TRIGGER WARNING: vomiting/emetophobia and pill mention,, your basic sick fic
Evan woke up drearily. His throat ached, and he felt warm and sweaty. Noticing his stuffed nose, he groaned as he rolled out of bed to get ready for school. He hated being sick, it caused him a lot of anxiety. So he pretended like he was fine and threw on his polo shirt and one of Connor's old sweatshirts. Avoiding his mom's glance, he rushed out the door as his head pounded.
"Bye Mom..." His voice managed out, cracking a bit in the middle of his sentence.
"Don't forget to take your meds!" Heidi held out a pill and a cup of water to him, and Evan grabbed it reluctantly and tried to swallow it. He choked a bit, but managed to get it down his scratchy throat. Shaking his head clear, he rushed out the door before his mom could ask any questions.
Connor sat in class, leaning back against his chair lazily. The door slammed open, in coming a flustered Evan with his face bright red. The boy was coughing, quickly taking his seat as he threw the teacher a tardy slip.
"S-Sorry... Alarm didn't go off." His voice sounded raspy to Connor and he looked over to Evan to see him staring at the teacher.
"Fine. Turn to page 394..."
The class bell rang and Evan made a dash to the bathroom. His stomach had been churning all morning and he didn't want to leave in the middle of class. He was horrified of vomiting and the fact of being sick in general, he couldn't stand his stomach acting up at all. Connor had seen the other grabbing his stomach and keeling over in his seat, and the fact Evan didn't shoot him his regular smile or say anything got him concerned. He knew he had anxiety with sickness so he followed him into the bathroom silently, hearing the sounds of someone vomiting in the last stall with whimpers coming out every time.
"Evan?" A groan sounded out, followed by choking and gasping for air. Knowing his fear, Connor tried to push the door open but felt it was locked.
"H-Help..." Evan whimpered out, clutching his hand over his mouth and squeezing his eyes shut as he felt his throat sore and his stomach growl. The boys small plea caused Connor to become frightened, getting on all fours and crawling under the stall door and rushing to Evan's side. He gripped his arms tight around Evan on the floor, providing support for him as he tried to breathe and finish vomiting.
"It's gonna be okay... You're okay... This is only temporary, remember? It'll be over soon... Mind over matter? Try talking yourself out of it... If not, just let it happen... It's gonna be okay..." Connor's words came rushing to Evan, hearing his boyfriend choke on whatever was in his mouth. He held him tighter, whispering more reassurance to him.
"I'd rather... Rather die than be doing this." He rushed his sentence, before clutching the toilet again before he choked up spit into the bowl. Connor teared up, wishing he could take the pain away from him and onto himself.
"I know... It's fucking horrible. But it's gonna be over soon... Evan you should have told me you were sick..."
"I-I thought if I didn't say it... that it wouldn't be true." Evan fell into Connor's thin arms and started crying, clutching onto the other boy tightly. Connor rubbed his back in small circles, planting kisses on his warm forehead.
"I could've helped you earlier..." They sat in silence for a moment before Evan whimpered again.
"C-Can you keep talking? I like hearing... things when I get into shit like this I guess... You don't have to but-"
"Trees. You know a lot about them... I listen to you go on for hours about oaks and maples and birch and... And redwood and sequoia... I really like the willows you showed me last time we went to the park, the way the leaves fell were really beautiful. Like you. You're really beautiful... Don't forget that, okay?"
"Shh... No. Listen... Does your stomach feel better now?"
"Better, but still a little unsettled."
"We have this period free, right? I'm gonna drive you to my house, your mom works today I think... Don't try to argue with me, it won't work. I'll carry you to the car if I have to..."
"C-Carry me?"
"Since you asked." Evan's expression turned shocked as Connor actually proceeded to picking him up bridal style. They smiled weakly at each other, kissing before he unlocked and pushed open the stall door.
"You're gonna get sick from kissing me..."
"I don't care." They were silent for the walk to the car. Connor laid Evan down in the passengers seat and got in the drivers seat. He kept one hand on the other's thigh and drove to his house. Evan stumbled out of the car, tears coming back to his eyes as he dashed into the house. He went to the bathroom, waving a hello to Cynthia before vomiting again. Connor smiled to his mom and ran in after Evan, putting his hand on his back supportively.
"I know this is probably the fucking worst but... It's gonna be better soon... Fuck I wish I could... Take it onto myself instead of you." Connor winced as he felt Evan choke out, collapsing into him again.
"N-No! You're amazing and you don't need to say that kind of stuff for me."
"But I love you, so I will." He whispered, Evan blushing more. He cuddled himself into a small ball against Connor's chest while tears fell down his face.
"I-It's gonna stop... right?" Evan's voice was full of looking for confirmation, shuddering against Connor as he bit his lip to stop anything else from coming up for a moment.
"Of course! It'll be over soon... And I'm not leaving your side until it does, sound good?" Evan just nodded quickly and hugged Connor tightly. Connor held him tightly, knowing physical contact could help the other calm down in anxiety attacks. He tried to set a paced breathing so Evan could follow him and slowly the boys breathed together in sync.
"I love you Con..."
"Love you too. Stomach?"
"Much better now... I-I think I'm done for now... Can I have some water?" Connor nodded, helping Evan up and walking the both of them into the kitchen. Cynthia had gone out to do something, knowing best to leave the boys alone for a little. Pouring Evan a glass of cold water, he grabbed some simple crackers to give him.
"Just try to nibble on these... And drink a lot, slowly. I'll get you some gum." He fumbled in his pocket for some mint gum he learned to keep on him for Evan when he had attacks. He handed him the pack and watched the boy shakily take one and start chewing on it quickly. Evan looked up to him after taking a sip of water and smiled.
"Thank you. I'm s-sorry for freaking out..."
"Please don't be sorry. It's not your fault and you didn't do anything wrong. I love you a lot, okay? I can't stand not doing anything to help you..." While Connor talked Evan managed to finish the glass of water, spitting out the gum into the trash to nibble on a cracker. His stomach felt okay enough to keep the food down, eventually finishing the few crackers Connor had given him.
"C-Can we go cuddle?"
"Only if I get to carry you again." Connor smirked as he picked up the smaller boy in his arms again. He earned a squeal from Evan, quickly making their way upstairs to Connor's room before collapsing onto the bed entangled in one another. They kissed, Connor refusing to care if he got sick as they went deeper into the kiss. Evan pulled away blushing madly as if he had to say something. Connor prompted him with his expression to go on, the other boy smiling grandly.
"I-I love you more than trees. Even the willows."
"You fucking cutie."
a.n: heyhey i don't have much to say i love u all btw and the tonys got me crying HARD they all deserved it so so much,, creds to @iyanna_reads for the idea!
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