Dear Parents [48]
Everything had been going smoothly for a month, that is until my parents decided to visit. I wasn't expecting them to but they insisted saying they had to come either way after receiving an email from the University about Zayn's behavior. This was all my fault, the reason they were even fighting in the first place. I was happy that they had both given me space and stopped coming to my dorm room every given moment. I didn't see Harry much in my lectures, assuming he went back to his old time slot but when I did see him... it was just an awkward sight. He would stare at me until I felt uncomfortable, his stare still sent tingles all over my body; I loathed the idea. I needed to move on hense Walter took me out on a few dates ; four to be exact. Then he finally asked me to be his girlfriend at which I said yes. He would always send me good morning texts, good night texts, wait for me after class. Honestly he was a sweetheart.
"Zaneh, i heard you have been seeing someone ?" My mom asked putting the spotlight on me. Zayn looked angry and my dad seemed to be okay with it as he waited for my answer.
"Uh yes mom." I gave her a gentle smile.
"You finally took my advise huh ? the styles boy ?" She grinned and I looked down at my food.
"No, mom. His name is Walter, he is from Australia majoring in accounting. He is a really nice guy." I explained making Zayn scoff.
"I would love to meet my daughters first boyfriend." My dad said looking at my mom. "Honey, we were afraid that maybe you liked girls instead but you were just a late bloomer." They both chuckled and I smiled a bit. Zayn seemed tense in his seat.
"Zayn, do you have any girlfriend ?" My dad asked not wanting to leave him out of the conversation.
"Uh i did but she broke up with me." He shrugged, so Angelica had really ended things with him. He seemed really sad about it, did he love her ? I didn't want to ruin my friends happiness even if it was my brother.
"I'm sorry honey." My mom said giving him a sympathetic look and he just shrugged. We talked more over lunch, my parents did most of the talking. Zayn tried to talk to me here and there but I ignored him or rather pretended he wasn't there.
"Mom, dad... about the fight ?" Zayn said slowly.
"It was with Harry." He added. My heart dropped thinking that he was really going to tell my parents that I had been sleeping around with Harry. My parents condoned dating but sexual intercourse especially since they saw me as their little girl, surely hell would break loose with my father.
"Isn't he your best friend ?" My mom gasped.
"He is but it was over a girl." Zayn explained sadly.
"You know better than to end your friendship for a girl, son. You and Harry come a long way-" My dad paused. " Don't let the bright lights of n
New York take your eyes off your priorities, off people you have known and have had your back since high school. People from your home town. I understand you will meet cooler friends and hotter girls but don't forget where you belong and who always had your back." My dad said, he was clearly off topic but if he thought he was being helpful then let him be...
"I don't think I could ever be friends with Harry again." Zayn mumbled. "He did something I could never have done to him-" if he had a sister. I thought silently. I didn't understand why he was acting all holy, he has never cared about my wellbeing. Zayn would even sell me off to human traffickers for a couple of bucks for all I know.
"Anyways mom I dyed my hair black." I said quickly changing the conversation.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Princess." My dad said with a look of adoration on his face.
"She is absolutely beautiful." My mom added. "She is." Zayn said softly.
"Anne is that you ?" My mom gasped, i immediately felt like the world was against. Anne stood there with Harry dressed in a black shirt and skinny jeans.. his usual attire. I could feel Zayn glaring at him and Harry staring at me as if waiting for me to raise my head and look at him... I wouldn't.
"What a small world." Anne said giving my mom a hug. Knowing my mom she immediately invited to seat with us, Harry on my left side and Zayn on my left side. I felt as if I couldn't breathe when his hand swiftly touched mine by mistake of course.
"I was just talking to Zayn about friendships, if this isn't a coincident." My dad chuckled.
"What a surprise, i was just telling Harry that he should apologize and follow the girl he loves." Anne said making me stiffen in my seat.
"But more importantly they shouldn't break their friendship because of a girl." My mom added. Zayn rolled his eyes, Harry clenched his jaw, i on the other hand just fumbled with my fingers.
"Certainly boys are alot of work-" My dad chuckled. "We have my beautiful daughter here who has just had her first boyfriend at the rightful age of twenty and is excelling well in her studies,very responsible then we have my son over here who spends all his allowance before month end on alcohol, fights for girls-" My dad let out a sigh. Anne immediately gave my dad a look-
"I thought her first everything was Harry." Anne replied and I closed my eyes.
"Mom, we weren't dating." Harry protested and I was thankful.
"What do you mean her first everything ?" My dad asked fuming. My parents were a bit older and not very modern while Harry's mom was young and modern, she didn't even mind me telling her that her son and I had sex. I understood, no parent would want to hear that their daughter had been having sex. Having sex with someone whom they had trusted as their sons bestfriend.
"You know how first loves go ?" Anne smiled. "You give each other your all and morals are easily forgotten."
"Zaneh Malik what exactly did you do with Harry Styles ?" My father questioned looking enraged and beyond furious. Zayn seemed to be enjoying this scene. My eyes felt blurry with tears-
Harry felt helpless.
"Dad-" i mumbled.
"You gave him the gift that only your husband should be graced with ?" My mom asked. "And he wasn't even your boyfriend."
"Mom-" She immediately cut me off.
"When I said have fun this isn't what I meant.." She said sadly, tears ran down my cheeks. I felt beyond embarrassed and hurt. I felt Harry extending his hand and holding mine in his... it was comforting but I immediately pulled away.
"They love each other." Anne said quickly regretting what chaos she had just created.
"It was a bet." I finally let out. "Zayn made a bet with his friends with Harry upon my innocence. I'm sorry I fell for it. Zayn has always treated me badly even during high school. We didn't even talk for two years only when you requested to see us then we would pretend. I didn't mean to disappoint you, I'm sorry." I said as the waterworks left my eyes, i swiftly stood up and left the scene.
just when I thought I was moving passed it all..
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