"Dear Mr. Heart Breaker..."
"Heartbreaking was in your agenda, unfortunately, I failed to to notice it first..."
Dear Raymond,
That evening that I anticipated so much, Raymond; I dressed in the most soothing outfit, expect many things then. But that day when we're just at the entrance of the carnival you gave the first heartache. You came to my house unexpectedly. I was so flabbergasted. The whole way their we held hands but just when you saw Sasha you let go of it and went to her. I don't know if Peter and Noah were there but just when your warmth left my hand, I was staring at it like a lost puppy. The whole evening I didn't let you hold my hand. I'm sure you noticed. Everytime you furthered your hand and I pulled it away.
At the end if the carnival, Raymond, you pulled me to a dark side and started to kiss me. I felt dirty and at the same time really pure, Ray... I was crying. I was loosing you and can't help it. You didn't say anything but wiped my eyes and continued to kiss. "Can I touch you?" I nodded to that. Your hands reached inside my Tshirt, Raymond. I should've stopped you. But I didn't. I wanted to imprint your feel in me so much. Only if I should've, Raymond... Only if I should have. Stopped it right when it all started. I was dumb and naive. It cost me really much, Ray.
Peter said to me to stay away from you. That you're messing with my feelings. I should've listned.
That day, was my last day at States, "Raymond, before I go. I want to confess this to you. Raymond Queen, I love you..." the air stopped moving. Then Peter started. "Actually, Gwendolyn... He hates you." I didn't believe it. But them you said it was true.
The only thing to left mouth was "why."
"No particular reason. You just don't have a good character." That was it for me. Even though I was smiling and said it's okay, Raymond. I was broken. I knew what was the thing that rot inside me. It was my heart. It was now completely rotten. I couldn't love anymore because of you, Raymond.
You crossed your limit when you asked did it hurt me. I smiled and said no. Pathetic me. I stayed quiet, Raymond. I didn't pick your calls the day after. Nor did I said when I left States. Neither will I say.
The only thing that wandered thereafter in my mind, Raymond, is your way of introducing yourself and you promising me that'll make sure I cry when I have to.
Yes, dear Mr. Heart Breaker, yes you stayed true to your words... Only if I said true to mine; would things have been different now?
Your sincerely,
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