Entry Five: (Day 5573)
Population File of Area 37
For Viewing of Official Persons Only
Population Count: 17,829
Sanctioned Population for Year 4000: 12,000
Population Breakdown:
Elders: 3,292
Mentors: 4,047
Workers: 5,197
Officials: 2,256
Unplanned: 2,037
Planned: 1,000
To Be Removed From Community:
Elders: 3,292
Mentors: 244***
Workers: 0
Officials: 256
Unplanned: 2,037
Planned: 0
***1,803 Mentors To Be Transferred Into Workers
Elders: 0
Mentors: 2,000
Workers: 7,000
Officials: 2,000
Unplanned: 0
Planned: 1,000
Entry Five: (Day 5573)
Dear Reader,
You won't ever believe what I have found. I can't even believe it myself. I didn't sleep last night, I couldn't. I watched the recordings of the files and read them all. Something is very wrong here. I don't understand it. According to the files we have a population of almost eighteen thousand but then says that the sanctioned, which I had to look up and it means given official permission or approval for, population for Year 4000 is twelve thousand. That's a drop of almost six thousand people. All of the Elders and all of the Unplanned are on the list to be removed. What do they mean by removed from the community? I have so many questions, but the only person I can ask is you. And you're not actually reading this, you never will. This is pointless, but I can't help but think I'll go crazy if I keep all of this in my head. I have to keep writing this down, some days I fear I am actually crazy and none of this is real. Writing it down makes it real, telling someone, even if they will never actually read it, makes it real. You, the unreal aspect of my life, make my life feel real. I am crazy aren't I?
So more about the documents, there were quite a few that struck my interest but I can't make out what many of them mean. Of course the population count sheet was the most suspicious to me but once I got a closer look at the blueprint and a few files I think go with it, they were a close second. There are some things in life that just don't sound right, even if you've never been taught directly that it's wrong. Maybe that makes no sense, I might be alone on that opinion. Still. I think you'd agree that a remote control that can manipulate a child sounds a bit off. I guess the mastery behind it is a chip implanted in the elbow. Almost like a blood extraction, except instead of pulling something out they're putting something in. On a later paper it shows how the chip will travel through the veins to the brain and implant itself in the Limbic system. The part of the brain that controls not only emotion and behavior, but memory as well. I can't tell if the chips are for The Unplanned or The Planned. I would assume The Planned if they're planning on removing us from the community. I have to say, the idea behind it is genius. The control is more like a panic button I suppose and the receiver of the message is Station One. I theorize that the Mentor would then make a complaint and the Workers in Station One would find the computer file on that child and use the chip to make changes. A race of perfect children, growing to perfect adults, and then raising the next generation of perfect children. It seems to be a well balanced plan. But as far as I can tell it's based pretty purely on the element of surprise.
Reader I would suppose if you were actually reading this you'd be shocked at my acceptance of this situation. I'd like to clarify. I do not approve of any of this, but I can appreciate the thought behind it. Who doesn't want a perfect world. Can you imagine, a world without the Displaced? A world where no laws are broken, one with no delinquents, no opinionists, just sheer synthetic compliance. I suppose it must sound absolutely absurd coming from me of all people, but I can understand the thought behind it. It's fascinating to think about. All the same, due to the fact that I am not of what their system will mostly likely prefer, I can't let this continue. Unfortunately I'm not quite sure of how to proceed. There aren't any dates on the papers, there's nothing except that the population is going to be changed dramatically in the next year and a half. I'm not even sure if this is all set in stone. I haven't ever seen anything like the things I've seen in the past months. I can't understand how someone's life could spin so violently out of control so quickly. I wish you were here, I can write my ideas down all day but I don't have anyway to receive feedback. What am I missing? I can't help but think that there's just something I'm not picking up on. I have to go, it's time for Assignment. Maybe I'll find something else that will make me question my sanity even more.
Thanks for all of your fantastic help,
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