I push the sealed white envelope into the blue mailbox across the street before turning back around and jogging back across the dark street, where no cars are driving up.
I sneak into the poorly lit, rundown building and walk up the steps, which I've learned where the squeaky parts are and aren't existent.
I walk into my room and shut the door- which always makes a loud click as soon as it shuts. I swear, I got the shittiest room in this whole place.
I bring my hair over one shoulder and lay in the bed, where I can practically feel the springs resisting against my body weight.
All there is in this room, is a mattress with sheets and a pillow, a window, a crappy nightlight, a lamp, a tiny dresser and a closet that has no doors.
Sadly, this is the place I am forced to call home. Why? I ran away from home. Both of my parents abused me until I was forced to be mute.
I want to talk, I really do, but I can't. It's like something inside me is willing me to speak, but my lips and tongue won't do the work they're supposed to.
I sigh as I lay in my 'bed' and stare up at my water stained ceiling. Whenever it rains, I have to move my mattress and put a bucket under the leaking spot.
My lightbulb is burnt out, and I have no curtains or anything to shut my window with. The only light I ever have is the sunlight or the moonlight coming through the window. But when it's all dark out, and there's no moon, my room is almost pitch black.
Barely any cars drive down this street, but whenever they do I always look out the window to see if someone is coming to adopt.
My room always has a cold draft, because the stupid owner of this place didn't bother to put a heater in my room and the window's seal is broken so cold air is always coming in through the window.
During the day it's the opposite. I have no air conditioning in here, and the sun always floods in making it extremely hot in my room and almost unbearable.
People might ask why I never go outside of my room then.
Well, I don't leave my room because I'm terrified of the owner of this place. She's mean.
I'm also hated by every girl here.
I stare up at my ceiling and just do nothing.
Just stare. Blankly. Like I'm dead or something. Sometimes I wish I was dead. It's not something I'm going to hide. I actually do.
I sigh out of my nose and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep and somewhat hoping my eyes don't open up again in the morning.
A d a m
I walk into my office and see five letters sitting on my desk that say please open
I open the first one and read the date on the top. This one was sent three weeks ago.
I open the next one after reading the first one, my eyes carefully scanning each one until I reach the last one which was recently sent.
I read it then sit at my computer and the first thing I do is book a flight to Los Angeles, California which I'll stay a few days in before coming back, with a new daughter. Hopefully.
I hear the adoption bell ring and I quickly sit up, my sheets sliding off of my thin torso.
I crinkle my nose at the unhealthy and unnatural thinness of my body before looking around and grabbing my baggy sweater then slipping it on over my tank top before slipping my sweats on.
I stare out my window at the pouring down rain. Literally do nothing but stare. Watch the raindrops slowly run down the window.
Any sane person would ask why my light isn't on when it's a dark and rainy day. But they don't know the light's burnt out and I don't know where the extra light bulbs are.
I look down at my thin fingers and stare at them. My hands are always cold. Hell, my whole body is always cold.
I run a hand through my hair. Every time I do so, I'm terrified that a hunk of my hair is going to come out.
I look at my legs. Even with the sweatpants, you can tell I'm unhealthy.
The doorknob to my door turns, and the door creaks as it opens.
I look over my shoulder and end up doing a double take as the twenty two year old man walks in through the door and closes it behind him.
My usually tired brown eyes light up and I stare at him for a few seconds.
"Hey, I'm Adam." Adam introduces himself and waves with a smile on his face.
I stare in shock for a few more seconds before blinking a couple times and smiling then waving.
"So I uh.. Got your letters. Was all of that true?"
I nod a bit and look down.
"Where are your parents now?" He asks as he walks over.
He looks shocked that I'm living in such a crappy room.
I shrug a bit and pick at my nails. This is usually where they abandon me. They find out I'm mute, they don't want a mute daughter and then they leave.
"Can you talk?" Adam asks in a soft voice.
I shake my head slowly.
"Are you choosing not to or are you mute?" He asks.
I nod a bit and hold up two fingers.
"Oh- I'm sorry to hear that.." He says softly.
I realized I completely forgot to add that I'm mute in the notes.
I shrug a bit and only a few seconds later, Adam sits in front of me, cross legged.
"You know I came all the way down from Washington, right?" Adam asks softly.
I nod and look up at him, my brown eyes meeting his.
"None of the guys know exactly why I'm down here."
I raise an eyebrow and look around before grabbing my crappy iPhone 5 and writing something in the notes section.
Really? Why did you come here? People don't just do that stuff for me.
He reads it and smiles a bit.
"Well, I flew down here to Los Angeles to ask you a question." He says and pauses. "I read your notes a couple of nights ago, and decided to come down here because I want to adopt you."
My eyes widen and for a second I don't believe what he said.
"So, would you like to come home with me?" Adam asks.
I nod and smile widely. Not only am I getting out of this hellhole, but my idol is the person who's adopting me.
It's going to be hard to not talk, but I'm gonna have to stick through it.
I know I can talk. I know I have a voice deep inside me somewhere, but it's not ready to come out.
I guess it's one of those things I'm going to have to be patient with for another while.
Probably even forever.. And thinking about never talking again just wears me out.
"Great. You go ahead and pack, and I'll go fill out the paperwork. Sound good?" He asks as he stands up again.
I nod and watch as he turns then walks out of the room.
A sigh escapes from my lips and I smile a bit.
Finally. Let's get out of this hellhole once and for all.
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