Came down from heaven above with the qualities from hell.
Barge into my life, with no intention of meeting me besides a glance.
I feel as though I'm nothing in your sight even though you're on level one and I beat the game two years ago.
I decided to stop wasting my time on a person who doesn't give a damn about me.
I'm turning my back on a person who keeps me as their backbone when they don't even hold up my arm.
A person who claims I'm the best yet I see him tell others I'm lousy.
Do you even know my name, or were you just joking that one time?
Did you forget the times we laughed? The times you called me beautiful? The time you held me in silence and said you wanted to live in that moment forever?
Did you mean all the insults you threw my way?
That time you said you wouldn't say what's on your mind about me because it'd hurt me.
I wish you said it, because it wouldn't leave me picking at myself for hours trying to figure out what you were going to say.
It took you a few words to dismantle me and I still wonder how you got the power to do that.
I just ignored all the people telling me I look gorgeous because you didn't even look in my direction for more than a second.
I'm giving up.
Because don't you see how pathetic this all sounds?
I don't want to be pathetic.
I'm overreacting too much, hating myself too much, crying too much, stressing too much, all for the wrong person.
I'm sorry I ignored your wave, your little smile, pushed you away when you went for a hug, and began looking at you without the softness I had before.
I'm sorry I ended it. I'm sorry I broke your heart. I'm sorry nowadays we're strangers. I'm sorry because I still love you.
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