Dean: You sure this is right?
Seth: Definitely. The clue was "what was once dark and shifty, weary of golden flame is now worn out yet shiny and so Fucking lame" so clearly, it means, Vampires!
Kevin: Woah Woah Woah. Vampires aren't lame. You've seen Edward's abs Right? Please tell me you've seen 'em.
Sami: ......... You are a strange, fat... man.
Seth: okay we gotta find count dracula and get the next clue before Simon kills him. So I say we split up into teams.
Dean: Fine. Cool guys vs. the nerds.
Seth: okay okay. Come on fellow cool guy. Let's hunk the fuck outta dracula.
Sami: We'll have to fight endless hoards of hellbeasts to get to the count but I think team cool guys can do it!
Seth and Sami enter the building.
Dean: Oh That's adorable. They think they're cool.
Dean: This is just the first room and I'm already exhausted. We're never gonna find this guy.
Kevin: There he is.
Kevin: No! Please don't turn us into vampires! Unless we get abs. Do we get abs? Because I could really be talked into that.
Dracula: I'm not going to do any of that. I'm just glad to have some visitors.
Dean: Nice. I already forgot why we came here.
Kevin: Uh we had to ask count chocula Something. Umm... Eh I'm sure the dorks on team dork will remember.
Seth and Sami walked in.
Seth: The Fuck? Did you guys find dracula? Did you get the riddle?
Dean: Oh yeah. The whole stupid quest thing. Hey Dracula, do you have a clue or riddle about finding the creator?
Dracula: Oh yes. On to the clue, To find the creator, you need the half naked man!
Seth: The hell does that mean?
Dracula: no idea.
He passes out.
Sami: I think I know.
End of Chapter
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