The sky turned a navy blue as we migrated from the riverside back into the caravan. My dad had the air con on for a while, so the drastic difference from the outside to the inside was noticeable. I flopped onto my bed as my family began getting ready for bed. It was decently early to sleep, but all of us were dead from the long day. Wilson made his bed on the couch; he wasn't complaining quite yet.
As the night progressed and my family slowly got dressed and brushed their teeth, I laid in my bed and looked through the window at the caravan next to us. I imagined who they would be in their normal everyday lives and what they had been through in life. It was an interesting thought.
My parents turned off their light on their side. Wilson turned the whole caravan light off. We all fell asleep.
I woke up at an unnatural time from a sudden need to use the bathroom. My eyes groggily opened as I reached for my phone. The brightness came suddenly, and I winced as I checked the time; 2:13am. I moaned, knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep without going to the bathroom. I unplugged my phone from the charger and removed myself from the comfort of my bed. I tried not to make a noise, making sure that my family wasn't interrupted by my sudden need to leave the caravan. I slipped on my Birkenstocks and left the caravan, my phone as a torch.
I'll always remember how I felt looking up at the stars that night. Despite being half asleep, I looked up to see the complexities of the night sky, how every flicker meant a star was burning light years away. All the constellations created seemed impossible to track down, as each star gleamed in a way that just one look was mind boggling. I continued walking to the bathroom.
As my mind continued to wonder through how the stars looked and what was happening tomorrow, something stopped me in my tracks: someone but nothing. A breath escaped my mouth as I looked around to see if there was someone there, but there was no one. I felt uneasy all of a sudden, because someone had stopped me and now I didn't know what did.
"Hello?" I whispered, knowing I would look like a complete idiot to anyone walking by, but needed the reassurance that I was in fact alone.
After no reply, I decided to just suck it up and continued walking. Something pushed me back and I screamed.
"Shhhh." something said, and as I tried regaining my balance I looked around panicking; no one was there.
I felt the sudden urge to just run, but I couldn't move. It was like someone was holding me back. I began panicking more, naturally, feeling like I was about be murdered or something.
"Please don't kill me." I stuttered, wishing that I ran to the bathroom instead of walking slowly.
"I'm not going to kill you," the voice said, still coming from nowhere, "I'm just here to see you."
I stand there, my heart beating like someone is just pressing a button a million times.
"Wh-who are y-y-you?" I stuttered, chills crawling up my spine as a ghostly and faint face appears in front of me. It was a very familiar face, something I found comfort in before the tables turned on me. I was familiar with the curves and the dimples, the freckles and the sharpness of the features. The hair as blond as corn on a cob, the eyes as dark as chocolate. It was all faint and ghostly but I knew who it resembled.
"I do believe you know," it whispered, moving closer as I find the hands of it on my shoulders, holding me back, "but you second guess yourself. Don't you love me anymore?"
I doubted what I saw, it was impossible.
"It's me Geo, Pete Hein."
I gasped, anger filling my bones as he vanished, gone.
I sprinted to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall, contemplating if what I saw was real or just a half asleep dream I hadn't woken from. By the time was washing my hands and walking back, I had convinced myself that it was all in my imagination, that I created it in my sleep.
It was impossible.
I opened the caravan door and headed towards my bed again. As I began to fall asleep, I thought back to a year ago, and it was then that I knew it was all a dream.
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