Dean: This... Isn't Right.
Roman: I dunno. Those Boxing Gloves look all kinds of right to me.
Seth: Yeah, no this isn't right. We gotta kill our other selves before things start to go crazy.
Dean already Ripped out clone Dean's spine.
Dean: Kill what now?
Roman killed Clone Roman and Kevin did the same for his clone.
Dean: okay. Now what.
Something fell on Kevin's head.
Kevin: Aw man I think a bird just shit on my head! Oh wait that's good luck!
Seth: uhhh that was a Piece of Space... I think the world is starting to fall apart! Sami we gotta hurry up and kill ourselves!
Dean: Yes. Finally!!
Seth: I meant the other versions of us.
Dean: ohhh.
Sami's old Dump of a house....
Dean: That stupid fish is still dead.
Sami comes in with his clone.
Seth: What the Fuck Sami you're supposed to kill him.
Sami: I tried but, he's just so damn good looking.
Dean: Don't Tell me you....
Sami: Yep.
More pieces of space keep falling down.
Seth: okay don't panic. I'll kill myself and things should be fine.
They end up in MS Paint and it erased Clone Sami
Back to normal
Seth: What the fuck?
They're all dinosaurs
Seth: is Happening?
They're all cardboard cutouts.
Sami: Woah WOAH! Where are we?
Kevin: oh my God I Fucking love this place!!
Dean: I can not stare into this guy's dead eyes. Roman, Fucking say something Roman! Say Something! Roman, Roman say something!!
Sami: Dean okay calm down! It's okay, we're all gonna get out of here! It's all gonna be fine!
Seth: shit I don't think we're gonna get outta here!
They're back to normal only with changing background.
Kevin: woah woah woah woah! Hang on I got a question! Now, is Sami having sex with himself considered Gay or Masturbation?
Back at Sami's house...
Dean: we gotta get out of here!!
They all Ran Back to Dean's crappy Apartment.
Seth: um this probably isn't the best time for this but I never got a chance to Kill myself. I was kinda looking forward to that.
(A/N: He Means Clone Seth)
The entire apartment started fading too.
Kevin: ahh I think this is Game Over!!
Kevin, Sami, Roman and Seth were all panicking!
Dean: I was hoping it would never come to this.
He Runs To a Giant Phone in the room and pushes RESET Button.
The World Reset to Nothing but a Giant White Space.
Everyone was Still alive but they were all Tiny Dots
. .
Dean: And you're welcome
End of Season 6!!!
So the entire World has been reset and Dean, Seth, Sami, Kevin and Roman Have all been turned into dots.
Season 7 is The FINAL SEASON!!!
Hope you're looking forward to it
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