At Burger Time....
Dean: Hey Roman.
Roman: Hey Get the hell out of here!
Dean: look I know I messed up and I was hoping if you could find it in your heart to give me a second chance.
Roman: I'm still washing Ambrose Jizz off the deep fryers. And what's with the nice guy act? You better not be trying to goodie your way to my fortunes and my moped.
Dean: Not At all. The days of me being a heartless Asshole are over.
Roman: I don't know if you're ready to start Frying and Buying, but you actually seem sincere so I'll start you at the drive through window. Don't make me regret this.
Dean: I won't. And I definitely won't smoke crack in the bathroom.
Roman: okay so- wait. Why'd you bring up smoking crack?
Dean: What? It's nothing. I started smoking crack for a while but I already kicked it.
Roman: uhhh okay. I guess. Here's your first customer. Don't fuck it up.
Dean: Welcome to Burger Time where it's always Beef o' Clock. May I take your order.
He hears a familiar voice
Seth: yes I will have a- HAHAHAHA Look at this Fucking loser. What's up you Loser Asshole Loser.
Seth was wearing shades and was driving a Fararri.
Dean: oh. Hey Seth. Nice to see you and not dead after exploding All my money and ruining my life.
Seth: yeah. Blowing up your stupid money blew up my bank account bitch. You're looking at the star of the biggest iPhone game in history. It's called-
Dean: let me guess, Blow it up.
Seth: Cash Explosion! Fucking moron.
Dean: You gonna order something or what?
Seth: yeah get me 2 burgers and a shake, Dust for brains.
Dean: Here. That'll be 6 Dollars and. Really Seth. It was great seeing you.
Seth: yeah, it's good Being me! Eat shit loser!
He throws the shake at Dean's Face and drives off.
Roman: what are you doing? Your shift just started.
Dean: well, I'm definitely not going to smoke crack in the bathroom and then burn this place down with my crack pipe.
The Restaurant is burnt down by Dean's crackpipe.
Roman: well At least I still got my moped.
Dean drove Roman's moped away.
Dean: This should buy me some great crack.
End of Chapter
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