Singing and Shopping
Evan has always been fascinated with people singing, especially if it's harmonising.
He just loved the brilliant sound of people singing together in perfect harmony as it is so very pleasing to the ear. He loved it so much that he knows how to harmonise with most of the songs on his phone.
He would usually just listen to the songs on his phone, and randomly design his own harmony for them.
Since Evan was over at Connor's house most of the time, Connor would occasionally hear Evan singing to something. This would give him many ideas.
They were both in Connor's room, when Connor had decided to ask Evan to sing a song. He suggested Can't Help Falling In Love, since it described both of their feelings towards each other accurately.
It was extremely embarrassing for Evan, to be serenading his boyfriend. In fact, he didn't even think he would be good enough. Connor held such high expectations for him, but he's unsure if he'll meet them. However, seeing Connor's comforting smile completely shook away his uneasiness.
And so he complied.
Evan played the song out loud since they were both in alone, together in Connor's room. No one was home. His dad had work, his mom went for some yoga classes and Zoe, Jared and Alana went out shopping.
He listened to the song playing in the background, instantly humming along and finding the right key. Connor just quietly stared at Evan, listening to him figure out what note to sing. After he had a general feel of the key, he restarted the video and sang along.
"Wise men say," Evan sang, giving a small smile that made Connor stare with a red face, "only fools rush in."
"But I can't help," Evan took this chance to look at Connor with a more than obvious blush, creating a heart with his hands while he faced Connor.
"Falling in love with you," he then pointed both his hands to Connor with an adorable smile plastered on his face.
Connor dazed for a bit, feeling his face warm up. He reached forward, pausing the video and then slowly placed both his hands on the bed. Evan stopped, confused as to why the video paused while he glanced over at Connor. He was staring into space, a light blush on his cheeks.
"I...uh...Connor," Evan called out, attempting to get his attention. Connor continued dazing at Evan, still unresponsive to his call. Evan raised his hands, tapping Connor's shoulders. This cause him to jolt, blinking away his confusion as he turned towards Evan.
"I...huh, Ev?"
Evan gazed worryingly, as he silently watched Connor awaken himself.
"O-oh, sorry," Connor responded, apologetically. He proceeded to brush his entire face with his hand, to clear himself of all signs of being out of it, "I was dazing off for a bit, huh? Sorry about that."
"N-no, it's fine," Evan replied, holding onto Connor's hand with a smile. Connor gripped Evan's hand, smiling back.
"Anyways, the song?"
Evan blushed heavily, being reminded that he just made those embarrassing signs towards Connor. Those signs were true, of course, but that didn't make them any less embarrassing. Despite his apparent embarrassment after being reminded of those actions, Evan still nodded.
"Alright," Connor reached forward towards Evan's phone, playing the video again. Hailey Reinhart's voice sounded from his phone, as the cursive writing of the lyrics flashed on the screen.
Evan started singing again, following her voice quite closely. This time, Connor joined in, singing a higher harmony with ease. Evan's shut eyes flung open, as his relaxed shoulders suddenly tensed up. He glanced over to Connor with a clearly shocked expression. His finger flew to his phone, pausing the song and stared back to Connor, who wore a confused look.
"Why'd you pause it, Ev?"
"I didn't know you could sing so well?"
Connor looked away, his hair hiding his face, but Evan could still see that he was blushing at the compliment.
"Wh-what do you mean? I don't sing well," he denied, clearly surprised by Evan's rather sudden intrigue and praise of his vocal ability. This only made Evan smile brighter, excited to learn this new fact about his boyfriend.
"You could sing this well this whole time?" Evan asked, leaning forward to urge Connor to spill. Connor looked back, still embarrassed by the compliment.
"W-well, Zoe and I, we use to sing together," Connor replied, a little nervous especially when Evan is just quietly listening to him with all his attention, holding onto his hand tightly, "and I just learned to sing from that?"
"W-well, you sounded amazing!"
Connor turned away, hiding the bright red of his face as he muttered out a quick thanks.
Jared held a bag of items on each hand, tired from lugging them from the car to the front door. Alana and Zoe were also carrying the same amount as they reached the front door of the Murphy household.
As the approached the porch, all of them practically dropped the bags of items on the wooden floor, lethargic.
"I'll never get this feeling of being able to buy random shit freely," Jared sighed, still trying to comprehend the fact that the Murphy's were so rich that Zoe had practically begged them to spend some money. Alana nodded in agreement, both a little saddened that after today, they could not do the same.
"Well, that's why I told both of you to get whatever you want today," Zoe replied, giggling as she fumbled in her back pocket to bring out the set of keys to the house. She inserted the key and twisted, the door swinging open as all of them got ready to carry the items in.
Jared was the first to rush inside, placing the items beside the couch and wiping the sweat off his forehead with a sense of accomplishment. Alana followed after him, then Zoe.
"Well, at least we-"
Alana was about to speak, when Zoe quickly shushed her, earning a quiet little 'rude' comment from Alana. She stood still, seemingly listening out for something. She then pointed towards the staircase, which made both Alana and Jared listen in. They heard it too, music from upstairs.
Slowly, they all creeped their way up the stairs, finally locating the source of the music to be from Connor's room. Zoe was the first to rush to the door, pressing her ear against it. Jared soon followed, a mischievous look on his face. Alana stood beside the door, clearly disappointed.
"You shouldn't be spying on them," Alana whispered, rolling her eyes at both of their actions. Jared just snickered as Zoe whispered a reply.
"Well, what the hell are they doing with the music that loud?"
Alana paused, confused as to what she meant when the explanation clicked into her head. She heard both of them snicker quietly, and felt a sigh of disappointment. She pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly upset by the immature thought process of both.
"You guys really think they would be doing that? Truly, what kind of friends are you," Alana asked, truly offended as she raised her voice slightly. She almost felt the need to shout at them, but she realised that she can only explain rationally when she is calm.
It was horrible to assume that the only reason they were in a relationship was to have sex. It was almost like they never considered that they were in a relationship because they were simply in love with each other.
Both Zoe and Jared got up, reconsidering their actions. They looked back at Alana, a saddened look.
"Yeah, you're right, Alana," Jared replied, leaning away from the door, acknowledging that what they did was wrong, "we're sorry."
Zoe nodded, and was about to lean away from the door when she heard Evan say something.
"Ow," she heard him exclaimed.
"Ev, I'm so sorry," she heard Connor exclaimed.
Zoe looked back at Alana and Jared. Jared had a look of shock, obviously surprised to hear that. Alana held her look of slight anger, still waiting for both of them to rationally look at the situation. Alana saw that both of them were conflicted with the situation and gently pushed them aside, quietly muttering that they were both idiotic. She then knocked on the door, calling out to them.
"Evan, Connor? Is everything okay," she asked, her voice laced with a tad bit of infuriation directed at Jared and Zoe.
It didn't even take a second, before the door to Connor's room flung open. Connor had a look of terror, stumbling towards Alana as Evan sat at the foot of the bed, clutching his toes in pain.
"Oh, what happened," Alana asked, glaring at Jared and Zoe for assuming otherwise.
"We were dancing to some random songs, and I accidentally pushed Evan, making him stub his toe."
Connor was of course freaking out, because he hated seeing Evan in any pain. Alana immediately moved towards Evan, taking a look at the injury while Connor followed behind. Meanwhile, Jared and Zoe stood outside the room, disappointed in themselves for thinking stupid things.
Nothing serious happened to Evan's toe, much to Connor's relief. It was still painful, but it would be fine after a few days of rest. To make up for his mistake, Connor stayed beside Evan, both on Connor's bed.
Jared, Alana and Zoe had lugged the six bags worth of items into Connor's room, shocking both with the amount of stuff they bought. They poured out the content of the first bag, which consisted of a lot of make up.
Connor and Evan watched, as Jared excitedly talked about the make-up kit along with Zoe. Both of them were talking about how they vehemently needed some practice on make-up, which led to Zoe decorating Jared's face and vice versa.
Zoe somehow managed to become a drag queen, because her face was legitimately caked with make-up, while Jared was fabulous, since Zoe was an expert with make-up. Jared then started to pout, to show off how fabulous he was. He even stood up to strike poses. This caused all of them to start laughing hysterically.
Zoe then followed along, doing that click sound with her tongue like a sassy drag queen, pretend arguing with Jared, who fired back with the same attitude. This caused more laughter to erupt from them.
Soon, they cleared the make-up off, dumping out the second bag. There was a lot of snacks. Evan and Connor just looked at the pile, and then looked at three, and then to Jared.
"Hey, Alana wanted most of these snacks," Jared replied, offended that they looked at him suggestively, "she ate like two packets of chips in the car."
Alana then smacked Jared in the back of the head, scolding him for telling them about her eating habits. They all decided to split it up, even though Alana actually got a bit more than the others.
They all dropped the third and fourth bag, which had quite a bit of stuffed animals and such. Evan stared at the pile excitedly and jumped into the pile, landing softly on all of the soft toys. This made Connor swoon, as he saw his boyfriend act so cute, sifting through the soft toys and hugging all of them collectively in order to spread his love for them.
"Oh geez," he whispered to himself, his face blooming red while the feeling of love in his heart seem to grow ever so tremendously, "I'm so gay for him."
In the end, the soft toys were distributed between Zoe, Evan and Alana. Connor figured that if he ever wanted any, he could just ask one from Zoe or Evan, and Jared didn't really want one.
The fifth and sixth bags contained a bunch of random stuff that they bought for everyone. So, out spilled keychains, notebooks and other miscellaneous items. The notebook caught Evan's eye, and so her reached forward and quickly claimed it as his own. He also grabbed the mechanical pencil and eraser.
Connor, knowing that Evan wanted the new sketchbook, smiled at his boyfriends joy of getting one. He himself reached forward, grabbing a small statue. It looked like a small, wooden manaquin, with rotatable joints. He then passed it off to Evan, who was extremely delighted to receive it. It was helpful to Evan, since he needed a model to pose if he wanted to draw.
Connor helped carry one of the bags into Evan's house, after Evan unlocked the door. He placed it leaning on the wall, as Evan brought the second one in himself. Connor stood straight up, heaving a sigh of relief at a job well done.
He turned to face Evan, bent down a bit and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"See you tomorrow, babe," Connor smiled, while Evan gave a blush, still adjusting to the nicknames.
"Y-yeah, um, see you tomorrow," Evan ended, but felt guilty that he had not returned the nickname, "h-honey."
Connor grinned, and gave Evan another kiss on the lips, before waving him goodbye.
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