day fifty-nine/day sixty
Dear Diary,
Tonight was the tributes interview with Caesar.
I think they did really good.
For the first time since we graduated I seen Flavius, Octavia, and Venia.
We didn't talk long. Mainly about the tributes they're working with and the tributes I'm working with.
After the interview Susan and Quince went to bed.
Haymitch poured us both a couple of drinks.
He said it looked like I needed it.
It was my first time ever drinking. It was so awful! It burned my throat. I don't know how Haymitch drinks that stuff the way he does. But it did numb my pain (somehow).
After a couple drinks I started getting really tired and felt the beginnings of a headache. I excused myself and went to bed.
Leaving him alone in the kitchen. With a bottle of liquor..
Day Sixty
I woke up this morning to find my diary in the floor and my pen across the room.
I stumbled into the kitchen to find something for my headache and to see Susan and Quince off.
When I finally made it into the kitchen, I found Haymitch passed out on the mahogany table. Markings from a knife everywhere.
I don't even want to know where he found that knife. I thought I had the avoxes get rid of all the knives. Sigh.
After I woke him up (with several unsuccessful attempts) I told him to go get dressed to escort the tributes to their stylists.
He laughed and said. "Isn't that your job, Doll?" Before I could give a reply he had already stumbled to his room.
I hoped he was actually getting dressed and didn't pass out.
After a few minutes I realized he probably wasn't coming back out. I went and tried the door. Locked. Of course. So I started banging on it as hard as I could, hoping if he did pass out it was loud enough to wake him up.
A while later he finally came to the door. In the same clothes he was wearing the night before. Ugh. I had to show him what to put on. He wasn't happy when I made him leave the door open. But I wanted to make sure he wouldn't pass out again.
By the time he got his clothes on, Susan and Quince were already out and dressed waiting on Haymitch.
After they left, I had the twelfth floor all to myself. Well there were a few avoxes but they don't really count.
So I took a shower and got dressed (finally). Then made myself a sandwich, and called Mom. We hadn't talked since I moved out.
We only talked for a few minutes. I think they're glad I'm out of the house. Apparently dad turned my room into a study. Typical.
As I was hanging up the phone Haymitch walked through the door. That meant the hunger games was getting ready to start.
I turned the television on. It was mandatory for everyone to watch so Haymitch flopped down onto the couch next to me as the countdown started.
We watched as Quince went to the cornucopia and watched him get stabbed. Someone from D3 threw it. His cannon went off. He was one of the first to die. So young. So full of life. He gave his life for his district.
Susan somehow joined up with the careers. She helped them kill off nine different tributes. One of them was the girl who killed Quince.
Ten tributes dead in the first 24 hours.
Thirteen more to go.. Susan has to win! Think of how amazing that would be for another tribute from district twelve to win!
First off.. I do not encourage drinking (at all) especially underage drinking. Second I really hope having two days in one chapter wasn't confusing.
Thirdly the picture I found online is perfect for day sixty! Credit to whoever drew it..
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