Heidi's Lament
Evan and Jared had heard Heidi's call clearly, and they both switched off the light of the room to walk out to the dining room.
On the table, Heidi had set a few dishes down already. She has recently found a new recipe for some dishes for stir-fried minced meat, with scrambled eggs. She called for them to wash their hands, and soon began their dinner. During dinner, Jared had been the leader for conversation. The table was lively, all three laughing and talking about events of the past. Jared would bring up the many times in the past when they had to play together, which was ironic, since Jared would often tease Evan as a child.
It was during this moment when Evan noticed something peculiar. He was laughing to a joke Jared had spoken, which caused him to be conscious of how his face was. He calmed his laughter quickly, noticing that Heidi had been a little bit different in her gestures.
Heidi's actions were subtle, difficult to detect and pick up. Evan noticed that her kind, unwavering smile had been slightly contorted. The amount of effort that kept her radiant smile should have been exactly zero, and yet, he could tell that it was forced. Almost, heavily so. The weight she used to stab into the plate of food had also been subtly heavier, yet still maintaining the grace and elegance.
Evan felt himself starting to cave under that recognition of Heidi's mild anger. Wherever it came from, the last thing he wanted to know was that it managed to break his mother's patience. Heidi had been the one who had been unrealistically optimistic, giving Evan a strong hope in his life. He unconsciously gave her this role of being his hope, since he had no way of creating his own.
All throughout dinner, Evan had been eyeing Heidi. He tried his best to observe her, deducing what she had been feeling internally through her actions. Jared had been oblivious to this, as he continued to tell jokes to Heidi. She laughed along to Jared's jokes heartily, Evan quietly doing the same. Jared had also briefly brought up the picnic, which Heidi delightfully agreed.
After the food had been finished, Jared had to leave for the day. Evan and Heidi stood at the entrance, waving him goodbye. Jared waved back, a grin on his face as he walked away.
The moment Jared had been far enough away, Heidi quietly shut the front door. The sudden silence of the house dragged Evan into the realm of curiosity, sprinkled with a tinge of fear. He had almost forgot about the subtle moments of Heidi's mild anger, buried amidst Jared's jokes. Evan raised his head slightly, his eyes slowly switching from the door to Heidi. Before his eyes could reach Heidi, she had already turned around and walked away.
Evan turned about slowly, feeling his shoulders tense up, unconsciously. He took a deep breath, allowing his shoulders to slump before he turned around to face Heidi. Once again, the subtlety in her actions surfaced clearly in Evan's eyes. She took heavier steps, and they had been much quicker.
"M-Mom," Evan's voice called out. He had not expected his voice at all, flinching from his own bold move as his voice rang out through the silent house.
Heidi heard Evan's voice and stopped in her track. Her pause almost seem to create more anxiety in Evan to shake off his call, but he stood his ground. She seem to hesitate for a slight moment, before turning around, the forced smile etched onto her face.
"Yes, Evan?"
Evan forced a gulp down, quietly bringing up his suspicions and deductions through her subtle actions. He was never a person who was for confrontation, so the sudden need to confront his own mother over something he had little evidence for. He instinctively felt himself gripping onto the cuff of his shirt, absolutely ridiculing himself for being worried over this situation.
"I-I... did I... um, make you mad?"
Heidi had a strange expression. It was a mix of many different emotions ; anger, fear and shock. Evan could tell just with her expressions that he had been correct, which only confused him further. Evan did not remember ever doing anything that would elicit any hatred from his own mother, let alone to have done anything worthy of hate at all.
"...Yes, Evan. You have." Heidi replied, hesitantly. Yes, she had been mad. Even so, she was in no place to have to lash out at Evan. She placed her hands to her sides, her shoulders tensing up unintentionally.
"Wh-what had I done?" Evan asked, desperate. His instinct forced him to bring his hands to his torso, and start to fidget by nervously tangling his fingers together. He absolutely loathed the idea that Heidi had any reason to hate him. Heidi did not rush, but rather spoke softly and calmly.
"You... were talking to Jared just now, right?" Heidi asked. Evan spent a few seconds, trying to match how his conversation with Jared had anything to do with Heidi at all. He slowly nodded his head, allowing for Heidi to continue her explanation as he continued to wrap his head around the situation.
"You broke up with Connor?" Heidi questioned, causing Evan to flinch. Evan breaking up with Connor had already been an acknowledged fact for a long time, to the point Evan had almost forgotten that he had not mentioned it to Heidi and that he had to take a few seconds to think about his decision to lie to Heidi or not.
"...and that's not all. Instead of coming to your own mother for help," Heidi was starting to raise her voice, fueled by her disbelief of Evan trusting Jared more than his own mother, "you went to Jared? Why? Why couldn't you have come to me for this Evan?"
"W-well, you're always at-at work, a-and I thought that since Jared brought it up, I might as well a-answer his questions." Evan answered, matter-of-factly. He had no reason to tell her otherwise, since it had not been a lie. Jared asked him about his plan to deal with the situation, and Evan felt that he could answer, and so he did.
"I'm here right now, Evan! Aren't I?" She had been yelling at this point, throwing her hands up in exasperation. It was understandable, since she has the stress of having to work and go to school, coming back home as optimistic as she could and facing the pessimistic Evan, only to discover that her son did not have the shred of decency to tell her about his situation when she is there to help in any way she could.
"Evan, Jared isn't your parent, I am! How do you think I feel, knowing that my son cannot trust me enough to come to me about his problems, that despite my efforts to try and help you? Evan, ever since you broke your arm, I've been trying to help you by being positive! What do you think I'm here for?"
"Of course, I know that, Mom. I'm sorry-"
"Yeah, you're sorry! That solves everything, right? Just a sorry will solve all the trust you don't have in me-"
"W-Well? What do you-you want me to do? I'm sorry that you're not-not here long enough for me to trust you! I'm sorry that I think Jared is easier to talk to b-because I talk to him more!" Evan shouted, trying to get Heidi to stop screaming at him. Perhaps screaming at her had not been the best idea, since that only made both of them angrier.
"I said it before, and I'll say it again, Evan Hansen. Jared isn't your parent, I am! I am your mother, Evan!" Heidi retaliated, her anger brewing like the murky water of a cauldron, ready to explode.
"Yeah? Well I'm sorry that he can-" As quickly as he said it, Evan had slapped his hand over this mouth, forbidding himself from continuing his sentence. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, as he struggled to take in air to continue breathing. He felt absolutely disgusted that he would even utter such words.
In fact, both of them had been horrified of the words implied. Evan felt himself slowly move back, his heart still echoing loudly in his head. The quick-paced rhythm of his heart was annoying, infuriating, and absolutely haunting, grounding Evan and reminding him of his situation. He suddenly felt his thighs touching the couch, and he fell down onto the couch, his hands still clasping onto his mouth in disbelief.
Heidi could only stand in place, trying her best not to cry. She felt so very hurt by the words that he uttered, to the point she had been speechless. Evan had taken a few seconds to recollect his thoughts, allowing him to frantically rise up from the couch to apologise to Heidi for his words.
"Mom, I'm so-so sorry-I swear I don't mean-"
Heidi had been silent. Her silence had been deadly, intimidating, to Evan. It was almost as if she was gathering the exact words required to throw Evan into a spiral of guilt and despair.
Evan took a quick step back, as Heidi's word shattered the silence with an overwhelming atmosphere setting a layer of absolute terror. This fog of fear made it hard to breathe, Evan had to consciously control his breathing. Heidi had still remained as quiet as ever, tempting Evan into speak. Every word he tried to utter was silent. He had no way of control his voice at the moment, and all that came out was a stutters. His hands gestured wildly, trying to force himself to utter something, anything.
"...finish what you wanted to say, Evan." Heidi insisted, the anger obvious in her tone. Evan could only cower under the weight of her words,trying to think of something to say that could change the meaning of what he had accidentally blurted out.
"I-I... I didn't want to-to trouble you any more than I a-already have..." Evan managed to muttered out, his fingers wrapping tightly around the hem of his shirt. His mind concentrated on the soft material of his shirt in between his fingers, trying to find a way to rid himself of his overwhelming anxiety by distracting himself. So far, fumbling with the hem of his shirt seemed to be extremely helpful.
Heidi's eyes seem to soften upon hearing that, her body relaxing a little. She analysed his words, trying to deduce if he had been trying to lie. Yet, she felt no fear behind his words. She felt that he had been honest, but she had felt that she could not trust him any longer. If he could not trust her, why is it that she was still striving to believe his words?
"This another one of your lies, isn't it?" Heidi glanced upwards, noticing that Evan had been glaring at the floor. His hands had been gripping at the hem of his shirt, shifting the weight of his body from one foot to another as he heard Heidi quietly mutter out her words. As soon as she spoke, his head shot upwards. He glanced incredulously at Heidi, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
"I... I'm not-I-I... I'm telling the-the truth!" Evan had been panicking. He wasn't lying, for once. He was actually worried about letting Heidi carry more burdens. This accusation of hers made him so panic-stricken that he had started to cry. Once again, he collapsed onto the couch, tears freely falling. He sat, staring at his lap, noticing the drops of tears falling onto his pants, as he desperately covered his face, attempting to hide his tears.
Heidi said nothing. Instead, she swiftly walked beside Evan and sat down. Evan felt the couch sink beside him, but did and said nothing. Heidi's heart was breaking, seeing Evan crying to himself. She leaned forward and hugged Evan, trying her best to comfort her just as she did when he was a little boy. As she hugged him close, she felt her heart break even more. Evan had been quietly muttering apologies to himself, and his body had been shaking ever so slightly. Heidi, immediately understanding what this meant, hugged him even tighter. All she could do was try to calm him down.
They both sat in silence, the only thing that sounded was the quiet sound of the show on the television filling the background and Evan's sobs. Heidi did not budge, she had been right by Evan's side, hugging him and patting him down his back, safe in his mother's embrace. Evan slowly felt his sobs getting quieter as his tears started to stop.
"Are you feeling better, Evan?" Heidi asked, quietly. Evan gave a slowly nod while his face rested on her shoulders, which gave Heidi the signal to move away to allow Evan to breathe.
Evan was a mess. His eyes had been red from the crying, and his cheeks were wet from the tears that had been flowing down. He was gripping at the material of his pants, still anxious about how Heidi was going to react.
"I…" Evan swallowed, clearing his throat as well to speak, "I-I'm sorry I didn't go-go to you, Mom. I-I-It's just that J-Jared's been the one who-who was there for me when you weren't, s-so he was my-my immediate thought… I should have asked you, you're m-my mom."
Heidi's eyes soften once more, giving Evan the small smile that was necessary to comfort him.
"Please, Evan," Heidi took a deep breath and let out all the pent up tension in her body, "I know it's hard to talk to me now, since I'm always gone and I'm always home really late. But, I'm your mother. I should be able to do things a mother can do, right?"
Evan quietly nodded, disappointed with himself.
"But, I know you'll change. You've already proved it to me over the past few months, so I know you'll be better." Heidi smiled, dismissing Evan from this chat. Evan gave her one hug, before he left for his room.
This was pretty bad, tbh. I had an original draft of this, but I decided against it. Now, a question for you guys.
Do you guys want Connor and Evan to be back together by the end of this, or not?
And no, I don't mean angst. I mean if they are friends or they are boyfriends. That's it.
I'm leaning towards yes myself, but hey, I think that my readers (who had to wait a month before my lazy ass updates) gets a chance to choose.
Also, I'm not gonna write the Boyf riends book. There's already many wonderful writers who has done a great job at it!
But yeah. That's all.
See y'all in the next part! =)
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