The bell rang outside, alarming all students for lunch and finally i have the chance to leave, it was so embarrassing to have no one to talk to for hours- i felt like im an introvert.
When all of the students rushed out of the classroom- i was all left alone, so i grabbed my backpack and sling it on my right shoulder as i walk for the door.
I was about to head out when a girl blocked my way- she pushed me in as the other girls on his back follow her.
I stood there in confussion- not knowing what to do then the girl that pushed me gazed at me with her deadly glare.
"Hello- Trainee."She said dryly and chew her the gum on her mouth- loudly creating a disgusting sound.
"Hi i-"
She cut my words and look at her nails"I don't need to know your name, your already famous- KC."
"Uhhhh..How do you know my name?" I said starting to get creeped out.
Then her face changed."Im your Fan!!"
Woah- Definitely didn't see that coming, i thought she was that 'one girl at school who tries to bring you down type.'
My eyes widened."My- f..aaan??" I spoke in disbelief.
"Yes i am!"She smile cheerfully.
"You didn't expect that did you?"She added.
I nodded slowly- trying to process what happened.
"I guess my acting skills is really good, i was just messing with you- i didn't know how to say hi to you without fangirling."She said.
How do i say this? It's my first time having a fan, do i give her a signature? Thank her? I don't know what to do!!
"Thank you for ughh... Idolizing me."I said.
"I should thank you! Your such a inspiration to me!"She giggled and added."And today i'll be paying for your lunch."She smiled.
Before i could even speak she added "no buts it's a offering to you."
She drag me out of the room and we walk down the hall with her friends on my side, and while on our way to the canteen- i catched a sight of jungkook with a girl on the other side of the hall.
I could automatically identified Jungkook because he's got a manly looks for a 20 year- old man (last year he's 19 but i put his korean age)
"Who's that with jungkook?"I asked my curiosity and they look to where i was looking.
"Oh- that's just another girl confessing."She said.
I look to her."Another?" I repeated what she said for confirmation.
She nodded."That's normal around here- every one gets rejected, who would accept a love and surrender their dream for it?" She said.
Well, that's the sad part of being a idol- you need to be fair with all your fans.
"Hey- i didn't mention to you all this time, but my name is Eun Hee."Eun Hee said.
I nodded "Arraseo." and we continued walking, we walk into the doors of the canteen-The annoying sound of friends chattering,laughing and even playing.
I spotted some other idols in a group with some body guards watching them what they eat and who they talk to.
Lucky me- im still a trainee but unfortunately that time for me will come, i gotta have fun with my last 7 months of being free.. well totally not that free but i can still do things that i want.
We walk to their a table which i assumed their territory."Just wait here- i'll buy you your food."Eun Hee whispered to my ear and i nodded and smile.
As she walk away i look around- searching for Jungkook then i spotted him looking for me too, then our gazes met and he walk towards me.
"How's class?"He said as he approach me.
"It was...fine."I said and i added"how about you?" I returned a question.
"It was fine."He took a deep breath and sigh.
I nodded."Is it hard if someone confess to you?"i asked.
"You saw it?"He said.
I nodded and he crossed his legs."Nah- i just automatically reject them, and say i still love them as a fan."
I whistled."What a international playboy." I scoffed,Then he smirked.
Then he recieved a phone call and answered it, he didn't say anything and put it down.
"KC-sshi, i'll just meet manager Seo Jin outside...see you later."He said.
I nodded and he lightly pat my shoulder and leave.
Then a few seconds later Eun Hee comeback with her friends with foods.
She then put infront of me a bowl of bulgogi with kimchi rice and a stawberry bingsu.
"Kamsamnida!" I smiled.
"Is Jungkook oppa leaving already?"She asked.
I gaze up to her and say "He's just meeting his manager."Eun Hee slowly nodded.
"How old are you by the way?"I asked.
"Im 17- just older to me by months."She stated then she smiled and added."Please eat well~~"
"Ne~"I replied with a smile and eat.
We are now outside lining up for our flag retreat,It was so crowded and thankfully i was at the back- with my height 5'6 making me the tallest girl in our class room.
The ceremony started and i spotted Jungkook.
After the flag ceremony we head back to our classrooom and wait for the bell to rang,Bang PDnim said that i should join Jungkook on the way back to the Agency as soon as possible to avoid the students on the way.
And that's my head start,i quickly grab my bag and say goodbye to Eun Hee when she grab my hand and i look back waiting for her to say anything.
"Umm... Im kind of in a hurry."I said while looking on our hands- waiting for her grip to lose.
" careful."A small smile appeared on her face,i couldn't puzzle up her face.Why do i feel nervous with her smile? As if... Uhhh never mind.
I nodded and she let go of my hand. I brisk my walk, avoiding students on the hall by swifting and twisting my body as i avoid.
Finally i arrived at the van and i hop in- Jungkook wasn't there yet so i asked Oppa Nam Yoong.
"Oppa Yoong did you see Jungkook?"I asked.
"No, i haven't seen him yet."He said and added."I thought you two are classmates."
"Unfortunately were not."I said, then a few seconds someone opened the door and appeared to be Jungkook.
"Sorry im late-."
He closed the door behind him before any students could enter and students began tapping outside the window begging for jungkook.
"Shall we go?"Oppa Nam Yoong said.
We nodded and drove out of the campus.
It was really quiet as we travel back to the Agency- as i stare out to the tinted windows i started to think- well i could say overthink if Jungkook really did mean that.
I wanted to say something or atleast confront and confirm what he said but something is telling me that this is not the right time.
"We're here."Oppa Yoong said.
Jungkook opened the door and i was about to head in to the Agency-
That Familiar voice that i missed for so long, My heart raced and i looked back- I finally saw the face i haven't seen in 2 months.
I look to the other side and see
You don't know how much i missed that face.
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