Janet's POV
They say the best thing to do when you are not feeling yourself is to transform. Transform into something you've always wanted to be. I knew exactly what I wanted to be and the girl that I was now was far from it. Sometimes you look in the mirror and it's not what you want to see.
All I saw was a broken doll with marred skin. I'd claw away at my skin until my fingers hurt. I'd chew away at my lips until they bled and I felt nothing but pain. I didn't like this girl not did I like her story. But if it was going to change I needed to do something about it.
The picture of my claimed to be my father and his two daughters burned in my pocket. I made the decision that night that I would be the Janet I wanted to be. At least I thought I knew the Janet I wanted to be.
But it's still a work in progress
I never said I had it all down ready to go. Operation change Janet was only getting started and soon I found myself with burnt shoulder-length burgundy hair. My bangs were cut ever so slightly and when I looked in the mirror I liked what I saw.
Sometimes the old Janet would pop out behind me. She glares at me and ridicules me.
You think this is you? You haven't got a clue. Poor poor Janet. They'll never love you or want you. Your just the sad little orphan girl with a messed up face.
I believed every word that came from her mouth. I was the girl who everyone pitied. I was trying desperately to be worth something. And maybe I didn't deserve it heck I wasn't some angel. I had my flaws too and I was willing to admit them.
That Monday morning I got looks. I had changed my look so it was to be expected. A thousand eyes were on me as I walked down the hallway.
I used a brand new foundation this morning. It made my face appear matte without a single flaw in sight.
I wore an oversized creme hoodie with some overwashed jeans. I pulled my now burgundy hair into a neat ponytail. I didn't expect compliments from anyone. I wasn't surprised when Millie Anderson laughed at me on my way to math class.
"She looks like a clown" she guffawed loudly her pack of minions following along. I gulped back the stinging urge of tears that so desperately wanted to fall.
I sat in the back of class glancing out the window. I watched as the trees danced ever so slightly. I wished I could be as free as they appeared to be. I felt a slight knock against my desk and gasped when I turned my head.
Erin's face was so close to mine I couldn't breathe. He smiled warmly before grabbing my ponytail gently in his humongous hands. "New hairstyle huh? Looks good" he whispered biting his lip.
What was I to do in a moment like this? Of course, me being me I pulled from his grasp. "Please refrain from touching me. Have you done your part of the project yet"? I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
He groaned tugging his dark hair. " I didn't get to finish. Soccer practice ran late but I swear I'll have it done tonight. Why dont you come over that way we'll get it done faster". He leaned forward in his desk resting a hand underneath his head.
"Can't. I've got work I need to do. You are on your own so get it done" I snapped pulling out my notebook. I didn't miss the look of hurt and the slight flinch he gave me. He silently turned back around and didn't say another word the whole class time.
The rest of the day dragged on slowly. Ms. Freckles was out of town so I had the house to myself. I made some chicken and pasta while getting some much-needed homework done.
When 6:30 rolled around I decided to go for a much-needed walk. I dressed in a light coat and threw on some polka dot crocs. I placed a grey beanie on my head before stepping out into the cold air.
I walked a few blocks as I saw parents with their children making their way home. I let my feet guide me wherever they wanted to go. I stopped at a small park taking a seat on one of the green benches.
The cold air slapped against my face now and then causing me to shiver. I saw a petite frame of a girl swinging gently on the swing.
I leaned back against the cold bench closing my eyes. I heard loud sniffling coming from the direction of the girl. I wasn't one to go meddling in other business but she sounded distraught.
So I begrudgingly got up from the bench and slowly made my way towards the girl. She was dressed in a pink hoodie and grey sweats. Her head was down as she sobbed.
"Excuse me? Are you alright" I asked still keeping a distance from her. She didn't answer me, just kept on sobbing. I rolled my eyes, this is what I get for going out of my way for a stranger.
I cleared my throat once again and was met with an icy glare. I felt my heart drop when I realized just who it was.
Barnie Greco
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