prologue | a new beginning
Mirabelle Elizabeth Allan had died, she remembered the afterlife vividly. It wasn't like anything anyone really expected, but in a way she found it oddly calming. Soothing and comfortable, she lived out her greatest fantasy in there; a life with Peter. One with children and a house with a picket fence. One where she helped him work on his suits, where she helped him fight crimes and run Stark Industries after Tony passed.
But she knew none of that would ever happen. Peter would move on one day, that's what she wanted, at least. And when that happened she would hope that he would find someone to settle down with, someone to have children with and spend the rest of his life with. Because she couldn't give him that. Out of everything in the afterlife, that's what depressed her most. She was exploring it at a young age without the person she died loving, the person she didn't get to tell so.
Somehow it all changed, though, she went from just overseeing, watching him and guiding him through his day to being right behind him. When she died, she had felt powerless, left with nothing said and nothing that felt quite finished. Her life had only just begun and then it had already ended. Just as she started to get to the good parts - the falling in love, the falling out of love, the pure joy and the pure sadness. She never got to experience the trials that life put through anyone - except for well, immense stress and pain.
She found herself staring at Peter, almost as if she was right there with him. That was new. But then again, she had no idea what the afterlife could truly do, so she thought it off and started to walk off. Maybe then she'd be able to go back to normal, not send herself spiraling down as she was forced to stare directly into his eyes.
As she walked, although, it suddenly hit her. She was actually breathing - one of the few things you didn't do in the afterlife - and that was new for her. Her throat and chest burned with a fire that she hadn't felt before, well except for when she ran that fire.
Her mind had so many thoughts racing and she couldn't come to just one idea, one point to think of, except for why. Why was she brought back. Why was she so important. Not even just why, but how. How had she come back. How is she doing this. How will others react.
How would Peter react to her being alive after she just put him through the worst torture in his life. So she decided to study, understand what it was that brought her back only three months after she had been dead.
And so she studied, for seven whole months she studied up on what she could find. She stayed hidden, sometimes she'd follow Peter and try to stay as hidden as she could. But there were the times when she would wish and hope he saw her, although she knew it was against everything she wanted. She studied more about herself, her new abilities provided by the stone of power itself. Giving her the life she so needed, giving her the ability to destroy it. She found out about that in a book called the seven nation army, a tale about how seven people would be stuck with the power to an infinity stone, the ability to break it fell in their power.
After those seven months, though, Mirabelle Elizabeth Allan had had enough of waiting in the dark for something bad to happen. For something to happen to Peter so she could swoop in, so she decided to show herself.
Her heart pounded as her legs carried her around the school she used to go to, she remembered it all. Every laugh, every smile, every memory she ever shared with anybody there. It was the best time of her life, it was the time that she was carefree and in love. Completely and utterly in love. She found her heart racing more at the voices speaking, Ned and Peter. Of whom she only heard the last bit of their conversation.
"Well yeah, Peter, she's dead."
"Who said I'm dead," Mirabelle let her shaky voice call out, clutching the sides of her brown leather jacket in anxiousness.
Peter turned around, a small tear traveling down his cheek and a small smile on his face. The minute he saw Mirabelle, her face and her body standing right before him he took off running. Yearning for her touch, to see if she was truly alive, because if she wasn't - he wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Luckily, she was. And though questions were still left unanswered he decided to do the one thing he always said and felt as though he wished to do. He stuck his lips onto of hers, finally taking out the box on his bucket list - Kiss Mirabelle Elizabeth Allan.
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