Entry One: (Day 5475)
Certificate of Wrongful Birth:
Birth Name: Averi Morganna Finley
Given Name: Kathleen Nicole Marella.
Weight: 7 pounds 13 ounces.
Born: Day 82 of Year 3982, Hour Two.
Unplanned Number: 24.
irth Parents: Willow Alyssa Demitry and Oliver Noah Finley
Mentors: James William Marrella and Victoria Anne Marrella
Message from Birth Parents:
To our dearest Averi Morganna Finley,
Don't listen to them. You were planned. We wanted you. You'll be just fine. We love you.
Do your best.
Xoxo, Mama and Papa.
Message Not To Be Seen By Intended Viewer Until Further Notice.
Birth Parents Sentence: Death for Wrongful and Purposeful Conceivement of a Child.
Execution: Day 93 of Year 3982.
Entry One: (Day 5475)
Dear Reader,
I received my document today. As you know, all Year Fifteens are required to record weekly during day three, from hour seventeen to hour eighteen before Communal Meal. I'm not sure yet what we are supposed to be recording exactly, beyond the basic requirements anyways, but Mentor Vanessa says it's no one's business to tell me and that I will figure it out on my own. I think it has something to do with the word Unplanned, they keep saying it when they think no one is listening. I can't figure out what it could mean, but I'm sure it means something important.
Anyways, as required: Today in Mathematics, we learned the base of exponential growth. In English, we read the census records of year 2674. In health, we reviewed the process of sterilization, as Year Eighteens will begin the process next week. In Science, we started a unit on fetal development by developing a fetus in a lab. In History we watched a documentary from Year 3651 about the ever growing population of Pre-Earth. Reader, I wonder if you know if we'll ever learn something interesting. This is all review now, we've been learning this information since Year One. I want to learn about the other areas on Earth, I want to learn about plants and animals, and stars. Some nights I can see the stars. I asked Mentor James what they were, I knew Mentor Vanessa would be angry with me if I showed interest in anything unordinary.
After Education all Year Fifteens are required to go to work assignment. I was assigned to file organization in Station One. Mentor James said that is the highest assignment there is and it means that Area 37 has the utmost trust in me. Normally this position is given to Year Seventeen. I don't feel very honored, Mentor Vanessa says that she's sure I'm not ready for such a large task and that if my scores in Education lower I will be forced to request a change in assignment. I know that envy is an unapproved emotion but I can't help but have wanted to be placed in the Glasshouse of Station Two. The call of new life beckons me. I have always enjoyed the Year Zeros in the community. Although, as you know, we don't see them anymore. The Glasshouse is still developing fetuses, I imagine the Glasshouse in your Area is as well. I read in a history book from over a thousand years ago that the gestational period was only between nine and ten months. So how have we changed the developmental process to take over five years? Mentor James used to get very sad when I told him my ideas. I once told him I thought I would like to be placed in Station nine someday with the scientists. He cried. I promised him I'd never say anything like that again.
I'll tell you though. I can pretend that you're listening with an open heart. The rest of Year Fifteen is so content in this life. The whole community seems so... satisfied with such an unsatisfactory world. Perhaps you don't even understand my ramblings. It's understandable. I've been told several times by Leader Milling that I don't think enough and speak too much. I can't help but think the truth is the exact opposite.
The meal bell is ringing Reader. Talk to you next week.
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