"Seriously, he likes you," Daph says. I roll my eyes while I pick up my books and journals from DADA.
"No, not like that he doesn't," I shake my head.
"Then why do you two send each other letters all the time?"
"Because we are being friendly and supportive," I keep my head focused on collecting my things.
"Yeah sure, Winnie," That's her nickname for me, from my last name.
"Daph, I'm telling you again, it isn't like that between Draco and me,"
"Sure, here, I'll make a bet with you,"
I look up at her, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"By the end of the school year, you and Draco are together," Daph states, happy as all get out.
"You're serious?"
"Dead serious," She crosses her arms with pride. I force out a laugh.
"Well, you aren't going to win,"
"No, I will not, see? Draco is staring at you,"
I turn my head. He was indeed looking at me. He quickly looks away. I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"I'll win, I make a bet,"
"And what does the loser have to do?"
She pauses to think. "I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out."
I smile softly, but more of a smile for a show, not exactly what I am deeply feeling. Draco is leaving the classroom, Pansy short behind him.
I think about this bet. It's the end of March, so not too much time before the end of the school year. With everything going on in Draco's life, I doubt he can handle a girlfriend right now. The last thing I want to do is to burden him.
"If you say so, Daph, but I highly doubt it,"
"You two send each other cute little letters," Daph sing songs.
"Again, nothing romantic about them," I correct as I put my books in my bag and sling it on my back, walking out to leave. Daph frantically grabs her things and follows.
"I mean it, Daph. The odds of Draco and I dating are as slim as Harry Potter being sorted into Ravenclaw,"
She chuckles. "If you say so, Y/N. Speaking of Harry, have you spoken with him lately?"
"No, not really, I should," The idea makes my face light up. "I haven't talked to Ron or Hermione either."
Daph smiles as we walk down the halls together. "You want to see if there are some snacks in the Great Hall? I am starving."
"Sure," We then set course there. We talk about small things until we get there. I look at the Gryffindor table and see Harry, Hermione, and Ron all sitting there. Hermione with her nose in a book, Ron eating, and Harry talking to the both of them.
"Do you mind if I go talk to them?"
Daph knew who I was talking about. "No, go on."
I grin, then walk over to their table. Hermione sees me and perks up. "Y/N, hello."
The two boys look up also. "Hi, guys."
"How's it going?" Hermione asks. I sit down next to her.
"All good, I suppose," I keep my sigh to myself. "How about you?"
"Trying to figure out a way to stop The Dark Lord, exams, nothing too special," Harry says nonchalantly.
"Studying as per usual," says Hermione.
"Food," is all Ron says. Typical Ron.
"How's the Slytherin life?" Harry asks.
I scoff. "Same old same old. Daph is crushing on my brother, it's so obvious it hurts."
"And it's so bloody obvious Dutton likes her too," Ron adds.
I chuckle. "As much as I want to deny that statement, I can't."
"And you are crushing hard on Draco," Hermione says. My cheeks flush at her words.
"Am not," I counter.
"Yes, Y/N, you are,"
"Don't you and he send letters back and forth," Ron asks with food in his mouth.
"Y-Yes, but then again that doesn't mean anything,"
"Lies," They all say at once.
I groan and run my fingers through my hair. "He is probably snogging Pansy anyways."
"Because Pansy won't give him any other choice," Hermione rolls her eyes. Harry gives her a thoughtful nod.
"Seriously, you do fancy him," Harry says. They all look at me as if I'll give in to the pressure. Must be a Gryffindor thing.
"Okay, maybe I do, a little,"
"Sha caved," Ron smiles. "Works every time."
"It's nothing, more like a fantasy I have made up in my head," I use my hands as I speak.
"Maybe it won't be a fantasy anymore," Hermoine suggests.
I scoff. "He hardly even speaks to me in person, it's all via letters and that's it."
"I know Malfoy and I have had our quarrels, but he seems broken to me,"
Dang, Harry, that hit deep. I already suspected as much through his letters, but I never imagined others could see it too. Draco is so keen on hiding his emotions that them being shown feels so unlike him.
"I can see that," is all I can say.
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