day thirty-five
Dear Diary,
This evening was so much fun! But kinda awkward..
I won't go into detail about my day before this evening since it was mainly filled with boring lessons from Alloids. (Insert eye roll here). Anyways on to this evening shall we?
My evening started with me getting into my dress, putting on my makeup, and doing my hair. I done all of that in about two hours,
mainly because I had to curl my hair and my makeup was giving me fits.
When I was finally finished I stepped out of my room and went walking towards Alloids' room. I stopped in front of Haymitch's doorway. His door was swung open and he was messing with his bowtie. I stepped inside to help him.
As I untied his knots he had created he told me he was only going for the refreshments. Which made me laugh.
After I gave his bowtie one final tug, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. Of course Alloids just had to walk in at the exact same time! I was still making out with Haymitch when we heard her clear her throat. "Effie?" I turn around lipstick messed up and all over me and I'm sure on Haymitch.
"When you're done helping Haymitch get ready I'm going to need your assistance." Then she turned and walked out.
I thought for sure I was going to be in big trouble. That I had broken some sacred rule that Capitol escorts have.
I stood in her doorway unsure what to say or do.
She patted a spot on the bed next to her. Gesturing for me to sit down. I sat down very stiffly. She gave a small wistful smile,
and proceeded to tell me about her and her first victor.
Just when she thought things were going well, he committed suicide. How she had been shocked and had to go on national television then when it blew over she buried herself into her work to deal with her grief.
After her "heart to heart" speech. I then asked if I had broken a rule or something. She looked puzzled for a second then started laughing. I had never seen Alloids laugh before. She told me there wasn't any "rules" to being a Capitol escort.
"Besides.. in less than 24 hours I'll be retired. I don't want to tell on you and get us both fired." She said with a wink.
A few hours later we were at President Snow's mansion.
Everyone in the senior class at Capitol Hill were invited. They came for extra credit and to meet Haymitch. It bugged me something fierce watching the girls flirt with him.
He wouldn't dance with anyone and he acted like I didn't exist.
Flavius asked me to dance. I accepted it mainly because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Venia and Octavia were dancing and flirting with a couple guys I didn't know.
Flavius was rattling on about something but I wasn't paying much attention, until I heard him say something about the latest fashion trend. Wigs! Can you believe it?! After he mentioned something about it, I noticed all of the people around sporting different colored wigs in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Flavius asked me if I was okay. I quickly nodded my head.
He said I looked like something was bothering me. I told him I was just nervous about being capitol escort. It was time for him to nodded his head. After the song ended he bowed and I curtzied, we parted ways for a while. I went to check on Octavia and Venia who were sampling some kind of cakes. While they were in the middle of telling me which cakes where better, Haymitch came to me and asked me (kinda gruffly) if he could have this dance. Venia and Octavia's jaws dropped down to the ground as they watched us head for the "dance floor". After we started dancing, Haymitch whispered in my ear.
"Alloids said that this will help with publicity. But I think she really just wanted us to dance together."
We danced to the last three songs all of them were slow.
Haymitch stumbled a lot because he only knew how to square dance and some dance that I'd never heard of before.
I tried leading him but it isn't proper for a lady to lead the slow dances, and I kept getting looks from Alloids.
By the time we finished our second dance the people who weren't dancing had gathered around to watch us. Octavia was giving me a thumbs up. I'd say Venia would have been too but she was dancing with Flavius.
At the closing of the very last song I whispered to Haymitch. "You'll can dip me if you want.."
He dipped me real low and when he brought me back up he kissed me. Nothing special just a quick peck. But I think we both realized what he had done. HE JUST KISSED ME IN FRONT OF ALMOST ALL OF PANEM! Oh my gosh! What are we going to say to the press?!
hen we turned to walk away, everyone's faces were a mixture between shocked and puzzled. The look on Seneca's face was priceless.
Everyone tried crowding us with questions and such. The rest of the night was almost torture. Between the knocks at the door and the endless ringing of the phone we ended up having to have peacekeepers come and stay at our door in the tribute center, and we unplugged the phones.
Diary I'm really tired I need to go to bed.
I'll be sure to tell you all about the rumors and gossip that gets published tomorrow.
Wow!!! This is the longest chapter I have ever published!
Over 1000 words. I hope yall enjoyed the Presidential welcome as much as I did!
It was kind of a twist from what I was expecting there towards the end but I can't wait to see what happens next!
Stay tuned in! Lol
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