The Epoch
Dean and Seth are at Dean's house Staring at the poster.
Seth: come on Dean Change the channel.
Dean gets up.
Dean: I need a poster remote.
He puts a Rapper poster up.
Seth: Ugh no we've seen this one like 50 times.
Dean puts another poster up.
Seth: Oh God what is this, Saw?
Dean: It's either Tom berenger or uhhh Cow Giving birth. Either way, we've officially bottomed out.
Seth: these special effects are terrible.
Dean sits back on The couch with Seth.
Dean: Hey, Why The Fuck aren't we at Your Mansion Anyway?
Seth: oh I threw This Huge Party for 3 days. So my place had to air out after all that Ziggler Ass Wine.
Dean: Ugh. Why wasn't I invited?
Seth: nobody wanted to see your Fucking face after that whole Space Chicken thing.
Dean: oh yeah... That makes sense.
Seth: yeah you kinda lost your shit. Anyway let's just watch this trainwreck.
Dean: That's It! I'm Tom Berenger!
Seth: I like where this is heading continue.
Dean: Tom Berenger Used to be Awesome like Me! But now he's just a joke... Like
He looks at Seth
Dean: You. Plus he looks like if Hogan and sable had a baby, and that baby getting Terrible plastic surgery.
Seth: you wanna get plastic surgery?
Dean: No idiot! I'm gonna travel back in time to stop myself from blowing all my money!
Seth: seems like there's gonna be a lot of holes in this Season's story.
Dean: ehh deal with it.
Somewhere else....
Dean walks inside as he sees his Ex Girlfriend, Becky Lynch
Becky: Look who Decided to show his Stupid Face!
There was the sound of kids crying.
Becky: Max! Shut those kids up. And I told you 10 times to take out the trash! You Bastard.
(Max because I couldn't find another name)
Dean: hey you and Max started a Family
The kids walked in.
Dean: Those are some ugly Fucking...
He saw they looked a bit like him.
Dean: .... Oh shit.
Becky: Yeah! Look familiar? You knocked me up and left me with the wonder Twins over here! You owe me some SERIOUS child support.
Dean: yeah umm I already have a kid and she's literally a monster. I just need to borrow the Epoch for a second.
He hops into the Epoch.
Becky: Woah Woah Woah! What the hell for?
Dean: well I'm saving my own career but uh... Clearly there's something I need to take care of first!
Dean: okay I just got to not Bone Becky and I'm kid-free.
Past Becky: Hurry up Deanie, I'm ready for you 😉
In The Room.....
Dean: There was something I was supposed to do... AW FUCK
1992 (5 Minutes earlier)....
Dean hears Becky.
Past Becky: Hurry up Deanie, I'm ready for you 😉
In The Room.....
Dean: DAMMIT!!!
1992 (Last Time I swear)....
Past Becky: Hurry up Deanie, I'm ready for you 😉
Dean points at the door.
The "camera" Reveals Kevin dressed as Dean.
Kevin (As Dean): on my way, Sugar tits!
Kevin walks into the room.
Dean: Okay. Now to save my Career
End of Chapter
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