Connor always saw Evan Hansen in the hallways. It was hard not to, he was incredibly attractive to Connor. He always frowned to see the boy more cowardly and covered in what looked like bruises and hickeys every day. He never had the courage to approach him, he was thought of as the "stoner" type so he kept his distance. It wasn't until one day that Connor couldn't help but step in.
"You piece of shit! Go fucking die for all I care, you wish you could deserve me!" It was late after school and Connor had just finished a test he had missed, and as he was walking down the hallway he overheard yelling and couldn't help but listen in.
"Listen, I'm really sorry... P-Please don't hit me! I'll go... I'll go!" A voice cried out, Connor's attention heightened as he recognized it as Evan's.
"Get out. Don't come crying back to me for sex." He saw Evan get pushed out of the doorway, the door slamming behind him. Connor made quick eye contact with Evan before he saw him run down the hall.
"W-Wait! Wait up! Hey!" Connor called after him, sprinting after the boy. He slowed down as he saw him go into the bathroom, trailing in quietly after him.
"Hansen... Evan Hansen, right? I know you're in here. Shit. That sounded creepy. I mean, I'm here to help." Connor's voice echoed into the concrete walls, hearing a sniffling from the last stall.
"Can I come in...?"
"You don't want to, Murphy." Evan managed to choke out, his breaths sharp as he tried to talk through the tears. He dragged his fingernails across his skin, leaving bright red marks over his bruises.
"I want to help if I can."
"No one should want to help me." Evan snapped, Connor rolling his eyes and walking in. He sat down across from Evan, looking at him. He studied the marks on his skin, frowning. Evan's eyes were dark and tired from no sleep and tears.
"I do. Wanna talk?"
"Evan. What the hell just happened." Evan could tell that Connor wasn't asking, and he hid his face to avoid answering.
"I'm not leaving you here, sorry."
"You don't even know me."
"I-I'd like to... Or at least help someone out if I can." Connor murmured, pretending to play with his hair to try to break the awkward tension between the two boys. Evan sighed, swiping at his eyes to try to end the tears quickly before he started.
"Okay, fine. That was my... boyfriend. So if you're a homophobic asshole, get out. "Mister" Sweeney, Ram, is who I am in a "relationship" with." Evan managed to stumble out, looking up to Connor to see his eyes wide with shock.
"Isn't he at least ten years older than-"
"Yup. It's whatever. He offered me "love" and I took it... We have, sorry, had sex a lot. Whenever he felt like it. He got himself off on me and then left, maybe staying for round two. But... He said he loved me... Which no ones ever done... So I-I believed him. He beat me whenever I told him no to anything, I guess I deserved it for falling for him." Connor sat with his head in his hands, trying to comprehend what Evan was saying.
"I'm so sorry... Please tell me that was you guys breaking up." Connor's voice had a plead in it, and Evan shook his head.
"Just one of our bigger fights. It's never really... Gotten that bad. I want to leave him, I want to leave him." Evan repeated out loud. It was the first time he had the confidence to admit that to himself and felt immediately guilty. He hid deeper into the corner of the stall, but he felt Connor move closer to him.
"Do it."
"But I can't... What if he kills me? He could. What if he beats me again... I ca-can't take it!"
"Calm down... Here, hold my hand. Actually don't. I mean, if you want to. Physical contact usually helps me... He's not going to kill you, and he's not going to beat you. I'll make sure of it, okay? I promise. I promise, Evan Hansen." Connor spoke sternly, feeling the others smaller hand intertwine with his own. Evan gripped his hand tight, making strong eye contact with Connor for the first time.
"I don't think you can... But thank you, really, for trying." Evan smiled, his cheeks blushing a little. He had always taken interest in Connor, but he never felt safe enough to more than look at him.
"You know what? We're going to march in there right now and tell him what's what. I'll give him hell. If he does anything, we can report him. But... we might have to report him for pedophilia... I mean, we have to..." Connor trailed off, feeling Evan's hand grip tighter. He rubbed his thumb over Evan's.
"Y-You can't just do that with Ram. He gets what he wants... He doesn't stop until he gets what he wants..." Evan shuddered, his body slowly moving closer to Connor's. Connor let his leg rest on Evan's softly.
"Well, we're going to "just do that". C'mon, I'll help you up." Connor pulled Evan up, their bodies close to each other with almost no room in between them.
"You're sure you want to do this? I-I don't know if I can..."
"W-Well I can. What he's doing is... wrong. We have to. I have to..." Connor started talking to himself, slowly pulling Evan out of the bathroom and down the hall. He smelled the faint cigarette smoke coming from Ram's classroom and he stood for a moment with Evan in the doorway.
"Breathe, we go in, break up, do whatever we need to, then leave. And tell the police."
"No. I mean, okay. Okay. Let's just get this done with." Evan didn't believe it was going to work. A part of him had hope that he could actually get away, but the overwhelming doubt took it over. Evan opened the door, staring at the man coldly. Connor stood behind him, a hateful expression on his face.
"Told you to fuck off unless you're interested in fucking."
"We're over." Ram's expression went slack, then changed quickly to anger.
"You think you have that power? You're nothing without me. Hear that, queer? Nothing. No one loves you, no one. You need me. I make you everything you are." Ram yelled at Evan, approaching him with his fists clenched. Connor held around Evan's shoulders, feeling very protective of the boy. Ram glared at Connor, his jaw moving.
"Who the fuck is this? Are you cheating on me?"
"I-I said Ram, we're done. I don't care if I'm nobody... Nobody is better than somebody who's with you." Evan stated, feeling Connor's hands squeeze tighter on his shoulders supportively. Ram walked up to Evan before Connor could do anything and took the lit part of his cigarette and pressed it to his neck on a past hickey.
"Is Evan Hansen in there? Does he not understand how good I make him feel? Those marks so people know your mine... C'mon baby... Come home. We can have the best night of our liv-"
"Did you not hear him? You both are clearly done. You've abused him and he's taking a stand. So I ask you now to leave him alone. Evan, we're going. "Mister" Sweeney, we'll be contacting the police." Connor said with a snarl, holding his arm tightly around Evan's shoulders.
"Oh, you'll be back Evan. When you come crying back to me I'll be onto someone else. Just think about that."
"I have. And I'd rather die than be with you." Evan said defensively, sinking more into Connor's grasp. He saw Ram start to walk towards them again and the boys quickly left, slamming the door behind them. Evan started tearing up again, trying to keep his breathing regular so Connor didn't notice.
"Is your neck okay? He really burned it... That fucking asshole..."
"Fine... I think it's over... It's over. I'm okay. It's over." Evan repeated it over and over, not being able to believe it. Connor started walking with Evan still in his arms down the hallway and outside of the school. Evan felt hot tears coming down his face in happiness, he could care less about the burning on his neck. Connor couldn't wrap his head around how the boy was numb to the physical abuse.
"I'm proud of you."
"Thank you. I owe it to you, really. I barely know you... But like you said... I'd like to get to know you. You're pretty hot, Connor." Evan said with a mischievous smile. He forgot how nice it felt to flirt with whoever he wanted to without being called a whore and getting slapped.
"You think? I think I look more like the ugly edgy stoner but..."
"Stoners can be hot. I don't care... I mean, wanna hang?" Evan said quietly, looking up to Connor as he sank into his arms.
"I-I'd love to... Can I... do something quick?"
"Sure?" Connor leaned in to kiss the burn on Evan's neck, proceeding to kiss the older hickeys on his neck as well. Evan blushed bright red, craning his neck to allow Connor access. Connor finished with coming up to Evan's lips and connecting them to his own. They kissed for a minute before Evan pulled away, unable to keep from smiling.
"I think we're gonna go far."
a.n: the last sentence is supposed to be referencing do you wanna ride from bmc ,, also im gonna be updating theater kids tmrow haha sorry this is shit
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