part 4.
Dear diary,
Today I think it has been one of the hardest things I had to go through life.My grandma had died today.I never thought I had to go through this shit in life.but what can I say life is a roll-a-coaster we all have our up and downs in our life.but sometimes people don't show there sadness in them.its like hearing this roll-a-coaster called Swish your friends at school are talking about it about how cool and scary it is.but when you get in the roll-a-coaster you are sad that it was a disappointment of how your friends were talking about it.but its life were talking about.I still remember the necklace she got me and told me "If I ever die read this " and know I think its a good time to read it.
This is beautiful.I loved everything about my she was helpful and caring to anyone or anything in the world.she made the best cookies in the world.she wood always kiss my bruise when I got hurt.She was the calm to my the good memories in life its beautiful.and your wondering why I ain't crying.Well I know one day I'll be up there with her.and she will stay in my heart forever until my last breath.and grandma I will miss you dearly.Well dairy I have to go to bed.
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