Evan's feet were always bruised from his dance shoes. It was numb to him, he just loved the expertise so much that it didn't really matter. He went to the studio nearly everyday to practice, and he would perform on weekends for small audiences that seemed to get a little bigger every time. Sometimes, someone would stop him in the streets and try to compliment him on his dancing.
"Your routine was amazing today! I'm such a big fan of your work."
"T-Thanks but I really have t-to go now..."
"Can I just get a pict-"
"Mr. Hansen, we have to go prepare for your next show. Sorry, ma'am." Evan smiled brightly as the taller boy whisked him away. Connor was Evan's assigned dance partner as of a few days ago and the two had hit it off very well. There was an undeniable romantic tension between the two, but both were to scared to admit it yet. They walked to the studio awkwardly, Evan and Connor occasionally stealing glances at the other.
"W-Well, thank you Mr. Murphy." Evan managed to say the last bit confidently, blushing up to Connor.
"No problem. Hey, ready for our first practice together?" Connor hadn't seen Evan dance much before. He was new to the city and had only heard incredible reviews of Evan's work. He expected the boy to cower but instead as they walked into the studio Evan nodded excited. The smell of aging wood filled the air, Evan doing a little twirl as he walked in. Connor was surprised to see the boy have so much confidence after his encounter on the street. The whole studio seemed to light up as Evan entered, the boy smiling widely as they made their way to the locker room.
After changing, Evan emerged from the bathroom stall in a black shirt and quite short black shorts. Connor blushed, peaking at the other boy as he came out adorned in a black tank top and black leggings. They were both blushing madly as they walked out side by side to the practice room.
"W-Wanna just... Start?" Evan said, his voice all of a sudden small. Their director had given them a cd with the music along with a digital file, and Evan opted to plug his phone into the speaker. Connor nodded, going through the steps from his earlier individual rehearsal. The music started, Unsteady by the X Ambassadors starting to course through the room. Evan and Connor stood face to face, looking at each other as they breathed heavily. The cue came for Connor to throw himself against the wall, Evan following soon after rhythmically. Evan took Connor then into his arms flawlessly, somehow managing to lift the boy up effortlessly.
Next the pushed apart to do a drop to the ground together. Evan did it without a mistake, Connor stumbling a little as they came back up. Connor's next move was to pick up Evan and hold him around his head, then lowering the boy down and stepping over him almost sexually. Evan got through the part with a blush while Connor nearly dropped him.
"If you love me, don't let go..." The music played on, Evan twirling into Connor's side and holding his head against the side of Connor's doing everything he could to not reach out and kiss him in that moment. They pushed away again, only to return with Evan coming back to run and jump onto Connor, the long haired boy then dipping him as Evan's legs wrapped around his waist. His hand was shaky on Evan, but Evan had an emotion on his face Connor had never seen before. It was so calm yet so full of love and passion. He blushed at seeing Evan's lips turn a little upwards as to show a small smile.
"I'm a little unsteady..." Evan sang along as he collapsed against Connor, feeling the boy push him right back onto his feet. They fought against each other as they pushed and pulled their bodies closer and farther. Evan did another flying leap, Connor dropping him for a mere second before holding him tight upside down by the waist.
"Hold onto me..." They finished their routine close to each other, both holding seemingly tighter than the other. Their foreheads rested against each other, both nearly panting. They music cut and they pulled apart quickly, Evan fidgeting as Connor's jaw dropped.
"Fuck, Evan! You're amazing!"
"I-I guess I'm okay! You're really g-good too!"
"No, I mean you barely messed up. I don't think you made a mistake at all! And you just seem so confident..."
"I don't have to talk when I dance. Also, I happen to feel safe around you so... That helps." Evan smiled weakly, walking up to become close to Connor again.
"That's amazing how you do that. I feel really honored to work-"
"D-Don't say that! You're just as good as I am. We make a really good team, but as equals." Connor moved closer to Evan as well, their finger tips brushing against each other. Evan managed to take a few of Connor's fingers in his own, Connor taking all of Evan's hand in his own. They both smiled almost crazed to each other, both blushing bright red. They looked away but remained holding hands in silence besides the loud air conditioning.
"Maybe we should... Develop our relationship... To help with the routine, y'know?" Connor mentioned almost flirtatiously, his shoulder rubbing against Evan's as they slinked down against a wall.
"I'd like that. Just... If we ever go on dates you have to order my food for me. Or even at Starbucks you're gonna need to order my vanilla bean frappucino."
"Of course." Evan smiled, giving Connor a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before getting up. He turned on the music, watching Connor get up as the intro faded into the song. They repeated their routine again, Connor more confident this time.
Weeks Later...
"C-Connor's not here?"
"He hasn't said anything. I'm sure he'll be here for the show..." Evan's director said lazily. Evan couldn't calm down, tears almost coming to his eyes as he had five minutes until show time. He had been so excited to go on stage with Connor, show off their new love. They had been on a few outings, never deeming them as dates really but from their physical contact and cuddling after rehearsal, everyone deemed them as dating.
"Y-You've gone on alone a million times before... Get it to-together Evan!" He yelled at himself, in somewhat of a costume of a black and grey tank top and leathery shorts.
"Annnd... You're on in three, two... One." The director called, insisting the show go on. Evan started alone, improvising the routine without Connor. Tears evidently lined his eyes, swirling in and out of moves that looked stupid to him. He started doing one of his leaps when he felt somebody catch him. A gasp sounded, followed by an applause as Connor held Evan upside down. Their routine went flawlessly afterwards, the audience assuming Connor's late entrance was purposeful. As they held each other close in their arms for the final moments, Evan used his confidence to reach up and kiss Connor's lips deeply. He smiled against the other boys lips when Connor kissed back, pulling him somehow closer. The audience roared in applause, the boys pulling apart to smile wildly to each other. They bowed before rushing off stage hand in hand, crashing into a quiet corner backstage. Evan crawled on top of Connor quickly, grabbing his tight shirt in his fists. They kissed deeply, Connor initiating a more intimate kiss with the other boy. He slid his tongue into Evan's mouth and Evan did the same. They pushed and pulled against each other's lips, pulling apart for seconds to breathe but reconnecting again quickly. Finally, after what seemed like forever they pulled apart for longer and Evan remained straddling Connor in his legs. Connor's hands held Evan's face, the boys just breathing and looking deep into each other's eyes. They smiled crazily, Evan wrapping his arms around Connor's neck.
"You kiss almost as well as you dance..."
"Fuck you for being late. But also fuck you for that perfect entrance..."
"I didn't want to leave my boy onstage alone. I got held up in your fans... The girl from the other day had a group with her and they started yelling at me." Connor laughed weakly, Evan frowning.
"I-I'm so sorry! This is all my fault I didn't mean-" Connor kissed him again, smiling a little bit. Evan had little tears flowing from us eyes, hugging Connor tightly as they kissed.
"Don't worry about it. I made it on stage and the audience loved it, so we're okay." Connor whispered to him, pressing his lips against his forehead. Evan managed to breathe shakily, holding Connor tighter. Connor wrapped his arms around Evan's lower back, murmuring small words of encouragement to the boy as they cuddled.
"I'm going to request if I can join the studio permanently..." Evan's neutral expression turned ecstatic, and Connor just smiled awkwardly down to him.
"R-Really? You don't have to I mean I'm not that good and you can find another better dance partner..." Evan trailed off, blushing deep red as Connor's hands traveled further down his body.
"I don't think there's anybody better than you, Ev. Plus I'm not passing up an opportunity for a fucking cute boyfriend. What do you think?"
"I'd love to... Start something with you. M-More than friends... And I think we make a pretty good team." Evan reconnected their lips, kissing the other passionately as Connor's hands gripped his ass. They had another show in an hour, but all that mattered to them right now was each other.
a.n: oKAY so this is such a good idea requested to me by @MintLoser thanK U SO MUCH!!! i was meaning to write a dancer au and ur idea worked perfectly
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