.
"Have you ever been to the zoo?" Alesa asks as she picks up Mason and wheels the stroller out behind her.
I shake my head.
I've heard of the zoo, many times actually. But I've never really been to the zoo.
"Would you like to go after we grab some food.
I stare at her, shocked for a couple of seconds before a smile spreads across my face and I nod.
"Great! Oh- the keys-" she sighs and goes to turn back and grab them but I run back into the house, instinctively going to where she was sitting and smiling then grabbing the car and house key, which are both on a single keychain together.
I return and walk out then close the door and stick the house key into the lock before turning it and locking it then pulling it back out.
I turn back to Alesa and smile a bit.
"Thanks," she says, smiling before she walks to the car.
I unlock it for her so she can load Mason into the car.
She straps him into his little car seat before turning and putting the stroller in the trunk, then going to the front drivers side, where I hand her the keys when she gets in.
"You forgetting anything?" She asks as she starts the car.
I shake my head after checking that I have my phone.
"Aright, let's go then." She says, smiling.
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