Drama About Drama-Jared
Requested by lauradreyfuss
M/N-Male name
H/L-Hair length
H/C-Hair color
Warning!- There is some strong-ish language but not really. ON WITH THE IMAGINE
Jared walked into the theater with his family, not wanting to be there. His family somehow roped him into seeing Grease with them(they bought him a $75 Lush gift card), an idea Jared detested, but he was here now. His mother purchased the tickets and handed Jared a program. He scanned through it, uninterested. That is, until a name caught his eye Y/N L/N-Sandy Olsson. He did a double-take.
"Y/N?" He thought to himself. "It can't be. She's not a theatre nerd. We're best friends. I would know this!" He secretly hoped she was though. Then he'd have someone to listen to soundtracks with! He had held off on asking his friends this, because to be alone with one of them, though a dream come true, was absolutely terrifying. It was someone Jared had quite the crush on. Surprise, surprise, it was Y/N. As the house opened, Jared rushed to get front row center seats. The show started and Y/N and some hunky guy came on stage.
"Oh no..." Jared muttered under his breath. "No, no, no, no, noooooo! Damnit!" He mumbled as they kissed in character. He started to think, "What does he have that I, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman don't?" The answer? Everything. "He's hunky and has a voice to kill for, and I'm...me. He doesn't have glasses and I have thick lenses I have to wear or I can't see anything more that a few centimeters away. He has her...and I don't..." A tear escaped his eye as he ducked out of the theater.
This didn't go unnoticed by Y/N. "Why is he leaving?" She thought. This upset her more than one would think. You see, she also harbored quite the crush on a certain glasses wearing idiot. Then it clicked. He was jealous! "I have to talk to him... But after the show." she thought.
TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Jared awkwardly third wheel dancing in Sincerely Me
~After the show in the lobby~
Y/N wandered around, politely brushing people off as she searched for a certain glasses wearing nerd. She found him sniffling by the concessions stand, face red and puffy as if he'd been crying.
"Were you...crying?"
"N-no!" Jared squeaked.
"You can't bullshit a bullshitter. What's wrong?" Y/N spoke sternly.
"...shouldn't you just be with that Danny actor? I saw how you looked at him..." He said dejectedly.
Y/N wholeheartedly laughed at this. Jared scowled. "Jared, sweetheart, M/N is gay and happily married to his husband. Anyways, why do you say that?"
Y/N prevented the inevitable rant by grabbing his face and pulling him in for a sweet, loving, reassuring kiss. She pulled away. "I love you too honey." She cooed.
Jared blushed furiously, grinning and hiding his face in Y/N's soft, silky, H/L H/C locks. "D-do you maybe want to come over to my place and listen to some showtunes? I got snacks."
Y/N chuckled. "I'd love to."
And thus was the start of an unbreakable romantic bond.
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