Drabbles 1
Author's note : So, I've kinda stopped getting ideas for a full 2000+ word part, so I thought, 'hm, why not give my wonderful readers many little stories of this entire fanfic.
P.S. yes I'm a bamsarakilledyou copycat, but to say I'm the same as them will be insulting them.
1) "Disgusting"
"Disgusting," Jared muttered in mock disgust after seeing what played out before him. Connor had just snuck up behind Evan, giving him a hug lovingly as Evan giggled, blushing wildly.
"Aw," Alana made her way beside Jared, admiring the love between the two, "those two are adorable!"
"Yeah, adorably gross," he muttered, faking a gagging sound.
Meanwhile, Connor was lovingly holding Evan's hand, proud that he manage to get him before anyone else. Both of them were still getting use to the whole dating situation, even thought Connor has had experience in the past, but that didn't help either as they were both blushing madly.
"I, uh, Connor," Evan timidly called out, grabbing Connor's attention.
"I, um, I love you."
Connor felt his face heat up even more than it already was. He used his other hand and gripped his heart, feeling as if an arrow of love had just shot his heart. Connor thought that that was about as adorable as a rabbit twitching it's nose, playing with a kitten who had just sneezed.
"God, stop being cute," he responded, breathing becoming a tad bit difficult, "love you too."
Jared stared at this exchange and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a smile tugging at his lips.
"I stand by my statement," he said, talking to Alana who had been amazed by the exchange herself, "these two are disgusting."
2) "Hair"
They were both in Connor's room, lying on the bed in comfortable silence. Evan had brought with him a notebook, where he did all his doodling. He usually just drew small trees, or cute little doodles of people.
Connor laid beside him, quietly scrolling through Tumblr. He glanced towards Evan, who was concentrating on drawing this person, Elle Woods, he said, when he was suddenly intrigued by Evan's hair.
"Hey, Ev," Connor whispered, as the room was quiet and there was no reason to raise their voices any louder than that.
"Can I, uh, can I ruffle through your hair?"
Evan looked from his drawings, a slight blush on his face, but he nodded anyways, and looked back down to continue doodling.
Connor reached forward, brushing his hand through Evan's hair. His hair was quite short, but it wasn't spiky. It was surprisingly soft. Connor ruffled through his hair a bit more, before retracting his hand.
"Huh, it actually isn't all that spiky."
Evan nodded with acknowledgement, without looking up.
Connor then move his hand to Evan's chin to bring his head up, giving him a quick kiss on the lip and smiled.
"Love ya."
"L-love you too."
3) "Video Chat Ended" (Credit to C0nnor-Mur)
Connor's family had gone overseas for a vacation for the summer. It annoyed Connor to be away from his boyfriend, but hey, not like he can do anything about it. Cynthia would have been saddened if he said he didn't want to go, and he didn't even want to care about Larry. Both he and Zoe were extremely reluctant to go, which thankfully he had someone on his side.
So, they decided on Video Chats.
Evan clicked on the little icon on the top right corner of the WhatsApp chat screen, bringing up this screen. The little red button at the bottom, a telephone symbol. He saw his own face staring back at him, and felt himself duck away. Connor picked up, his face taking most of the screen while Evan's face was in a tiny window at the bottom right corner.
"Evan," Connor called out excitedly, as Evan awkwardly waved back, "Oh my god I missed your face!"
"It's o-only been two days, Connor," Evan replied, blushing madly at how Connor was such a sweetheart when it came to things like this. It really made him happy to know how much he loved him, "but yeah, I, uh, I missed you too!"
"Hey, now," Connor responded, bringing up his little rabbit doll and made it sway side to side, hiding his face behind the rabbit doll as he did so, "I still missed you!"
"S-stop," Evan giggled, covering the lower half of his face with his hand out of embarrassment and awkwardness, "I'm gonna l-love you even more!"
"Oh, no," Connor replied, sarcastically. He then drapped the back his hand on his forehead and leaned back, like those people who fake a fainting in an acting role, "how I would hate that!"
Evan giggled some more, when suddenly he saw Connor whipped his head back, and then the video chat ended abruptly.
4) Continuation of (3) : "Why are you doing that?"
Evan panicked, typing to Connor to find out what happened.
{Are you okay?}
{You ended it so abruptly????}
He saw all the little gray ticks beside the messages suddenly turn blue at the same time, as Connor typed out his response.
{Okay, give me a sec, Ev}
Connor went offline for a good fifteen minutes, before returning with a video call invite. He once again saw his face appear on his screen. He tapped on the green button and slid it towards the right, Connor's face appearing once more.
"W-what happened," Evan asked, genuinely concerned. He thought a burglar was trying to kill him or something.
"Oh, nothing, Ev," Connor explained, trying his best to calm Evan down, "Dad came into my room, is all."
"He asked me a question that made me question if he is 50 or 500," Connor replied, breaking into a smile.
"W-what," Evan asked, giggling a bit at the build up.
"He asked why I was taking a selfie."
Evan envisioned the whole situation, and just started bursting with laughter, while Connor did the same, and the two just kept laughing hysterically.
5) "Eat it"
So obviously, everyone in their entire school believes that Jared Kleinman loves to eat bathbombs on a regular basis, as untrue as that was. It's the bane of his existence, but the amusement of everyone else.
They would often refer to him as BB, which was a way to hide the fact that they were mocking about him over the fake fact. Jared only knew what it meant when he heard Evan say it to Connor, complaining to his boyfriend about how the school was treating Jared.
He walked past Evan and Connor on his way to chemistry class, who held hands while walking. Then, Evan turned to Connor and spoke.
"C'mon Connor," Evan let out a forced whisper, "I don't like that they're calling him Bathbomb boy!"
Bathbomb Boy.
That was just rude.
So, from that day on, he would bring a few bathbombs in his bag along with him to school. Every single time he had heard someone talk about him behind his back, he would hurl a seemingly endless supply of bathbombs in their face, screaming at them aggressively.
6) "Eyes"
Evan absolutely adored Connor's eyes. They were a beautiful blue, with a brown streak on his right eye, which was even more beautiful to Evan.
One time, he had literally just stared into Connor's eyes for a grand total of fifteen minutes, making Connor become slightly confused and scared, as Evan gazed lovingly into his eyes.
7) "Band Tryouts"
Evan is part of the Concert Band activity in his school, which he went for rather excitedly. He was a Euphonium player. He had loved music very much, so to be able to create music beautifully with others excited him.
What was bad was going there. When he had tried to go for the past three years, he never even entered the band room. He had been too anxious about talking to the senior band members which made him give up on joining completely.
This year, he dragged Connor along with him just for accompaniment, who only went with him because he had been asked to.
What Evan didn't expect was this situation.
He got seperate from Connor, who got dragged away from him to try out the instruments. This left Evan to fend for himself.
What's worse is, one of the senior band members, the trumpet section leader, had waltz up to Evan, and gently kissed his hand, very obviously flirting with him.
In all honesty, Evan didn't really care about the trumpet section all that much. He wanted to try out this specific instrument he heard being demonstrated. The Euphonium. It had a beautiful sound, and he wanted to play that. He also heard that it had the chance to play quite a bit of counter melody, which excited Evan more.
But the damn Trumpet section leader kept trying his best to flirt with Evan, that he didn't have a chance to try the Euphonium.
8) Continuation of (7) : "Boyfriend"
Evan realised that in order to shake him off, he needed to prove something. So Evan, in his best attempt to act as adorable as possible, beckoned the trumpet player to follow him, and they both walked over to Connor, who was currently trying to play the Saxophone and was doing it surprisingly well.
"I, um, James, was it," Evan asked, earning a nod and a smirk from the trumpet player that made Evan shudder. He noticed that Connor had just finished trying out the Saxophone, and was standing up to be next to him.
"Well, James. Stop trying to f-flirt with me, since-" Evan tiptoed towards Connor, kissing him on the lip and then wrapping his arms around Connor's waist while resting his head on his chest- "I, uh, I have a b-boyfriend."
The poor James looked defeated, as Connor lit up and hugged Evan back.
9) "Your Face"
Both were in Connor's room, lying about doing, nothing in particular. Connor had asked Evan over for company, and partially for homework, but now they just relaxed. This is when Connor noticed that Evan seemed to be blushing, as he read something on his phone.
"Evan," Connor called, getting his attention almost instantly, "whatcha reading?"
"N-nothing," Evan blurted out, and then moved closer to Connor, making Connor's face heat up.
"H-hey, um, Connor," Evan whispered, getting a quiet 'hm?' in response as he snuggled up closer to Connor. He glanced at Connor, and then pointed at his cheek.
"Y-You've, um, you've got something on your face," he informed. Connor blinked, and then lifted his hand and touched his own cheek.
Evan leaned forward and kissed him on his cheek and then looked away, blushing madly, making Connor dazed as he tried to process whatever just happened.
"I'm sorry," he squealed out, panicking, "I, I didn't ask, and I just kissed you and I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
Connor kissed Evan on the lips, and then pulled away with a smirk.
"Who ever taught you to do that to my heart," Connor asked, still smirking as he gave Evan another quick kiss on his cheek, making Evan swoon.
10) "Right Here"
Connor felt super fucking sad today. It was weird. There was nothing sad happening but suddenly all his suicidal thoughts decided to give him a visit.
He gripped his head, as he kept apologising for everything. He just felt all the despair in the world pile up on him. He threw his hands to his phone, having Evan's number on the screen as he quickly press the call button.
Evan almost immediately picked up.
"C-connor! Hi, I didn't," he paused, as Connor continued giving soft sobs, holding tears back, but those sobs were all Evan needed to hear. Before he could even tell Evan what he wanted to say, he heard Evan respond confidently.
"I'll be right over."
And that he did.
Soon, he heard his door open, hearing him tumble into his room as if he ran through ten marathons to be here as he sat solemnly on the bed.
"Connor, are you okay?"
He glanced over to Evan, still feeling tears fall down his face. He saw Evan's eyes widen with panic, as he stumbled onto the bed to be next to Connor. He didn't even try to say anything. All he did was just hug Connor from behind, wrapping his arms around his body and leaning his chin on his shoulder.
Connor felt Evan's chest against his back, although shocked, sank into the comfort of his boyfriend.
After a few minutes of this hugging and comfortable silence, they broke apart, Evan giving Connor a smile. Connor was the first to speak.
"I'm sorry to call you here, Evan. I know you have those important essay scholarships you need to focus on," Connor quietly mentioned, giving Evan a weak smile.
"N-not as important as my boyfriend in need of company, Connor," Evan replied, once again giving Connor a bright smile.
"I'll be right here when you need me."
11) "Alana Beck"
Everyone is confused about Alana. She was the only person in the school who seemingly has quadruplets all attending the same school, because it was physically impossible to handle all the work she does with one person's energy.
Whatever the rumour was, it was undeniable that there is only one of her.
However, she recognised that she now had more acquaintances to hang with, so she has tried her best to drop out of some of these activities. For example, apparently she had an activity about water bottles? It wasn't even about environmental protection, just a company giving out water bottles for their campaign.
Anyways, she realises that in order to keep her friends, she had to drop activities, which was foreign to her, since she had not done that ever. As much as she hates to admit it, the constant need to be somewhere, the constant attention of someone who wants her to be present at their organised activity distracted her from her depression. All through her school life, she felt invisible, like no one cares if she faded into thin air, and the activities did exactly the opposite.
They wanted her there.
But now, she had acquaint-
That's not right.
She had friends who want her there with them.
And that's all she needs.
12) "Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen"
It's confusing, honestly.
When the school's infamous bully, the drug addict, the school shooter, when that infamous guy with the long, messy, and brown hair started becoming a bit nicer to people.
People first noticed that he started talking to someone. An insecure, full of stutturs kid. The one with a blue polo T-shirt and a cast?
Then, they noticed they became really good friends, often walking to and from school together, always with a smile on their faces.
Then, they noticed that the two started hugging more. They start to become red around each other, becoming more nervous.
Then, they realised that that school shooter had become nicer. Instead of flipping people off, instead of throwing a comment back at them, instead of becoming aggressive, he was now much more calm. He would still become pissed off, definitely, but he's been significantly less troublesome to the teachers.
So, one student decided to ask.
13) Continuation of (12) : "Evan"
Robert strut his way up to Connor Murphy with gusto, straightening his jacket red Jersey jacket as he walked up to Connor.
"Yo, emo kid," he called out, only to have Connor completely ignore him. This made Robert mad. He then proceeded to mock him.
"Ha! Too busy being a fucking emo, kid?"
Connor remained quiet, placing his textbook in his locker and was rather excited to leave the asshole to meet up with Evan.
"I'm talking to you, Murphy," he called, which Connor respected by responding to his name.
"What do you want, Robert," Connor asked, his tone laced with all sorts of animosity. No one liked him, but he is taller than practically every student so he could beat anyone up.
"Why the fuck have you been such a quiet little shit," Robert asked, as the students around them perked up their ears out of curiosity. Everyone had been quietly asking the same question, only Robert dared to ask.
"Maybe cuz Evan helped me not be a piece of shit like you," Connor replied, clearly ready for this conversation to be over.
"What the fuck did you just say, you fag," Robert asked, ready to kill Connor for his taunt, which was hilarious to Connor.
"Did I," Connor paused, staring deep into Robert's soul, his eyes oozing with the animosity of a snake ready to kill their prey, "fucking stutter?"
"I'm gonna enjoy punching you and that fag you hang w-"
And suddenly Robert was on the ground. He felt his cheek suddenly ache with pain, and his hand reflexively flew up to cover the spot in pain. He noticed Connor in front him, his fist seemingly turning white from gripping too hard.
And for the first time in all of his life, Robert felt fear. He felt the fear piercing through his soul as he tried to meet Connor's eyes. But no matter how hard he tried to look up, he only felt more fear which forced his eyes to glare at the floor. Connor had the most hostile look, the anger oozing out of him.
"You can insult me all you want," Connor whispered, clearly with an angry tone and a fist ready to punch, "but if you ever insult Evan, I will make sure that that's the last thing you ever do."
Then, he proceeded to walk away towards the exit, once again meeting up with the boy with the cast, smiling as he walked out with him by his side.
14) "Animals"
Connor Murphy had no idea how much Evan loved cute animals, and how much he was like said cute animals, until today.
They visited a pet store, since Connor said Zoe's dog was coming back from the vet, so they needed to refill on dog food. They were only suppose to get dog food and leave. What happened instead?
Evan sitting on the floor of the store, as rabbits and birds surrounded him.
Evan sat there, although panicked after being surrounded by animals, petting all of the animals and smiling as Connor's face heated up at how adorable he looked.
15) "Zoe and Evan"
It's undeniable that Evan and Zoe had the amazing talent of singing.
So, they almost always sing together whenever Evan was at the Murphy's. It's almost like they were a small band.
Connor will never admit this but he felt like he got backstage tickets to a show with amazing singer whenever he was was with the two as they sang. Alana and Jared have the same answer, except that Alana admits it proudly, which makes both beam with joy.
16) "Things"
It's strange how they communicated sometimes, Evan and Jared. It greatly confuses Connor sometimes. Some people may overlook this as a sign that they were best friends, who have their own language, but it's entirely different for those two.
Once, the three of them were at Evan's house for no reason in particular. Evan said the following sentence.
"J-Jared, can you, um, get that thing from the thing that's in the thing?"
"Sure," Jared responded, seemingly understanding him perfectly, even though he was extremely vague. So Connor waited for Jared to come back so he could laugh at his face.
Jared then walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a piece of candy. It looked like chocolate in a plastic packaging?
Jared then sat down and passed the candy to Evan.
"Oh, th-thank you!"
Connor just stared in disbelief.
17) "Fidget Cube"
Connor took hold of the white square cube with light blue switches and buttons, confused. Why does it have so many buttons and switches and whatever that was at the top? He thought it was completely useless, and that it would never help.
It's only after he started using it that he found it was a perfect pastime. It was small, and practically invisible. So, he was able to do something mindless, like watching TV, while using the various buttons and switches to occupy his hands.
And then, he passed it off to Evan
He asked Evan to stretch out his hands, and then dropped it in his hands.
"O-oh, it's a, um, a fidget cube," he said, as he saw Evan's eyes light up.
"I just thought you might need it," Connor replied, smiling, "I'll just get my parents to get me another one."
Evan felt his face heat up from happiness, and presented a smile to Connor.
"Thank you, Connor," he said as he embraced Connor.
18) "Music"
Both the Murphy siblings were very good musicians. It made sense for Zoe, but not for Connor. Zoe is in a jazz band, so it's a given that she is a good musician. Connor? It doesn't fit.
Evan only found out one day by pure accident.
They were over at Evan's house, when Connor had the idea to ask Evan to sing this song that when sang right sounded amazing. Evan tried his best to sing along, and then sang the ending note. He needed to hold that last note for a while, a good twelve counts. It was during this note that he got tired, so he started singing off key, by a little.
He was about to correct himself, when Connor beat him to it.
"Oh, Ev, that's an F note, you sang Eb."
They both just stared at each other, Evan in disbelief and Connor in confusion.
19) "Clothes"
Evan has a few of Connor's clothes. Whenever Connor came over, Evan would take his jacket. He thought it was comfortable, although a bit warm.
So, when Connor started noticing that Evan came to school wearing his jacket, he got really flustered and decided to confront him about this. Evan then took the jacket off and then gave it to Connor.
"Wait, you're gonna give it back?"
"I, uh, it," Evan looked away, blushing furiously and muttering his next sentence as quietly as possible.
"I-it stopped smelling like you…"
Connor felt his entire face heat up, and just leaned in to hug Evan, leaving Evan confused as to why he received a sudden hug.
20) Continuation of (14) : "Fluffy"
"Connor," Evan called out, as his eyes continued to light up at how to little bunnies and birdies jumped around, all adorable like.
"Uh, what," he responded, as Evan pat the concrete floor next to him, urging Connor to sit with him. Connor responded with a look of disbelief, which Evan countered with puppy dog eyes.
As if it couldn't get cuter.
"Urgh, fine," Connor gave in, and sat next to Evan quietly, careful not to hurt any animals that surrounded Evan. As he sat down, a bunny excitedly jumped into his lap, twitching its nose.
Connor pet the fur on it's back, as it quietly sat in his lap.
"Huh," Connor muttered, loving the soft feeling of fur between his fingers. The soft feeling almost resembled Evan's hair, "fluffy."
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