Dear Forgiver. [12]
"Love is being Stupid together." ~ Paul Valery
"Are we missing something out here ??" Louis said recoiling the sudden change.
Truthfully If it makes you feel any better Lou, I dunno wtf just happened.
"So you two are cool now ?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows. Zayn and I both looked at each other then smiled, well this a new.
"I guess we are, right Zaneh ?" Zayn beamed in my direction.
"Yeah totally." I shrugged. Everyone stood there stupefied as if they were waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out of no where and rant they just got punk'd .
"Anyways bye guys, Heidi nice meeting you." I gushed with a grin no hint of the green eyed monster, I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. They all bid me good bye as I left the café with some blueberry muffins left for Angie, I knew my conscience would prick me if I didn't suddenly I heard my name being called as I was walking down the side walk of cause there was no need to drive here because its literally just around the corner.
"...Zaneh." I turned back to see the person who was calling my name with such raucous.
"Er...Zayn." I stifled a smile when I saw him pant for his breath after running after me.
"Hey." He said with a smile too.
"Zaneh, I'm seriously tired of all this skittish, I know I'm the worst brother..." He said nervously putting his hands in his back pockets... Like I do.
"You are not the worst, you are hundred times worse." I muttered.
"Hey ain't you suppose to make me feel better when I insult myself." He pouted.
"I don't lie Zayn you are pretty fucked up for a brother." I genuinely said.
"Do you hate me that much ?" He said looking rather offended than angry as he followed me down the street two blocks away from the dorms.
"Believe me I tried." I quirked a smile. " but what s the catch to you apology, are you going to embarrass me in front of your friends ? Or what ?" I shuddered memories flowing back to my thoughts.
" No trust me there's no catch !"
"Thing is I don't trust you.." I laughed.
"I know I don't even trust myself but you are my other half, we grew up together..." I immediately cut him off.
"We didn't grow up together, I was always alone while you were with your cool' friends." I stated.
"I know and I'm sorry." He said looking down. This is shocking Zayn Malik in a vulnerable state this is astonishing. Zayn had never apologized to me ever not in a life time so I was caught off guard did he really mean his words ?
You never know till you try right ?
"I didn't hear you ?" I chuckled.
"Don't make me say it again.." He slouched beside me as we continued to walk enjoying the warm weather of march.
"Oh my God, this is gonna be so good, let me get the camera." I giggled furiously.
I really did miss moments like these.
" Ready ?" I angled my phone camera in his direction making him cringe.
"Okay...fine." He shrugged.
"Zaneh I'm sorry about being an asshole." He said then I angled the camera to my face.
"And an imbecile, douchebag, dimweed, fuckup, halfwit, goon-" I added.
"Fine I get it." He added. " So truce ?" He smirked, putting my phone back in my purse.
"On one condition though !" I said with a sly smile.
"Stop messing with my room mate."
"Done !" He shrugged.
"We are cool now." I smiled genuinely, I'm ecstatic I had no idea this would happen any day. Suddenly he lifted me and spun me around clearly scared, excited and surprised I screamed " Put me down you animal."
"Wait if I'm an animal then you are an animal too sister." He said smugly putting me down and I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity. We ended up walking past the dorms because there was so much to talk about and a lot of memories. I laughed so hard, I didn't remember ever being this happy. He always brought out the weird me, and it was like talking to an old friend. We went to buy ice cream then talked some more even about the most stupid things. The sun was almost setting as he accompanied me back to the dorms.
"So Zayn..." I awkwardly nudged him.
"Just ask, I know that look...but it better not be about your two boyfriend's Harry and Walter." He snarled.
"They are not my boyfriends." I sniggered. " Anyways its about Angie, why weren't you hesitant when I asked you to stay away from her. ..... Don't you like her ?" I wiggled my eyebrows and he laughed hysterically.
"I'm serious Zaynie ?!" I frowned.
" No I don't like her, she a bitch I'm sorry to say but she cannot wait to jump on my dick every time she-"
"Blah blah lah lah lah lah." I sang my lungs out. " No more please."
"Come on you asked didn't you ?"
" Fine shut up " I laughed today had been the most fun day I had heard in ages.
"Bye Zayn." I hugged him..
" Bye lil sis, stay away from Harry because I will ring his neck." He warned walking away from dorm room to the elevator.
"He has a girlfriend." I yelled as the elevator door was closing he said " You seriously believe that." With that he was gone.
You seriously believe that !?
For some odd reason this played in my head for as long as I can remember.
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