Part 2.
Dear Diary,
Oh my god!! You won't believe what happened today! Today I was leaning on my locker reading a book and suddenly I hear a girl scream "Get out the way people Brian is coming!!" she said I shrugged then suddenly when he came out of the cafeteria everyone backed up until there back hit the locker.I didn't have to worry since I was leaning on my locker.He started walking.He put sunglasses on.I was trying so hard not to laugh at how stupid he looked with them.he took them off .when he came was about to past me he winked at me.I felt my face burning up. My face looked red.He smirked and went off walking. Isn't he dreamy (A/N Yeah sure,okay -_- ) today he did something in class I thought he wouldn't do in my life.He noticed that some body was feeling he got the lamp right next to him and threw it to Amy my friend. And he said "Lighten the fuck up" the whole class started to laugh.I rolled my eyes,and faced palmed myself.I saw him chuckle at the corner of my eye. Also when I was in dance class since everyone left and I stayed to practice I started dancing I thought I was alone in the building,but I was wrong.I saw Terroriser come into the gym and he sat on one of the seats and started to watch me dance.I felt so embarrassed I was dancing in front of him.When I finish I got my stuff and ran out the door and exited the building it was creepy.but ehh...I am used to it it always happens but this time it was "Mr.pouplar" boy who was there.You know what I don't get?How the fuck is he a popular douchebag? The world may never know! Maybe because he makes the girls go crazy and make them faint. It's funny to watch you know why because it's stupid how there wasting there time fainting and fangirling instead of working and everything. I have a crush on him but I don't faint or fan boy. Weird Huh? But anyways bye dairy.
Brock ❤
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