Drabbles 2
21) "Why?"
Evan screamed at Connor, anger bubbling in his tone. He glared at Connor, absolutely furious over how idiotic his actions had been.
"Babe, calm down," Connor chuckled, in his hand a small eraser as he leaned in to give Evan a kiss on his cheek, only to have Evan duck back and turning away from Connor with an almost child like pout.
"That was the most perfect hand I've ever drawn, Connor!"
22) "Cigarettes"
Connor Murphy had his fair share of drugs. He usually smoked to calm himself down. His temper usually gets ahead of him, and he would start to blindly shout and scream at others.
It was only until a few days ago did he notice a shift.
He wasn't taking drugs at all, recently. It was almost as if he had hated the idea of it. He would try with something small, a pack of cigarettes. He figured that if he couldn't feel the need to smoke weed, he'll smoke cigarettes.
He took out a cigarette butt, placing it between his lips. He held the lighter up, striking a flame and placed it near the tip. The tip started to ignite, allowing Connor to start inhaling.
However, the first breath he took, he coughed, spitting out the disgusting smoke.
He stared at the pack, mystified as to what caused this changes.
Something strikes his brain.
An idea.
He then took the pack and tossed it into the trash. He watched as the little plastic box bounced its way down a rubbish bin, and smiled.
"This is his fault, huh?" Connor asked himself softly, thinking of a certain boy he had gotten attached to.
23) "Confidence?"
Evan was walking beside Connor, on their way home. They were chatting with each other, when these two junior girls ran up to them. One had brown hair, tied up in a ponytail while the other had black hair, smoothly gliding down her back.They had an excited look in their eyes, body bouncing with energy.
Evan looked to Connor, and then back to the girls, absolutely confused.
"How long have you guys been together?"
Evan blushes, absolutely shocked to hear that from utterly complete strangers. He glances over to Connor, too flustered to answers.
"For quite a while now," Connor answers, not even a shred of hesitation. Evan then leaned on Connor, hugging his arms shyly as the two girls continued to grin.
"Can you tell us how you two are so confident?"
Connor blanks for a moment, tilting his head to show confusion. He noticed that the girls' grins seemingly faded slightly, replaced with a scared look, even though they still held their smiles.
"What do you mean?"
Both girls seemed hesitant to answer. The brown haired girl turned and faced the black haired girl, suggesting a seemingly bizarre idea through her look. The black haired girl was terrified, but nodded her head.
The brown haired girl turned to Connor and Evan, slowly parting her lips. She then spoke quietly, afraid that others might hear her.
"W-well, we're…um…we…uh…"
Connor read her facial expressions, her body language. He glanced at both girls, scanning them for any signs of answers when the idea popped in his mind.
"…You two…" Connor started, noticing that Evan had also read their body language and guessed what the two girls wanted to say.
"…A-are a couple, right?" Evan finished.
24) Continuation of (23) : "Happiness"
Their sentence shocked both girls, causing both of them to flinch. They were terrified to have others hear that, but at the same time, they felt relieved. Hearing someone else say that when they were both terrified of revealing it was scary, that's for sure. However, hearing another person in the same predicament gave them a sense of relief.
They turned to the both of them, panicking as they tried to understand how the two of them could even guess it so accurately. Eventually, their squabble boiled down to them nodding, turning away with obvious blushes.
"Well, I guess it's because I love him a lot," Connor responded, leaning down and kissing Evan on the cheek. This made Evan smile, as he returned Connor's kiss with his own.
The two girls took note of his genuine answer and smiled. They now have a couple they could look up to, which was filling them with so much happiness.
25) "Tired"
Evan Hansen felt absolutely tired.
His thighs hurt from being stretched, his heart was pounding loudly. No matter how he moved, even if it's a little, he'll feel his entire body aching. Connor was the same, but to a lesser degree. He had not been as enthusiastic about it as Evan had been, so he suffered less backlash.
They were both seated on Connor's bed, both perspiring profusely. Evan reached forward, massaging his thighs and groaning with pain.
"I-I didn't think it would th-that fun, but yet so painful!"
Connor laughed, which made Evan giggled in response. He turned to Connor, feeling to exhausted to give Evan a grin, so he smiled.
"That's why I don't do Yoga, Ev."
26) "Cute"
Connor dated Evan for a while now. It wasn't exactly a secret that Evan could be very adorable at times.
Well, no matter how adorable…
…He did not sign up for this, or maybe he kinda did?
Evan wrapped himself with a blanket, absolutely sleepy, as he leaned on Connor's shoulder. He was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling ever so slightly. He would mumble little things, and Connor would listen in.
"Connor…" Evan would call out, a soft quiet voice in Connor's ear.
"I love you so much…please love me too…" Evan would mutter in a cutesy voice.
Connor felt his entire face heat up, as he struggled not to lean in and just kiss his adorable boyfriend.
27) "Does it matter?"
Jared was extremely disappointed in Evan. Such a statement was heartbreaking for him to hear, especially from a person such as Evan. If anyone knew his feelings, it was Evan.
"D-Does it really matter, Jared?"
"Yes," Jared screams out, a mock anger.
Jared held up two boxes, each containing a cake that was different in colour. One had rainbow layers vertically, while the other had rainbow colours in a horizontal pattern.
"J-Jared, you realise that they-they are both rainbow, right?"
Jared stared at Evan, offended.
28) "Jazz Band"
Zoe had somehow convinced Alana to join her in her band practice just for that day. Alana did not want to go, as the environment was not her cup of tea, but Zoe was very persuasive.
"C'mon! Join me!"
This cause Alana to show up to the music room, absolutely terrified of how awkward it was going to be. What if she seemed like a creep? What if she would never be allowed to step foot into the room again?
She braced herself, hand gripping onto the door knob. She then pressed down, pulling the blue door and stepping into the air-conditioned room. The first thing she noticed was the piano in the corner of the room, directly across from her. She noticed the seat on the piano and she strolled towards it.
It did not take her long before she had been seated. She looked towards the back of the room, noticing the range of percussion instruments. Timpani to glockenspiel, there were a lot.
She gulped when she noticed Zoe elegantly walking over to her.
"Hey!" She called out. Alana looked and noticed her, her eyes moving away every few seconds due to the awkwardness of being in close proximity to Zoe, "glad you could make it!"
"Yeah!" Alana replied, nodding her head furiously and flustered, "Glad I could!"
Zoe flashed her a smile, which was making her heart race faster and faster. She could only blame herself for falling for her best friend. It was idiotic, considering how she might ruin their friendship.
28) Continuation of (27) "Beautiful"
Zoe picked up her guitar, with as much care as lifting a newborn. She delicately placed the sash around her shoulders, placing her left hand near the tuning pegs and held a pick in her right, holding it near the end of the guitar. She starts to strum the strings individually, listening carefully and then twisting the tuning pegs.
Alana sat beside her, watching her slowly turning the pegs and hearing the guitar sharpen or flatten.
Soon, Zoe started playing some melodic pieces she made up. She followed the flow of her own strumming, making up melodies impromptu. She was impressed with herself as she strum something wonderfully harmonious.
She turned to Alana, absolutely excited to hear her thought on the impromptu music. Alana, although she was listening, was instead enticed by her friend's beauty.
"Alana, wasn't that nice!?"
Alana stared at her friend, who had been extremely excited.
"Yeah," Alana muttered out, referring to both the music and her friend, "beautiful."
29) "Someone like you"
"Connor, I'm so-so happy I found someone like you!"
Connor turned to Evan, who laid next to him. He felt his face heat up, surprised by the sudden compliment. He turns away, trying his best to hide his grin.
"What's with this all of a sudden?"
"W-well, you love me f-for me. I-I didn't think anyone would!"
Connor turned to Evan with a frown, absolutely detesting how low evan thought of himself. He turned to Evan, reaching over his shoulders to wrap his arms around Evan.
"Hey," Connor responded, conspicuously saddened by Evan's depressing mindset, "I love you, don't I?"
Evan smiled and hugged back, feeling absolutely blessed to have such an amazing person be his significant other.
30) "Jared Kleinman"
No one in school knew when or how they became aware of Jared.
They just knew about him.
They weren't friends with him, seemingly nobody was. It was confusing as to where he stood. He was. Like a lone wolf, and yet not.
Jared wasn't too mean to anyone. He did love to make jokes about people.
People did notice that he was now happier, ever since he had a few people he hung out with consistently. He seemed to have a genuine grin, seemingly more hyper.
They didn't why, but they felt happy for him. He deserves to have friends that make him happy.
31) "Magic"
"Ev, you okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm okay…"
Connor noticed that Evan had been a tad bit sad. It was as if he had lost something, a spark in his life. Connor thought about helping him, and his mind wondered to an idea.
"I'm gonna perform magic on you," Connor stated, turning to look at Evan. Evan faced Connor, absolutely confused as to what he meant by magic.
Connor walked over and stood in front of Evan. He then waved his hands, as a typical magician would, chanting phrases. Evan couldn't help but smile, not expecting Connor to act this way.
"I cast a spell, ridding him of all despair," Connor said, still shifting his hands about. Evan stared at him quietly, curious as to what Connor has planned.
"Now, you shall be swell, knowing how you have been blessed!"
He leaned forward, giving Evan a kiss on the lips. He then pulled away, smiling. Evan felt his face heat up, as he leaned forward to hug Connor, burying his face in his chest.
"Ev, you okay now?"
"C-Connor, that was cheesy and you know it."
32) "Parent"
Jared Kleinman had unknowingly taken up the role of Evan's fatherly figure, and occasionally the motherly figure. It was strange. He didn't know when it happened, hell, he didn't know how it happened.
He just suddenly realised that he served as the parent Evan never had a chance to have most of the day.
How did this realisation happen?
Evan was at home, alone. Connor had been to some strange event that his mom dragged him to, so he did not have anyone to talk to. His own mom just left for work a few hours ago, too.
He was about to go back to get out some homework to do when the door sounded like it was being broken into. The sound of his doorknob turning and creaking send shudders down his spine. He didn't want to have to be robbed today, his emotional wellbeing cannot take that today.
Suddenly, the door opens with ease, revealing Jared. He casually waltzed in, swinging a key on a ring on his ring finger. He turned to the couch and noticed Evan, greeting him as if he had not just broken into the Hansen's house.
"Heya," he greeted, earning a shocked expression from Evan.
"Wh-what? How did you…?"
"My mom has a spare key to your house."
"B-but why are you here…? Not that I don't want you here…"
"I'm here to check up on you," he replies bluntly, walking over to their kitchen and opening the cupboard to search for food.
"Ordering pizza for ya, Evan. You haven't eaten, right?"
"We-Well, yeah, but—"
Jared did not have a single hint of hesitation as he brought his phone and dialed. He started speaking to the person on the end, ordering three pizzas.
Evan could only watch, as he wondered how Jared could even know that Evan had not eaten.
33) "Makeup"
"Oh hey, Ev," Connor spoke, as Evan walked into Zoe's room. He stared, confused at the sight in front of him.
Jared sat in front of Zoe, smiling. He was extremely excited, as Zoe carefully applied makeup to his face. She was currently adding mascara.
34) "Gay…"
Evan had bought Connor a scarf for the winter. It was a dark blue scarf, with speckles of yellow. Evan specifically chose this as he knew that Connor loved the concept of space.
Connor stared at the scarf, absolutely mesmerised. He then looked up at Evan, who was nervously fidgeting around with the hem of his shirt.
"Ev, this is so gay…" Connor replied. Evan heard those words, and immediately he felt as if he had insulted Connor. He could feel the words of apologies waiting to pop out of his mouth, when he felt Connor wrap his arms around him.
"…this is gay and I love it."
35) "Drawings"
Evan was doodling some things on his new notebook, which excited him. It was exciting to have a new book to doodle on, one with brand new and empty pages.
Evan was on Connor's bed, excited to doodle when Connor walked in.
Evan was in the middle of doodling when he saw Connor enter. This shocked him, causing him to flinch and shut his book quickly. He looked up at Connor, terrified of the puzzled look on his face.
"Ev, what were you doodling?"
Evan turned away, his entire face blooming a deep shade of red. He held onto his book, feeling his heart start to pick up pace. Connor moved forward, swiftly grabbing his sketch book. Evan protested, but failed to grab his book in time.
Connor flipped to the first page, absolutely mystified with what Evan had drawn while Evan whined and tried to reach for his book.
Evan had drawn chibi figures of him and Connor holding hands, with heart eyes and a smile, as well as a heart between them. Connor looked at the drawing, and the back to Evan, who hid behind his hand.
36) Continuation of (35) : "Here"
Connor slowly walked up to Evan, snatching the pencil from his hand. He then quickly scribbled near Evan's drawing, clasping the pencil in the book and tossing it in his direction.
Evan caught the book, confused as he saw Connor walk out of the room. He looked down at his sketch book, slightly curious.
Slowly, he grasped the cover of the book, turning it over and stared at his own drawing.
Connor had drawn a heart around them, writing "Love You!" Below the heart.
Evan smiled, hugging the drawing close to his heart.
37) "Hope"
He felt the wind blowing in his face, he felt how refreshing it was to have the cool breeze against his skin. He could sit here and listen to the rustling of leaves, the occasional hooting of owls, buzzing of insects.
He could feel himself smile.
And then he looked down.
The long drop from the soles of his feet to the ground, it was terrifying. The longer he looked, the longer he could feel his grip on the rough splintering wood loosening.
He glanced upwards at the bright moon, shutting his eyes. He let the all the remaining hope in his body fill him, wishing for a way he could talk himself out of it, maybe to stop himself from trying.
Did he want himself to stop?
Or does he think that he wants himself to stop?
He continued staring upwards, hoping for a change in his heart.
38) "Horrible"
Jared couldn't help but feel how horrible of a person he had been to Evan before they became how they are now.
It didn't strike him, until he was laying in bed, absolutely unable to sleep. His mind coped with the sleepless brain by thinking of everything he had done in the past. Jared made it a point to talk to Evan about this, and try his best to get Evan to forgive him.
39) "Run"
Zoe and Alana were strangely athletic. They were able to do a lot of the exercises with ease, effortlessly. Not only were they healthy and athletic, they were also much more flexible than others. This always made others quite jealous, especially Jared.
Not the athletic part, since Jared didn't care about being healthy or not. He wanted to be as flexible as them. His only reason was that he loved how elegant ballet dancers were, and so he wanted to be just like them.
Imagine his excitement when Zoe and Alana agreed to aid him on his conquest to be more flexible.
40) Continuation of (39) "Nope"
"I fucking hate this, nope," Jared spat out, after one day of going for yoga class. Somehow, they managed to get Evan and Connor involved with them for the endeavour. After they had finished a class, Evan and Connor went to Connor's room to rest, while the other three went to Zoe's room to rest.
Jared immediately sat down on the floor, trying to move all of his pain away from his thigh by messaging them towards his toes.
"Jared," Alana sighed, acknowledging how it feels to be doing yoga for the first time and stretching so much,"it's a first, give it time!"
"No fucking way, Hun" he replied, looking almost offended by the idea that he would return to that place for a second shot at it. In fact, he almost looked disgusted.
Alana and Zoe could only sigh in defeat, as Jared continued in full detail as to why he will never return to that class ever again, and how it was Satan's horrible pastime.
I'm awfully sorry, but I will not be able to work on any new parts for at least a week.
I have more school work piling on, and three tests this week. Plus, as a Band Major, I have to represent my band in announcing our biannual national competition results, as well as the experience and journey behind that, so I have to be in the correct mindset to deliver the speech. I also have to make the slides for it.
Not only that, this year we are going to try and improve the discipline of the band, so I have to sort a lot of things, since the band has been degrading for the past 15 years.
In case you weren't already aware, as a Band Major, I am in charge of improving my band, so things like score management, discipline cases, attendance problems, attitude problems, commanding, even though there are seniors who are placed in charge of specific aspects, I am the overall in charge.
This is the one week I will not be as active as I have been for a long while.
This is partially why I have decided on making all of you decide on Evan's fate. I'll be away, so I can worry about the main story after 22nd.
Again, I'm absolutely sorry for my constant hiatuses.
I hope to see y'all in the next part!
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