Burger Time!
Dean: Hey Roman. You Work Here?
Roman: Work Here? More Like, Own It! Frying & Buying! You're Looking at The 4th Largest Burger Franchise Brand South of LA.
Dean: ohhh Good For You
Roman: Fuck Yeah It's Good For Me. You See That Moped Outside?
Dean: No. I Can't Really See It. I Think The Tree's Blocking It.
Roman: Own That Too. Frying & Buying! Alright Look sharp Rookie. You Got Your First Customer.
Kevin: Why Hello Dean!
Dean: Ugh. Shitballs
Kevin: Gimme 4 Burgers Pronto!
Roman: Great Choice Kevin. Trainee, Follow Me To The Kitch!
Kevin: Hey Make Sure That Rat Washes His Hands. I've seen how he cleans toilets.
The Kitchen....
Roman: Take It In New Guy. Here's Where All The Magic Happens.
Dean: What's Up With The Mutant Egg & Shit.
Roman: Just Kill 'em & Put Them In The Burgers. Frying & Buying Baby! Frying & Buying!
Dean: Stop saying Frying & B- Oh Whatever
He Cooks The Burgers.
At The Counter...
Dean: Here You Go.
Kevin: Took Ya Long Enough.
Kevin starts Munching Burgers
Kevin: Oh My God These Are So Good.
Dean: You Like Those Burgers evin? Good. I Hope You Choke on 'em You Fat Piece of Shit.
Roman: Dean get The Hell out of Here
Dean: back off I'm Out of Here.
Back Home....
Dean was Sitting on The Couch When Seth Came.
Seth: Why are You So Happy.
Dean: Oh No Reason. Hey I Got an Idea. Let's Watch The Surveillance Tape of Me Making Kevin's Food.
Dean Shows The Surveillance Tape & Pauses It
Dean: Looks Like Kevin Ordered The "Special Sause"
Seth: Hahahahaha Oh Man, That is Awesome. Hey Isn't This Sami Zayn's TV?
Dean: Heh Heh Heh, Yeah I'm a Dick.
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