<4 Alive?>
Wait I'm alive!? Freddys not here!?!? I look around the room trying to see if I was in heaven that I prayed I was, but I was not. I was in the sticking stupid office
I look at the phone 6:04 AM Thank lords on high its over, then I remember that Connor was going to be here in a minute I stand up I find my phone, battery dead 'Great...' I sigh and walk out of the office, the smell of blood in the hallway my lungs get the taste of dried skin I cough trying to get the dreadful taste out of them. I get to the main party room, I see the animatronics standing there in a row looking like nothing had happened, I glare at Freddy and slowly walk out the door
"Evan thank god your okay!" Connor yelled as I stepped out of the door, he ran over and hugged me. I see Zoe in the car, she waves
"Why is she here?"
"My parents didn't trust me going alone in the morning for some reason" He shrugged and raped his arm around my shoulders, walking me to the car. I sit down in the backseat where Zoe is sitting
"So Evan, how was the job?" Zoe asked me
"A nightmare"
"So super hard?"
"No I mean a nightmare," I said as a stared blankly at Zoe, fear still in my eyes from staring at Freddy in the face
"Connor your boyfriend is broken"
"Shut up Zoe! Evan whats the matter?" Connor said as he sat in the driver's seat, looking back at me
"Nothing I just need to go to bed that's all." I say in a shaky voice
"Evan If you need to talk to me about anything just tell me okay?" Connor puts his hand on my leg, I look at him, smile and nod.
~Time skip by third player~
"GAH!" I yell as I wake up on the couch at Connor's
"Gosh dang it, can't sleep...."
"Nightmare again?" Connor says as he sits next to me on the couch
"Yeah," I say sadly, I had woken up 16-time since I fell asleep and it was beginning to turn into a pattern and that's not a good thing, I sigh and look at Connor's kind eyes
"It's going to be another f'ed up night" I grumbled and hug knees
"I wish it was not going too...."
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