The Creator (FINALE)
Dean's Apartment...
Dean: So we're just going to spend the last chapter sitting quietly on my Piss Soaked Couch.
Seth: Just shut up I'm trying to figure out the last clue and- Wait, is that why this thing is always wet? Jesus I'm glad this is almost over.
Dean: Come on man, figure that clue out already! Do something constructive for once!
Seth: Hey, I've been solving clues this whole time why don't you figure it out Asshole! "When at The Title, The code is the key"
Dean: 💡 Oh I got it! Come on hurry!
He runs out of the door.
Seth: Can't you just tell me now?
Dean: There's no Time!
Seth: Okay, clearly we got time now, can you just fucking tell me?
Dean: ......No Time!
Eventually The Cover of The Book popped up...
Seth: What are we doing HERE?
Dean: This is it! On the Book Screen you can use the skip feature to jump to any Chapter you want!
Seth: Great Job Dean!
Dean: Alright here we go!
He Pushes the Chapter Button and it shows every Chapter in the book.
Seth: Holy Shit! Look at this! It's all our Chapters! We have done a lot of stupid shit.
Dean: YOU have. I'm Awesome! Look there it is! The creator!
He pushes The Creator Chapter.
Dean: Woah! Looks like I'm inside a giant pillow!
Seth: oh shit! There he is! The creator!
???: oh I'm not the creator! I'm santa clause!
Dean: Ugh! We've been through this a million times already! If you're not the creator then get the hell out of the way!
Seth: Think we're ever gonna find this guy?
Dean: I dunno. I'm ready to give up. I hear lordan Taylor's hiring.
Seth: that wouldn't be so bad.
As The light fades, there stood.... M.V.P.
MVP: Hey there fellas.
Seth: Not now MVP we're thinking here!
Dean: WAIT! YOU? How the hell can you be the creator? You were a 1 dimensional basketball star in the 80s
MVP: I can reb- look, when you reset the world, I was assigned as the creator.
Seth: Anyway, Montel, we got so many questions for you. Like, what's the meaning of life? And why are kardashians a thing?
Dean: Yeah and what was the deal of giving me that cat.
MVP: Slow Down, first, you must make the hardest decision of your life. You Must KILL YOUR LEADER!
Dean: Kill Jesus? No Way!
MVP: No, Me! Honestly I would've assumed you would've known that after The clues, the changes.
Boom!! Dean shot him.
Dean: Done.
Seth: We uh.... We never asked him why he was fucking with us.
Dean: Right. Montel, Why were you fucking with us-
Seth: no. He's dead Dean...
Dean: I know... Montel Why were you fucking with us....
Seth: He's dead Dean you shot him in the head.
Dean: I know but there's like a buffer.
Seth: Dean there's no buffer. So.... Now what?
Dean and Seth started levitating..
Dean: Woah!
Seth: What's going on!
They floated to the top level.
Dean: oh Shit! Is this my chair!? Does this mean?
He floated to it and it sat him down.
Dean: Yes! I! AM! GOD!
Seth: so what does that make Me?
Dean: I dunno. God's secretary? Look you can fly now! That's cool right.
Seth: Hmmmm I guess it IS Kinda cool.
Dean: Hang on. Just testing my new powers.
AJ's Office....
AJ: I am bored... So I'm singing the super ma-
He starts Flying...
AJ: Oh What's going on? I don't like floating in the air!
His statue is floating too.
AJ: What's that look in your eye statue! NO! GET AWAY FROM MY ASS! AHHHH!!
Dean was finished messing with him.
Dean: Finally! I've got the best job Ever!
Let's see what's going on with everyone else....
Dolph Ziggler is living a happy life terrorizing Local villages and making Ass Wine.
Drew Mcintyre is currently at large for murdering over 600,000 people. He's considered the LeBron James of Murdering.
Brain and Soniqua's Show "Grossy and The Freak" is the #1 show on TV. They live on mars.
Roman: Duh Duh Duh Duh It's hit The B Square! *Sigh* I wish I was Dead.
Roman Never figured out how to make himself a full character again. He works 39 hours a week at Burger Time, he misses his Boxing Gloves.
Pixie Potato passed out 3 days ago. Someone please check on her. We're worried. (No we're not)
Kevin and Sami opened a Beachfront Cafe. They're biggest selling item is the "Coke on Tits Breakfast Bonanza"
Dean: okay I'm bored. Let's get Kevin and Sami and fuck up Roman's House.
Seth: Let's go.
This is The End of Dean Ambrose For Hire.
I'm happy that it ended like this.
So, I'd like to thank legitboss234 and simmywwe for reading this book the most.
Now, here's what's going on in my writing from here on until January.
I'm going to be taking a break from Writing UNTIL January.
I've been Writing non-stop for over a year now and that kinda wears you down.
However, if you want, I'll upload a one shot every couple of weeks in the meantime.
See You In The next book.... PROJECT 2021!!!!!!!!!
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