from ana:
hi my loves!!!
my heart is bursting. i can't believe that after so long, the story of dear draco has finally come to an end. it has been such a beautiful, incredible journey, filled with both sad and happy moments, both tears and laughter.
(btw, hope u understood that last bit. the entire sequel has basically been isobel writing down their memories, just in case they're ever stolen again. that's why dd1 is in first-person present-tense, and dd2 is in third-person past-tense. lol it's midnight here, i hope that makes sense.)
from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys so so much for reading. i know that this story has been going on for a long time, i know that it often felt slow. chapters were often late, i often took stress breaks, and i can't believe how lucky i am that so many people kept reading until the end. i appreciate you and your support so, so much.
before i say goodbye, a few more 'thank you's are in order.
first and foremost, thank you to my lovely, funny, supportive and hard-working translators. innocentgrande franciaxmalfoy Marcelia_1998 Shil_Romenoff Papitoesmojado Lookie31 cherry1911 - no one is as patient as you! thank you for sharing my stories to so many people, and thank you for tolerating my awful time management skills. i am so so lucky that you translated / are translating my stories. i am so glad you guys also finally get to take a break lol.
thank you to my friend @eurydicecrafts (on instagram) for beta-reading a few of my chapters and teaching me that i have absolutely zero understanding of semicolons. those chapters are miles better because of you, which i am grateful for, but i am also so grateful for your friendship and kindness <3
thank you to thefallofartemis Seselina Ttcbxx juneekarl for being my sisters in this fandom. I'm in awe of all four of you. if anyone needs a new fic to read, you know where to go.
thank you to the discord gang!!! we were at our peak around... april? may? but I still know so many of you by name. you guys made me laugh so much. a few of of you found strong friendships through the server - friendships that go far beyond dear draco now - which is so cool to see. thanks to the discord mods as well, we had a few hectic moments on that server so thank you so much for all of the effort you put into it <3
to the people who have made edits and fanart for this story and for the first story, thank you so so so much. i can't believe i'm fortunate enough that you have spent a few hours of your time using your talents to create something for my story/stories.
and most importantly, thank you for reading. thank you to the readers that messaged me rant reviews after every chapter! thank you to the ones who didn't send me anything at all but still showed up every single week. thank you if you have been here from the start, thank you if you just joined. i appreciate you all so so much, from the bottom of my heart. i would not have finished this story without your support.
so!!!! isobel and draco finally got a happy ending, thank goodness. or at least, happy in the sense that they are together. i've been so careful with what i post recently because i didn't want to spoil anything, but now i can finally say - of course they got a happy ending. they had to. there was no other option. :)
the full sequel is available to download as a pdf on archiveofourown, you can find the link in my bio. i give blanket permission for readers to print this story and get it bound, as long as it's for nonprofit. if you're willing to wait for a typeset pdf, i'll have one ready soon & will post it to my instagram. i'll also release a pdf of dear draco soon.
as sad as it is for me to say goodbye to this story, i'm also excited to close the dear draco chapter and move on to new things. please stick around if you'd like to see what i write next!
I will post updates on instagram, my username there is @malfoyuh. my tiktok is also @malfoyuh. on twitter, my username is @anabedumb - I am afraid of twitter and never post there, but maybe one day. you can also find links in my bio to my spotify, youtube, ao3, and the dear draco discord server, if you'd like.
thank you again, for everything!!! i love you all so much.
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