Dear sad truth [45]
Of course I knew about the bet, Zayn had told me earlier but I didn't care at that moment because I was still numb and broken, i didn't care about Harry and whatever he did but now it really hit me like a ton of bricks because, i gave myself to Harry. I loved him all over again. Sadly Harry and I weren't meant to be, bad things always happened when we were together. A part of me had used this as an opportunity to break off whatever we had. I was getting cold feet, especially after we had made things offal in the morning. I needed to break off whatever we had, was for the summer now it's back to reality and reality is i need to end all the feelings I have for Harry because they always destroy me.
Harry could never love me, I'm just glad he stalled for the sex.
I was walking away from my third class of the day when I saw Walter coming towards me. He looked happy, his happiness could radiate towards anyone and at this moment I could really use some of that.
"Hey Zaneh." He said engulfing me in a huge bear hug. I felt safe and at peace.
"How was your summer ?" He questioned with a wide smile. My brain immediately did Flashback of everything that had happened throughout. When Harry fucked me in the airplane washroom, dinner with his parents, Harry fucking me in my room, Harry's ex girlfriend and I becoming friends, Harry's fucking me in his car, me meeting Harry's mother, Harry telling me he loves me for the sex, Harry convincing me that we could be a thing. I guess my summer was pretty great.
"It was okay, it was nice seeing my parents." I smiled. "How was yours ? your sister is pretty cool by the way." I said as we continued walking around campus.
"And your brother, you guys hardly spend time together. Yeah she is really something, she can't stop talking about you." He chuckled.
"I don't have a brother." I let out a laugh. "Zayn and I are done, I'm going to tell my parents everything. How things have been between us and I hope they accept that I never want anything to do with him." I exhaled. He looked at me with a shocked expression.
"I thought you were now okay with each other." He added sadly.
"My brother couldn't wait to take Harry's money from the bet and spend it so that's really cool." I let out.
"Is that why they beat the shit out of each other and Harry moved out of the frat house ?" He asked. Well I didn't know about that but they are bestfriends nothing could ever come between them sooner or later they would be back to making more bets with each other.
"They are just being boys before you know it, they will be back to being friends again." I shrugged.
"Zayn was really pissed.." Walter uttered.
"I don't get why is pissed because if he made that bet, he intended for Harry to-" sleep with me. "to hurt me."
I couldn't tell Walter that I had been fucking around with Harry, how would he see a slut.
"Maybe you should talk it out." Walter suggested.
"No, I'm good." I sighed. "I have been ever since high school, so right now doesn't change a thing."
From the corner of my eye, i could feel someone glaring at me so I turned to look only to see Zayn. He was approaching us, i felt tired, tired of arguing. Tired of putting up with two fuckboys, tired of being used, just tired of everything.
"Walter, could you give my sister and I a second ?" Zayn said softly, he had a black eye and a busted lip, i didn't feel the least sorry for him at all.
"No, Walter don't leave." I pouted.
"Zayn, please just relax. I won't tell mom or dad about any of this atleast not now ? maybe during thanks giving we can both tell them that we have been pretending and we actually don't like each other and we would rather go our separate ways." I said looking at me directly in the eye.
"What ?! Fuck that. I love you, you are my sister. Why would I wanna go separate ways with you ? Zaneh we shared a womb, you are my other half. I'm sorry-" Zayn said in a panicked voice, this was how he acted when he thought I would tell our parents about our none existent relationship.
"Yeah sure, please just leave me alone now." I shrugged, putting a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Zaneh I will go speak to Liam for a bit." Walter said when he realised how quickly this conversation had escalated. Liam had waved at us so Walter decided to walk over to where he was standing with Louis and Niall.
"Okay." I gave him a quick smile. I was about to continue walking when Zayn stepped infront of me.
"Zayn what's wrong with you ?" I questioned.
"You pushing me away is what's wrong." He deadpanned.
"Fine, i won't tell mom and dad, now excuse me." I added making him look at me in disbelief.
"I don't care, if you tell them or not ? I just want to say I'm sorry, for always using you, humiliating you and the list goes on." He said sadly blinking away a few tears. Zayn and Harry were very manipulative, it didn't take a fool to realise that.
"Okay, just leave me alone." I said putting my lips in a thin line. "That's all I'm asking Zayn, peace. I moved all the way here so I could start over, if only you allowed me to but no, you brought your friends here too. Of all the Universities in the United states OF America you just had to follow me here but then again you enjoy seeing me miserable." I said with a sardonic laugh.
"I slept with Harry not only once but I can't even count how many times. The bet was you thought I would never sleep with him but I did because I'm a fool. I'm sorry you lost your bet, if that's what upsetting you." I added. "I have feelings too and yes you were right, I don't love Harry, it was just my high school obsession... thank you for looking out for me on that one."
Zayn stood there shocked.
"I won't tell anyone we are related, if that's what you are scared of and I don't think Harry would tell anyways."
"Zaneh-" before he could say anything more. Louis, Niall, Liam and Walter walked towards us.
"Twins.." Louis said in an excited tone, i frowned.
"Hey guys, I was just about to leave." I smiled at them.
"Why don't you wanna hang out ?" Liam gave me a grin. Of course they knew about the bet and they were just making fun of me.
"Shut up, Liam." Zayn yelled.
I bid them good bye and walked away. I made my way to my dorm and found Harry seated right on the door. My heart skipped a beat, i hate this feeling. His eyes focused on me as soon as he had heard my footsteps.
"You are probably here to fetch your t-shirts, just give me a second." I said unlocking the door.
"I don't give a damn about my shirts, i just want us to talk." He said getting inside and closing the door behind him.
"I talked to Zayn and it will only be fair, if I allowed you to talk as well before we move on and I pretend I don't know the both of you." I said putting my books on my dresser. Harry sat on Angelica's bed which was opposite mine, I'm glad he distanced himself.
"I really do love you." He said softly, his green eyes glimmered with hope. I stared at him emotionlessly.
"Okay." I replied.
"You love me, i know you do." He said trying to make eye contact.
"I'm actually trying to get over you so this- you wanting to talk isn't helping." I added. "It would be best if you stopped sending me those cheesy texts and calling me none stop. We can't sleep together anymore but other than that thanks for making my summer interesting."
"Zaneh, i-"
"Harry, you are an amazing guy, mostly amazing in bed but i would suggest you try these lines on any other girl on the campus, they would be absolutely happy if you did because I don't know why you insist on chasing me instead."
"Because I love you and I know we could work out besides how everything started in high school and now this. When I made the bet with Zayn, i just wanted an excuse to hang out with you without him questioning why." He explained.
"That's the point exactly Harry. You won your bet, now I would really appreciate if you leave me alone. That's all I ask." I added.
"I won't-" He said looking hurt.
"Harry as much as you and Zayn enjoy hurting me, it would be great if you gave me a break." I said standing up and neatly folding his Nirvana t-shirt I had worn the day I slept over at his apartment and the rolling stone t-shirt i had worn three days ago.
"I don't want to hold anything against you and Zayn, i just want to move on from all this. We are always running in circles and this feels like high school all over again so I would rather just put an end to it now." I handed him his shirts.
I opened the door then whispered.."Good bye Harry." and I watched him slowly walk out without a word.
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