Evan's Place
Evan's house is a very mysterious place to Connor.
Sure, they were together. However, Connor has neither had the chance, nor the reason to invite himself over. This made him very much excited to go over, no matter the reason. Imagine the excitement he felt when Evan had decided to invite him over.
They were in Connor's room and watching a show. Connor was hugging Evan from behind, resting his chin on Evan's shoulders ad they both sat on the bed.
"O-oh, right," Evan remembered his question, halfway through the episode, and got Connor's attention with the sudden jerk of his shoulders.
"Hm, what is it, Ev," Connor asked, in a cutesy tone as he pressed his cheek against Evan's. This caused Evan to giggle, as he pressed his cheek against Connor's.
"I, um, are you free tomorrow?" He asked, his eyes moving towards where Connor had been. He heard Connor chuckle as he sat up, lifting his chin off of Evan's shoulder.
"Why do you ask," He responded, as Evan turned his head from the TV to look at Connor. Evan reached forward and pressed Connor's cheek with his index finger with a 'boop' sound effect.
Connor remembered that the hand he pressed his cheek with was the hand that had his cast, which he was glad that the the cast had been removed from.
Thankfully, the cast was removed yesterday, since his hand has been healing quickly. He was so happy that Evan didn't have the annoying cast anymore, or the horrible memory of the fall behind it.
"I-I was, um, I was wondering if we can have a sleep over at my house tomorrow," he replied, and then he turned his entire body to face Connor, "s-since it's a Saturday and stuff."
Connor was so ecstatic to hear Evan mutter those words. He leaned forward, enveloping Evan in a hug. He pulled away, a large grin on his face.
"Yes! Definitely! What time?"
Evan giggled, and then thought about the details.
"H-how about five?"
Connor did not hear Evan at all. He was envisioning what Evan's house was like. All these different scenarios played out in his head. He could finally be able to meet Evan's parents formally, especially his father who was absent from the invitation from before.
Evan, noticing that Connor had been staring off into space, gave Connor a tap on his shoulders. This caused Connor to jolt, quickly turning his head to face Evan.
"Y-YEAH, yeah, um, yes. Five sounds great!" Connor responded, blinking, which made Evan giggle.
Connor knocked on the door, still extremely excited to finally be invited over to his boyfriend's house. He stood there twiddling his thumbs when the door opened, revealing Evan in a loose shirt and shorts.
"Hey there," Connor said, as he leaned against the door frame, trying to be smooth, even though his heart was beating quickly against his chest, "cutey."
Evan felt his face heat up as he heard Connor call him that, and he was panicking to himself. Out of panic, he tiptoed and leaned forward giving Connor a quick kiss on the lips and quietly muttered out.
"Hi, h-handsome."
Evan had planned to do all of that more calmly, but he ended up being so panicked that his sentence sounded more like a quick graze of the words.
But Connor heard them perfectly.
He stood at the door, feeling his heart beating so fast as he continued staring at Evan. He felt so much love for the boy it was impossible to describe. Evan, noticing that Connor was just standing at the door in a loving daze, timidly reached forward. His hand slowly held onto Connor's, feeling his face heat up merely at the contact of their hands. He then pulled Connor forward, making him walk inside.
Connor finally got himself out of the daze, noticing that his surroundings have changed drastically. He was currently sitting on the soft couch in the living room, staring at the peach walls of the house. He glanced around, seeing that Evan had been no where in sight. He then heard the sound of a microwave being opened, and he assumed that Evan went to the kitchen.
He took this chance to just glance around.
In front of him, a older model of a television. It wasn't old, per se. Just older than the newer ones nowadays. It sat on the small cupboard that was built into the walls, with a small little cactus plant beside it.
He glanced over to the walls beside him and behind him. There were framed pictures of Evan and his parents. He noticed how there were only a few pictures that had Evan with both his mom and his dad. Evan looked like he was still a young child in those pictures with both of his parents. Perhaps six to seven years old. Other pictures were of Evan and his mom, both smiling as they were behind various different locations. Graduation days, concerts and just generally good times were captured.
He turned to the coffee table beside the couch, noticing a picture of the three. His hand moved towards it, enveloping the frame. He lifted it towards himself, noticing how bright Evan smiled in this particular photo compared to the others. His bright smile made Connor happy, making him smile as well.
He then placed the photo down on the coffee table once again, glancing around. The house was extremely clean, he noted. That must be partially due to Evan's anxiety. After all, he was having a guest over.
"C-connor," Evan called out, as Connor hummed a response quietly, "do you, um, do you want apple or orange juice?"
Connor thought about it, deciding on apple juice. He opened his mouth to respond, when a sudden mischievous thought popped into his head. That mischievous thought tugged at his lips, making him grin. He then confidently called out to Evan, responding to his question.
"Uh, I'll have apple. Thanks, honey."
He heard the crush of cutlery, the disgusting sound of metal clashing with metal, metal falling to the floor. After that, he heard a loud thud. It was as if something had fallen to the floor after the crash of cutlery, which immediately made Connor's heart sink.
He threw himself off of the couch, quick to throw every ounce of his energy and strength into running to the kitchen. By the time he ran into the kitchen, he was practically falling over.
"Evan, are you okay?" Connor exclaimed, bursting into the kitchen. Immediately upon seeing the events before him, he let out and audible gasp, distressed. Evan had been on the floor, one hand gripping the counter top while the other gripped at his chest. He stared at the floor, his body rising and falling as if he had difficulty breathing. Connor quickly rushed to his side, squatting down and trying his very best to assess the situation.
"Ev! Baby, are you okay?"
He gripped Evan's shoulder, feeling them tense up. He gave Evan a few moments, before he decided to try and move him. Evan slowly lifted his head, revealing a red face. He glanced about, unable to make eye contact with Connor at all.
"Y-yes, I'm okay. Just, d-don't..."
Evan stopped talking. He just leaned forward and hugged Connor. He wrapped both his arm around his neck and snuggled up to his boyfriend. Connor could feel Evan's heart beating quickly.
"D-don't suddenly call me honey and baby," Evan whined, giving Connor a big kiss on the cheek, which was the closest place he could reach compared to his lips as he hugged Connor, "I...I wasn't ready. Sorry to make you worry like that..."
Connor let out a sigh of relief, smiling as he snuggled up to Evan. He was extremely glad that he wasn't having any panic attacks. What Evan needed right now was some rest.
"Sorry, but I thought that I should call you that more often. Ya know, since we're a thing now?"
Evan nodded understandably. He then lifted himself up, and then Connor followed. Evan gestured towards the microwave, earning a nod from Connor. He grabbed a bowl, moving back to the microwave and opening the hatch. It revealed the aromatic scent of the popcorn that had just finished popping.
Evan grabbed two cups, heading over to the fridge. He opened it, releasing the cold air into the kitchen as he reached for the canister with the apple juice. He then twisted the cap open, pouring both cups with the sweet liquid.
They were on the couch, the food and drinks on the table beside them. Evan leaned his head on Connor's shoulder, a smile on his face as he held his hand. Connor did the same, enjoying the comfortable silence.
The television before them was playing a comedy show, so Evan was giggling at the some of the jokes as Connor enjoyed the sound of Evan laughing. He would occasionally take quiet sips from his mug of apple juice and grabbing some popcorn to eat.
Evan had just played the video for the musical "Legally Blonde" on his phone, with the television in the background for background noise. Connor has a bit of a liking to musicals, so he thought that there wasn't a reason to deny Evan's request to watch it.
Evan had opened the couch up as it was one of those bed-couches, which made it into a bed enough for the both of them, so they laid side by side on their stomachs. Evan placed the phone in front of them, raising the volume to the max so that they don't have to worry about getting an earpiece.
Connor originally thought it was going to get boring quickly. Musicals tend to sometimes have that effect on him. He hated it as it was annoying to have to come back to it multiple times. That's what he thought, but the 'Legally Blonde' musical was something else. It was so fast paced, that he kept getting his attention grasped.
He would occasionally glance over, seeing Evan move his lips to the song, often singing along quietly with the actress and doing little dances, making Connor swoon over how cute he is acting.
Connor gave Evan a quick peck on the cheeks, muttering an 'I love you' as he glanced back in the screen. He would then feel Evan give him a kiss, and respond with the same message.
They are both wrapped in a large blanket, Connor behind Evan in an embrace as they both sat on the couch that Evan folded back. Connor had changed into a plain white T-shirt and black shorts while Evan changed into this bear onesie that Connor can't help but blush at.
"You are too cute," Connor complimented, chuckling as he hugged Evan, "what did I do to deserve you?"
"Well, um, you were you," Evan replied, giggling and blushing, "and that's enough."
Connor couldn't help but smile at that.
He noted that it was getting a bit dark. Evan took note and snuggled up to Connor, feeling the warmth of his boyfriend as his back pressed against his chest. The TV still playing an episode of something but it served as background noise.
"Hey, Ev, honey?"
"W-wow, I'll never get use to that," Evan replied, feeling Connor's hair on his face, "I, um, y-yes, h-hon...um...Connor?"
Connor felt his cheeks flare up, as he held Evan close to him to kiss the back of his head, Evan giving a cute little giggle.
"I love you."
"L-Love you too!"
They just sat there, in each other's company and watching the TV is comfortable silence.
Connor stared at the TV, and after a while, he noticed that the episode on the TV ended already. That didn't feel like an hour at all. He pulled out his phone and glance at the time, careful not to shine it on Evan's face to disrupt his sleep.
"It's almost ten," he muttered to himself, placing his phone beside him on the table quietly. He glanced down at Evan, and realised that he had been quietly sleeping, his chest rising and falling slowly as his head fell to the side.
Connor smiled, giving Evan a small kiss at the top of his head. He then reached for the remote, turning off the TV. He slowly lowered both of them down to sleep together, using the arm rest of the couch as a pillow. He wrapped his arms around Evan, and drapped the blanket over both of them, shutting his eyes and holding onto Evan's hands as he dozed off.
Heidi, reaching the front door of her house, sighed with relief as she could finally go to sleep after a long tiring day of school and work.
She was about to lazily unlock the door when she remembered that Evan invited Connor over for a sleepover. She then quietly lifted the keys out of her bag and unlocked the door. The first thing she noticed was that the house was now pitch black, so they must have been sleeping, she inferred.
She tiptoed in, and quietly closed the door. She was walking past the living room to get a drink of water, when she realised that Evan had not shut off the lights to the kitchen. So, she walked towards the light switch. The light shone into the living room, and so she could see a hand poking out from in front of the couch. She walked over, curious as to why Evan had been sleeping on the couch. Evan's room was bug enough to at least host two people.
She quietly tiptoed over, noticing the slow rising and falling of the arm. That shows that the person was sleeping. She walks over to the couch, realising that her son and her friend were cuddled together, sleeping.
Heidi smiled, and pulled the blanket further to cover the both of them. She was about to walk away, when she noticed that they were holding hands while deep in slumber. She thought that Evan would eventually have to tell her about their 'friendship', but for now, she'll play along.
She walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of ice cold water. She poured it into a cup, and the drank from it, feeling her aching muscles start to soothe. She then shut off the lights, and went to her room to get a good night's rest.
Evan woke up, still a bit lethargic and a head of messy hair, when he noticed that Connor wasn't beside him. He sat up, and rubbed his eyes, noticing that Connor and his mom sat at the dinner table, seemingly chatting about something.
"I sure hope so," Heidi concluded, noticing that Evan had awoken. She smiled and stood up, walking over to give Evan a good morning kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning, mom," Evan muttered, yawning and stretching his arms out. He saw that Connor was blushing and staring at him, which made him a bit conscious until he remembered that he was in a bear onesie.
"Good morning, dear," she replied, getting ready to leave for work.
"I'll be back at nine today," she said, earning a nod of acknowledgement from Evan and a wave of goodbye as she left.
"So, I told your mom," Connor said, hugging Evan from behind and planting kisses on his cheek.
Evan sort of had a mix of fear and happiness in his heart as Connor said that, but he continued to listen in.
"And she approves."
He heaved a sigh of relief, turning around to give Connor a big hug.
"Th-thanks, I don't think I'd have to courage to tell her."
Connor smiled and hugged back, giving him a kiss on his cheek to calm him, also seemingly relieved himself.
"Sorry I didn't ask you first. I know outing people can be dangerous," Connor whispered, giving Evan an ashamed look which didn't sit well with Evan at all, "but as I chatted with your mom, she seemed to be very supportive of you."
"N-no, it's fine, um," Evan exclaimed, feeling the warmth of relief and comfort in his heart.
"All that matters is that we are still together."
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