Entry Two: (Day 5482)
Entry Two: (Day 5482)
Dear Reader,
Instructor Johansen made me report to Leader Milling today. She told me I was writing in an improper format for documenting. I'm confused. Documents are supposed to be private. And I know it hasn't moved from where I placed it. How could she have known? The only thing I could think of was the document itself, and when I looked I found something interesting. Reader, there's sensors built into the pages of every document. Every word you or I write is recorded not only on that paper but is theoretically sent directly to Section One. I'm not writing this in the Document, not anymore. I stole, I know it was wrong to do so, an empty book from that abandoned library. I'm not sure yet what an empty book's purpose would have been in the past. Maybe in previous generations it was mandatory to record things as well. I feel guilt about taking the book, which I know is another unapproved emotion, but I can't help but reason that it's just as wrong to record the documents of the Year Fifteens. Do you suppose they're recording all the documents? All the way up to Mentors?
I wish you were reading this as I write Reader, you have to stop using your document. But don't stop writing in it, they'd notice. Today I wrote an entry but it was just what they wanted to hear, it wasn't real. I'd keep this empty book in my room but I fear random inspection. I suppose I could keep it in the abandoned library, it's increasingly harder to escape to there though. I am under more surveillance now that I wrote in the wrong format. I remember a boy I used to go to Education with, his name was Thomas Lillian. He was so much like me. In Year Ten he used to tell our course mates his crazy ideas about Area 37 and Earth in general. I'd like to say that I did as I was supposed to and ignored him. I couldn't do it. Everything he said made so much sense to me.
A week later he was removed from Education and I suppose the community. No one has seen him since. I worry sometimes that I say too much, make myself too obvious. What if they come for me too? I can't say that this is how I want spend my life, being constantly suspicious of those I'm supposed to trust most. But what, if anything, is more terrifying than the unknown. Maybe it's best if I don't make my insubordination even more recognizable. I'll write again, I swear it. Just maybe not every week. Mentor Vanessa seems to be looking for any reason to report me, and Mentor James refuses to stand up for me. He comforts me quietly in private but will stand behind her as she lectures me. I'm not sure I am safe in this household. They both know so much already, one small thing and I may be the next Thomas.
It's a weird feeling. I feel so close to you and it's only been a week since I began writing to you. And then there's always the fact that you aren't real. Maybe that's why it's so easy to confide in you Reader, I know you won't betray me.
Until next time.
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