BRONWYN IS in a particular hurry to go to Mary's Diner today for some reason, even if there is no explanation for her frantic movements and constant glances at her phone.
After all, we passed our last exams at the University of New Haven and we don't have a date with Peter or Dean either. As far as I can tell, the two of them are not even in Connecticut.
They are at a campsite in Massachusetts because Dean has never gone camping before and really wanted to do it after he graduates.
I have to smile when he almost proudly shows me his hiking rucksack plus the camping equipment he bought especially for it. Peter was also immediately on fire, but he goes along with every crazy thing that goes through Dean's head anyway.
"Hurry up, Syd." Bronwyn taps away stressed on her display, brushing her dark brown long hair out of her face. "I hope you haven't had dinner yet."
Frowning, I tie my unruly blonde curls back. "Honestly, I have."
Vehemently, she shakes her head. "Cornflakes and chocolate don't count."
"True again."
For the past few days, I've been walking around the apartment like a zombie when I get hungry in between my study sessions. And since Bronwyn didn't have time to cook either, I had to subsist on those two things. Maybe it really will do me good to go out to eat sometime.
"Who are you texting with anyway?", I ask her, "Peter?"
"What?" Almost caught, she raises her head. "Oh, right, yeah. It's just Peter. He's just feeding some ducks by the lake and trying to teach them tricks. They don't really listen to him."
Irritated, I look at her.
"You need to hurry up, Syd." Like a madwoman, Bronwyn runs into my room and rummages around in my wardrobe. "And we really need to go shopping for clothes as well. Or I'll sew you something again because you don't have anything to wear."
I look down at myself and don't understand what's wrong with my normal jeans and dark red jumper. It's just Bronwyn and I going out for dinner, isn't it?
"Here." She thrusts a slinky silver dress into my hands, one that would practically show my entire back. I don't know why I end up squeezing into this dress ─ maybe because Bronwyn is wearing one too and she looks like this evening is very important to her. As far as I know, she only needs me and herself dolled up when she and Peter are arguing, but not even then is she so frantic.
Luckily, the two of them hardly ever have any arguments, because I've had enough of any college parties.
Frowning, I adjust my dress. "Did you get into a fight with Pee again, Bron?", I ask defiantly for good measure.
"No," she replies with a smile as she ties my hair in the back. "I just want you to have the best evening ever tonight. There is nothing wrong between Peter and me."
I hope so, after all, the two of them ─ just like Dean and I ─ have been together for over four years. When I think about how quickly the time and studies have passed, I could almost start crying. But at the same time, I know that a new phase of life will soon be upon Dean and me because we have already been looking for houses near Bronwyn and Peter. Dean's standards are just awfully high and his urge to buy the perfect home is pretty strong.
"You want a pool bigger than our bedroom?", I asked him with a laugh, when he told me about his dream home.
Dean grinned his old familiar dimpled grin. "That's right, Curly. And a bathroom with a shower that should be even bigger. After all, we need space when ─"
"We have wild sex in the shower?", I finished his sentence still laughing. "Dean, I want everything to be perfect and huge when we move too, but we don't have to live in pure luxury for that. I rather want a cozy home with comfortable furnishings, nice carpets, huge pictures, and matching decorations. I want us both to decide what we want it to look like and most of all I want you to stop looking at that pool on the website like you're a little kid."
Caught, he leaned back, whereupon I had the perfect view of his naked torso. We were sitting in his bed four days ago ─ both of us unclothed ─ looking at various real estate houses on the internet. "Okay, you might be right. I just want ..." He lets the sentence hang in the air and throws me a thoughtful smile. "I just want it to be perfect for us and our future family, you know?"
I still have tears of joy in my eyes when I think of his words. And of the loving sex that was truly incredible ─
"Syd!" Bronwyn grabs my hand and practically pulls me out of the dorm with her
"Am I being kidnapped right now?", I ask jokingly, and the fact that Bronwyn doesn't answer the question doesn't necessarily lessen my anxiety. What the hell is she up to?
She doesn't say a word as we drive towards Mary's Diner and seems more nervous than I've ever seen her. Has Bronwyn joined the CIA recently? Is she working as a secret agent and taking me on one of her missions?
I've been watching too many movies. But in my defense, she is acting suspiciously.
She parks the car crookedly in front of the diner, then hastily gets out and pulls me with her.
I falter when she has no intention of entering the restaurant. "Bronwyn, what ─"
She suddenly turns to me and hugs me effusively. I didn't fail to notice that she is smiling but has tears in her eyes at the same time, which doesn't necessarily reassure me. Now she even sniffles in the pit of my throat and says, "I'm so incredibly happy for you, Syd."
"Um, me too?", I retort in confusion as she opens the door for me and practically pushes me over the threshold.
I have to collect myself before I look around and catch sight of none other than Dean in a darkly lit booth.
He is wearing a tailor-made suit and holding a huge bouquet of roses, which makes my jaw drop. When I see two women at the next table giving him suggestive looks, which he ignores, I'm done collecting myself after Bronwyn's strange behavior.
I walk quickly towards Dean's table and he notices me from a distance. I take in everything about him, his short dark brown hair, the flash in his dark eyes that tells me exactly that he's up to something crazy, and the typical dimpled grin that is solely dedicated to me.
Dean rises from his chair and spreads his arms with the roses in his hand, grinning. "Is this performance too dramatic for my liking?"
I don't hesitate but run towards him laughing and throw myself into his strong arms, which lift me up and swing me through the air laughing as well.
Dean hasn't been in New Haven for exactly four days and actually wanted to stay another three days in Massachusetts, but he has obviously changed his mind. And I'm glad he did because I've missed him, even though he hasn't really been gone very long.
The truth is, since Dean was taken from me exactly twice four years ago, I'm still panicking, unfortunately, that at some point I'll walk into his flat and he won't be there. And even though he assures me that it can't happen again, it's hard for me to shake off that fear for good.
For a while, I've been so paranoid that I haven't left his side. Dean did enjoy my constant presence anytime and anywhere at first ─ even when he just had to go to the bathroom ─ but at some point, we had a serious talk about distance and privacy that I desperately needed to avoid clinging too much.
"You bought me roses," I state again in surprise.
Dean squints his eyes a little. "Too dramatic after all?"
"In my opinion, you've had more dramatic performances, Dean Avens. For example, when you banged on my door the first time we met. Or when ─"
"That wasn't our first encounter." Dean puts his hands on my hips and pulls me towards him to give me a kiss that makes my knees wobble. I moan softly as I feel his tongue against my lips, running his hands gently over my ass. "But I'd be happy to refresh your memory from our first encounter, Sydney."
I swallow hard and bury my fingernails in the fabric of his suit. "Did you buy this specifically for this?"
"Maybe," he replies with a grin. "You like it?"
More than I admit.
Dean smirks. "Come here." He pulls me with him into the alcove where we both sit down on the chairs opposite each other. In front of me are two glasses of wine and some bread, from which I take a slice. He watches me as I chew slowly and moan loudly on purpose, which unfortunately the two women at the next table also notice.
Strangely, they are now giving Dean and me suggestive looks.
I quickly turn my head back to Dean. "We're being watched."
"I'd be disappointed if no one was watching you in that dress, Curly."
Grinning, I roll my eyes. "Says the one in the sexy suit."
"I knew you'd like him." Dean thrusts a card into my hands and continues talking before I can open my mouth. "I know what you're going to ask, but no, I'm not going to tell you where this night is going just yet. It's a surprise."
And I love it when Dean surprises me.
His crazy brain comes up with the most outlandish things. But I can't complain when, for example, he wakes me up early at four o'clock and says that we have to catch our flight to Spain in two hours ─ it was one of the best surprise holidays ever ─ or when he spontaneously takes me on some mountain hikes ─ admittedly, those were rather less enjoyable outings that I associate more with foot pain and calf cramps.
Dean orders tomato courgette tartelettes, which I already had to scrutinize when Avery and Jeremy ordered them here once. My big brother and Avery are now married and still happy, except for the fact that they have two little babies screaming in their ears all day.
Dean and I have decided since holding the twins, Phoebe and Wren, that we don't want to be parents anytime soon. I mean, Jeremy's kids are absolutely adorable, but I don't think I'm ready to take care of such little creatures at twenty-four.
After I order a portion of noodles with vegetables and tofu, Dean tells me about his camping trip with Peter and I tell him about my last exams, which I finally got over. I can't wait to be able to work with children, just like I've always wanted to do.
Dean finished his studies a year ago and is dealing with the trauma of prison inmates who feel the same way he did back then. Most have been innocently convicted and have great difficulty enjoying their newfound freedom. I am proud of him for choosing this field. And I am happy because he also really enjoys this work.
"Have you checked in with your parents again?", I ask Dean because he is in a particularly good mood right now and I am usually the one who reminds him of his parents.
Dean's grin slips a little. "Well, I sent my dad a meme a few days ago about an innocent prison inmate."
My eyes widen in disbelief.
"He didn't reply to it," Dean adds. "And I asked my mom how she was doing. She said she's been feeling better since the therapy sessions."
Dean's mom has dealt with her guilt and distrust of her son much less than Dean's dad. She's been talking to a psychologist about it weekly for two years, but the fact that she and Richard Avens have now filed for divorce has made her mental state worse again.
"Have you contacted your parents yet?" asks Dean as he runs the flat of his hand over his striking face. He won't admit it, but I know he secretly wishes there was something he could do for his mom.
Sighing, I sip the wine, which tastes surprisingly sweet. "Not since she and Dad 'forgot' to come to Jeremy's wedding. I actually thought we'd put our family drama behind us, but I guess I was wrong. Dad's not answering my calls, as usual, and Mom just texted me saying she'd be in touch soon." Unsatisfied, I prop my chin on my hands. "And surprise! She hasn't shown any sign of life since."
Dean reaches across the table for my right hand and places a gentle kiss on my knuckles. "Families are complicated."
I swallow hard. "True."
"But a very intelligent person once said to me, 'Home is not where we grew up. Home is where we choose to live by choice." Again he kisses me, only this time on my wrist. "And that person was damn right."
I shudder. "That person is always right."
"Sometimes," Dean counters, grinning.
"Most of the time," I interject, also grinning.
We finish eating and are given two fortune biscuits by a nice-looking waiter, which leaves me a little confused. "Since when is Mary's Diner a Chinese restaurant?", I ask Dean when the waiter is out of earshot.
Dean just shrugs, though there's a knowing smile on his lips.
Suspiciously, I tear open the paper and break the biscuit in half. I have always read through the wisdom note before eating the biscuit. Jeremy does the same.
My breath catches as I read through the five most meaningful words ever.
Sydney, will you marry me?
Speechless, I look up. "Is that ... did you ... how did you ..." I can't get a coherent sentence out.
This kind of marriage proposal can really only come from a completely insane Dean. The words on the note blur before my eyes because I suddenly have tears in my eyes, which make it out of the corners of my eyes after only a short time.
Dean grins his typical dimpled grin. "So my note says 'Oh yes, Dean, absolutely!" but of course, that could just be a coincidence."
A laugh escapes me that simultaneously sounds like a sob and sounds like I have the hiccups. A few restaurant guests look at us and follow the action intently. At the moment Dean literally gets down on his knees in front of me, two things happen: everyone in the diner takes an audible breath. And I am so shocked that I knock over my plate, which still has two noodles on it, which now fly into Dean's face.
He laughs softly and closes his eyes briefly. "Was that a no?"
"No!", I shout quickly, almost panicking. I'm so excited that my hands shake incessantly. "I mean yes! No. Was it? Please say something so I don't babble on and ruin this absolutely wonderful moment ─"
"Sydney," Dean says softly, placing a hand on my bare leg. "Calm down, okay? Because, no matter how excited you are right now ... believe me, I'm more excited." He exhales shakily, then throws me a warm smile. "I love you."
"I love you too," I whisper with tears in my eyes.
My heartbeat doubles as I spy the ring wedged between his thumb and forefinger. It is not ostentatious at all but has a small sparkling stone that magically attracts my eyes. I can't wait to slip it over my ring finger.
"Curly? Can I propose to you now?"
I nod my head vigorously, trying to throw him a smile that doesn't look completely insane. "Yes, Dean, you are hereby allowed to propose to me."
A couple of restaurant patrons laugh softly.
"I'm so infinitely lucky to have you." Dean's voice and facial expression is nowhere near as confident as it was a moment ago. For some reason, it reassures me a little that he shares my nervousness at this moment. "I've realized several things over the last four years, Curly. First, you have a lot of patience with me when it comes to what are often untransferable ideas I have about some things."
I have a lot of patience with him? Anyone who lives with me needs the patience of twenty people put together, in my opinion.
"Secondly, you are probably the most loving and caring person I know," Dean says with a love in his eyes that gives me goosebumps. "There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I've somehow doubted the two of us, no matter what absurd things we've argued about. I knew from the beginning, from the first time we met, that I'd be kneeling here in front of you at some point."
I press a hand on my lips to keep from sobbing aloud. From the crowd, I hear a few oh's and ah's, which the guests probably can't hold back either.
"And thirdly," Dean takes a deep breath and then raises his head, "I know that I want to spend my whole life with this patient and loving person in front of me. That's why I'm going to ask you the question that was on the fortune biscuit I ordered online, properly again."
Laughter rings out, including mine. I don't think I've ever been happier than I am at this moment. But that's exactly what I've thought in endless moments with Dean and he always proves me wrong.
Dean holds up the beautiful ring and throws me an irresistible smile. "Sydney, will you marry me?"
No one in the diner even dares to breathe as my lips form into a huge grin. "Oh yes, Dean, absolutely!"
He lets out a relieved laugh, then I'm already falling into his arms and covering his whole face with kisses. The guests cheer and clap like crazy while Dean and I are glued to each other for an almost uncomfortably long time, but I don't care. After all, it's the moment I've kind of always dreamed of. So I get to kiss Dean for as long as I want.
Eventually, I let go of him. We both straighten up and smile at each other in love. Excruciatingly slowly, he slips the engagement ring over my finger, but I don't rush him, because he now wants to savor this moment completely.
When our eyes meet again, his grin intensifies. "So, what do you think? How crazy was that proposal?"
"Dean-crazy, I'd say." Satisfied, I wrap my arms around him ─ around my fiancé. Then I place my lips on his again, whereupon Dean grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer to him. He takes in every sound I make and kisses me so intensely that my knees go weak.
Breathless, I break away from him, but I don't get a chance to say anything because suddenly Bronwyn and Peter literally jump next to us and push the guests standing in Dean's and my way aside.
Bronwyn has a party hat on and Peter is whistling his whistle to all the guests in the diner. "NOW MAKE WAY FOR MR AND MRS AVENS!"
I'm smiling so hard right now that even my cheeks hurt.
I would like to thank ungekuesst a huge thank you. Thank you so much for allowing me to translate dean walker. The story is breathtaking.
Him falling first>>>
The chapter,,Moodboard" is for you, because there are all the aesthetics that inspired me during reading and I pieced them together. I dedicate the chapter entirely to you.
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